Let us know if you have any questions, concerns or just want to say hello.

Have a question?

We would love to hear from you! Tech Wellness is here to help you live mindfully in our digital world. We are passionate about giving you solutions to live safer and healthier in this digital world-empowered to enjoy the technology that makes life easy, convenient and connected.

Complete the contact form below. If you are unable to use the form, please contact us at hello@techwellness.com

If you have a question about an order you've placed with us, please send us  expect to hear back from us in 3 business days or sooner.

For general questions, here is a list of articles answering the most commonly asked questions:
Meanwhile, if you have complex questions about any of the topics we cover, arrange a consultation with August Brice.

Be Well!
The Tech Wellness Team

PS:  If you would like to have August on a podcast to interview her or are interested in a colab, contact press@techwellness.com


