BREAKING NEWS!!! Anxiety, The Sleep Hormone and Your Cellphone. Don't Let That Phone Mess With Your Stress Boo.
As if there wasn't enough to be uptight and worried about . . . research shows your cellphone can stress you out.
That's probably no surprise right?
But we're not just talking about FOMO - the fear of missing out that scrolling your social feeds can bring on - studies are showing that the EMF RADIATION alone can cause stress to your beautiful body.
I got the chance to personally communicate with Kevser Delen the lead researcher on this RF and melatonin study done in Turkey, and she said that it wasn't just the effects on melatonin that she noticed, she also saw anxiety when the cellphones were on.
"In our study the distance between the rats and the antennae was about 20 cm. We suggest our exposure could be analogous with human exposure. We observed significant biological changes as written in the manuscript. I also observed that rats had anxietic behaviours when RFR (radiofrequency radiation) on."
The study reveals that exposure to cellphone radiation from a 2600Mhz signal-which is a popular carrier signal on the LTE band btw, decreased melatonin. They also found decrease in tri-peptide glutathione and the important enzyme SOD. And alarmingly the scientists noted that there was increased cell death in the brain as well as structural deformation-- which means warping, bending, twisting structural components!
I just asked Kevser Delen, lead researcher, for her personal take-aways from the study:
"Reducing the exposure time is one of the most important recommendations. Also, using headphones while talking with mobile phones could be protective. Furthermore, antioxidant agent usage may be helpful.
There have been other studies too on cellphones and stress.
"In conclusion, the results of the present study indicates that 4 weeks exposure to electromagnetic radiation, vibration, ringtone or both produced a significant effect on anxiety-like behavior and oxidative stress in young wistar rats."
Simple things to do today to reduce Cellphone stress.
Distance is Your Best Buddie When It Comes To EMF Radiation

Don't put your phone in your pocket, bra or socks-or your hand for that matter
We also don't recommend doing so with an "anti-radiation" phone case or shield. They can cause the RF radiation around the phone- and next to your body to increase because of the metallic fabric.
Use a Wired Headset To Keep The RF Radiation Away From Your Brain
Even better, use an airtube headset to avoid all radiation- and use one with a long cable for distance from your phone.
Coloring Has Been Proven To Increase Mindfulness and Decrease Anxiety
If you need to re-charge your creativity, let your brain relax with some nature exploration, manual writing or color in a our Brain Boosting or Mindfulness coloring book! We love these creative resources because research on the practice of coloring showed increased mindfulness and less stress
Take Photos and Record Videos Using Airplane Mode

De-Stress Your Smartphone