Someone Taking Your Charging Cable? Not So Fast With These Cord and Cable Labels
Someone Taking Your Charging Cable? Not So Fast With These Cord and Cable Labels
Someone Taking Your Charging Cable? Not So Fast With These Cord and Cable Labels
Someone Taking Your Charging Cable? Not So Fast With These Cord and Cable Labels
Someone Taking Your Charging Cable? Not So Fast With These Cord and Cable Labels
Someone Taking Your Charging Cable? Not So Fast With These Cord and Cable Labels
Someone Taking Your Charging Cable? Not So Fast With These Cord and Cable Labels

Someone Taking Your Charging Cable? Not So Fast With These Cord and Cable Labels

Regular price $14.99 Sale

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A place where we don't "borrow" charging cables just isn't normal in any good old fashioned American home.  Right?  And it happens in offices, apartments, sorority houses and dorms and just about everywhere someone needs, really needs that charging cable or adapter. 

But now there is a solution to disappearing charging cords. Cable Labels.

And it's a cute and easy one.  Label your cords and cables with this hand Cable Label Kit.  You get 6 Cord and Cable Covers and a Pen to personalize them with.

Fun and easy and effective.  That cord is yours and now everyone knows!

Choose Gray and White Cord and Cable Labels  or Multi Colored Heart Labels.



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