The Best Age To Get A Kid A Phone. Here's How To Decide When.
As a parent it's one of the most important decisions you'll make, how old will your child be when they get a cellphone.
From Cyber issues to Social...
Take A Digital Break!-The Digital Detox You Can Live Everyday.
Time to put YOU and that beautiful body of yours first!
A digital detox is the break your body needs!
Here are 10 sweet tips for ditching the unend...
60 Minutes Brain Hacking: Retrain Your Brain Prevent Human Downgrading and Smart Phone Addiction
Smartphones: The Newest Drug
If you or someone you know or love just can’t put that phone down — there’s a good reason. 60 Minutes journalist Ander...
Daily Digital Detox: Here's How and Great Reason Why You Should Try IT!
1. Less Depressed: A study by the National Institute of Mental Health has found a strong and significant association between heavy internet use and...