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Thanks so much for stopping by-
You probably found this page because you're having trouble sleeping--and it's wearing you out! You're looking for a way to feel rested and refreshed again.
I totally get it. These days, more than ever, most of us are just exhausted almost all of the time. For Americans, being tired is like a badge of courage. But more and more it's clear this is not a healthy way to live. The CDC says about 100 million people are sleep deprived. And that's not right.
I built this system with the help of a renowned scientist a few years back, because basically, I was sleeping horribly. I knew there had to be a way to get rest without resorting to pills or counting sheep.
So I did it--the protocol just took 2 weeks--and it is not exagerating to say it changed my life.
That's why I'm sharing the Day Circadian Rest: Discover Your Sleep Gate from Tech Wellness Our bodies were designed to wake and sleep with the natural rhythm of our physical world. Our Master Clocks have become confused by our always-on, geared to go life styles and our glowing screens that beckon to us hundreds of times a day. Stimulating late nights and jam packed early mornings mean sleep isn't a priority which in turn can lead to mental and physical issues. Some resort to sedatives that can lead to feeling even groggier and use stimulants in the morning just to keep up.
But the great news is that you can turn it around in just 14 short days!
Follow the simple but important steps each day and we'll get you back in sync with the natural and health enhancing rhythm that enhances your sleep and relaxation. -No drugs , no hypnosis, no counting sheep. Change the way you sleep and change your life.
Be Well,