Grounding, Earthing, and the Benefits of Touching the Earth - The Right Way To Ground
Updated 2024
A natural, barefoot grounding walk is a basic digital well-being strategy to connect to the earth and disconnect from technology.
Sleep Better Without WiFi and Phones Says Science. 6 Sleep Sanctuary Tips
Are you sleeping with your phone in your room or on your pillow? Is Your WiFi Powered On While You Try to Get To Sleep?
You're not alone...
Looking For The Truth About How Man-Made EMF Radiation can Affect You? Voltage Gated Calcium Channels Are The Key
There are so many untruths about EMFs. It's time you knew the truth. This article has it-reviewed and edited by one of the world's leading scientists on the subject.
Why A Laptop Does Not Belong On Your Lap: Dirty Electricity, EMF Radiation And Your Health
There's a lot of EMF radiation and magnetic electromagnetic fields coming from your laptop!
The first step to eliminating hidden EMF radiation in y...
Your iPhone and Smartphone Can Plug Into the Internet! Here's How Hard Wire for No EMF
EMF Protection and Fast Connection: Here's how to wire your iPhone and tablets for No WiFi or Cell radiation!
10 Best EMF Protection Tips And 5 Ways To Avoid Radiation For Free!
1. Maintaining a Smart Distance From Your Smart Phone, Laptops and WiFi Is the Best and Cheapest EMF Protection
Why? Radiation exposure drops sign...
EHS GUIDE: Are You Sensitive To EMF? Symptoms and Tips To Prevent EMF Radiation Disease
“It's not me who's not well - the environment has become inferior. I am all right... I can rest in a frequency-free zone, and I'm fine..." -Jaso...
Is EMF Protection Real And Does It Work? The Truth About Shielded Clothing, Cases, Pouches and Chips
Does EMF Protection Work? Why we don't advise EMF Protection Shields, underwear, clothing, belly blankets and more. This is the truth I want you to know: Laptop shields, anti-radiation cases, clothing, stickers and shungite rocks, DO NOT WORK LIKE YOU THINK THEY DO. In fact, they don't reduce radiation might make the EMF you're getting worse. Don't burn your money--please!
EMF Protection Basics - How to Reduce Your EMF Exposure & Stop Tech From Making You Sick
You've probably gathered by now that the world of EMF exposure is complex and vast. That's why at Tech Wellness, we recommend a common sense appro...
Deep Dive on a Few Studies About EMF Effects and Links to Peer-Reviewed Research by Symptom
EMF Radiation Research: There's Plenty of Evidence to Consider
Important research - beginning with the Telecom industry's own study 3 decades ago ...
How I Discovered I Had EMF Sensitivity Syndrome (or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity)
I want to be transparent about my personal experiences, the experiences of people I've met through my travels, and the growing body of research on ...
Are Cellphones Safe? Dr. Carlo Letter Warning AT&T about Cell Phone Danger
So Many Ask to see this letter that I've talked about for years.
At Tech Wellness, our goal is to be your trusted source for information about ...