How Far Should the Cellphone Be From Your Body? Easy Ways to Maintain Safe Distance From Cell phone Radiation
This Tech Wellness Way seems harsh, but it's good advice. Even Apple and Samsung agree. They both recommend distance from your phone.
Crazy Right...
Apple Warnings: Apple Says iPhones and Devices Are Dangerous: Know The Injury and Exposure Facts
Published: 9/4/2023
Apple warns us that our cellphones are dangerous. We need to handle the battery correctly, charge them correctly, and put enou...
Is WiFi Dangerous? What's the Safest Distance From WiFi? Here's How Far You Should Be From Your Router For Less
What is a safe distance from Wifi Router?
For me, the less the better. Being electromagnetic sensitive (EHS) I feel best when peak levels in my environment are below 1. Micro-Watts per square centimeter. What does that mean? What is WiFi energy exactly? Its the same energy that comes from . . .
BREAKING NEWS!!! Anxiety, The Sleep Hormone and Your Cellphone. Don't Let That Phone Mess With Your Stress Boo.
As if there wasn't enough to be uptight and worried about . . . research shows your cellphone can stress you out.
That's probably no surprise right...
Better Sex. Better Health. And The Best Sleep Ever. How To Stop EMF's, Blue Light and Distraction in The Bedroom!
Did you know the average person spends over 33 years of their lifetime in their bedroom? That’s more than working, eating, socializing, exercising ...
RF Warnings on Cellphones? A Judge Balances Cellphone Company Health and Your Health
Americans are used to warning labels. They're everywhere!
Take a look around your house, there's one on that box of plastic trash bags, there's...
Cellphone Crossbody- EMF Protection From Your Smartphone's Radiation
More Happiness and Health With a Little Distance With The Best Cellphone Crossbody
There's no doubt about it. People love, love, love their cell ph...