Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness
Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness
Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness Really Red Large 5 x7
Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness Basic Black Large 5x7
Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness
Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness
Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness
Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness Pretty Purple Small
Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness Soft and Pretty Pink Small
Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness
Key Fob Faraday Protector Privacy Tech Wellness
Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon

Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon

Regular price $29.00 Sale

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Can you imagine that now your car can actually be broken into simply by taking the electronic information from your keys?

Wouldn't it be lovely if there was a simple way to prevent electronic key theft?
These colorful, effective key fob guards keep you safe and sound. They were recently featured on an NBC News in a story about electronic car theft. 

    As seen on BuzzFeed:  If your car is parked on the street or in your driveway you should consider where you keep your key fob. Nasty bad actors are using law enforcement equipment to scan poor defenseless key fobs sitting innocently by the front door.

    It's crazy and scary how easy it is to lift the electronic information from a simple car key fob, then open he car, take belongings and in some cases, even take the car. 

    Let's just stop this silly nonsense at the source shall we? Simply place your keyfob in our stylish and specially fabricated RFID protector that no scanner can get through.

    This is one of our favorite easy, safe  and cute fixes.  Try one today for any key that has an electronic fob entry.  For your home or apartment.

    Small Key Features:
    Premium washed canvas / water resistant Fold up and snap design + key chain attachment
    13.3 X 10.2 cm // 5.0 X 4.0 in // 0.8 oz Comfortably holds 1 standard sized key fob + 4-5 additional house/office keys
    Most Remote Key Entries operate at a frequency of 315 MHz for North America-made cars and at 433.92 MHz for European, Japanese and Asian cars.

    Smart keys need protection

    The fact it that smart keys are vulnerable to attacks from theft. These hackers steal your key fob information allowing them access to your car, including starting the ignition and driving away with it! You need a key fob protector or else a thief can use a cheap signal amplifier off of Amazon to steal everything in your car, or in some cases steal the car itself!
    Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon

    A little more info

    The Key Fob Guard from Silent Pocket, is a privacy and security case for your key fob or keyless entry fob. It is a single sleeve that blocks the wireless connection from your key fob to your car.
    Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews
    Mittie R.
    Larger than expected, but otherwise great

    I did check the measurements, but imagined it smaller. It wouldn't fit in a pocket for example, but otherwise it's great.

    Great Key Fob Protector

    Love my cute little Key Fob protector! Cute love the color and feel safer with it!

    Love my Pink Safety Set

    The fabric is nylon and is a great color. I hope it works!