Is Your Employer Tracking Your Every Word? Google Vault Privacy, Data and Security- Saved for 100 years!
Your Digital Privacy at work may be compromised!
Google Vault: It's a wide open look at how everything we type onto the Gmail server or Facebook or...
6-24-19 NEWS
Table of Contents:
Hasta La Vista Chrome!
It's time to say goodbye. We are finished. The world's most popular web browser is also officially t...
Broccoli, Bridesmaids, and Brassiere: Your iPhone Knows What You’re Taking Pictures Of
On October 30th, a young woman stumbled upon an obscure iPhone hack and posted about it on Twitter. When you type ‘Brassiere’ into the iPhoto searc...
The New Homepod Is More Of A "Homie" When It Comes To Privacy
HomePod - An Awesome Speaker That Lets Siri Dim Lights
Using Apple's HomePod with Apple's HomeKit, your lovely voice to will soon be able to contr...
The Predicament With Predictive Keyboards
Predictive Keyboards
Keyboard prediction means your texts are analyzed over time to create a customized, local "dictionary" of words/phrases/emojis...
Block Creepers From Creeping With Creepblockers
If you saw Snowden or listened to Obama or even Trump, you know this all too well! It's way-way crazy that this has to be a cybersecurity worry, b...
Invading Someone's Privacy is Cyberbullying
As you probably know by now, Dani Mathers is the former Los Angeles-based radio DJ personality and Playmate who photographed a nude senior citiz...
Cover Your Webcams, Because The FBI Says So
Just yesterday, again FBI director, James Comey, advised covering your camera on your computer. He first said this back in April, and it was a big...