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1. Best Air Tube Headphones for EMF Protection in 2025 • Earbuds with Incredible Sound 2. 2025's Best WiFi Kill Switch. Turn Off WiFi With One Click. Get EMF Protection For Better Sleep and Calmer Days 3. Hard Wire Shielded CAT 8 Ethernet Cables For Best EMF Protection Available--EMF FREE-NO RADIATION! 4. No EMF Alarm Clock. Keep The Bedroom EMF Radiation Free! Best Silent Analog Alarm Clock 5. Fast Grounded Lightning Ethernet Adapter. Use iPhone Online with NO Radio Frequency EMF 6. Sleep Prep Glasses. Wrap To Block More Blue Light! 2 Styles: Complete Block And Over Glasses Blockers 7. Faraday Bags. Quality• Affordable• Sleek Faraday Cellphone Case for Privacy + EMF Protection That Works! 8. Super Power EMF Detector! All NEW Safe Sound III EMF Reader. This Meter Ships Free 9. EMF Protection Starter Pack 10. 2025 Best•Cutest Blue Light Blockers. Daytime Glasses Reduce Glare On All Screens 11. EMF Reader. Find All EMF: Electric, Magnetic EMF, Dirty Electricity and RF Radiation. 12. Best Stylus For Kids! Gentler to Skin— Helpful EMF Protection for littles 13. Hard Wire Kit. Turn off Wifi, Install Wired Ethernet Connect All Devices To The Internet. Phones, Laptops, Tablets and Computers 14. A NEW and BETTER Blue Light Bundle: Three Glasses, Three Colors To Protect You From Blue Light Any Time! 15. Top EMF Reader. Professional EMF Radiation Meter Rated BEST By Experts• FREE SHIPPING! 16. Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon 17. De-Stress Dough. Relax And Play. Digital Detox Therapy in A Jar For Mind, Body and Soul 18. Screen Cleansing Wipes. Our Fav New Screen Wipes! Clean Glasses, Laptops, Phones and Tablets- 19. Private Consultation with Tech Wellness Founder August Brice 20. Screen Free Activity Bundle for Kids! Off-Line Fun for All Ages! 21. Mom's Pretty Pink Gift Set Holidy Set Women LOVE! 22. Introducing TECH HEROES. Answers and Solutions To Creating A Low EMF Environment 23. Disconnect Gift Set: De-Stress Dough, WiFi Switch, Coloring Set

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Safe No EMF Wired Baby Monitor NEW 2025! Plus LeReve Owlet, Bebcare, Nannit and Snuza Wireless Baby Camera's

Looking for the Best Baby Monitor?

At Tech Wellness, we’re all about finding ways to limit EMF exposure – a task that’s become increasingly challenging in our “Wireless World”. We get asked all the time at Tech Wellness: Are baby monitors exposing my baby  to dangerous energy coming from the camera? The answer YES.  Some Wireless Baby Monitors are better then others as this Baby Monitor Guide with Demonstration Videos clearly shows.

A NO-EMF Baby Monitor Is The Solution- And we've got one!

The Tech Wellness Wired Baby Monitor System

Here's the Video Showing How Wonderful this Baby Monitor is!

Baby is safe because she’s not sleeping near a camera that’s emitting dangerous energy. And with our Wired Baby Monitor Kit, Mommy and Daddy are safe too.  Did you know that Wireless Baby Monitor Parent Units also emit high levels of EMF?  Our Hard Wired Baby Monitor Kit includes everything you need to allow your phone or tablet to have a Hard Wired Connection too.

The Tech Wellness Wired Baby Monitor System offer 2 Options:

Both use a  Specially Sourced Wired Camera, Ethernet Cables and Your Phone or Computer.

The App is free but there are important things that you need to know about set-up that involve privacy and you and your baby's wellbeing.  

Our Tech Wellness Wired Baby Monitor System comes with an easy to follow "How To Set Up" video and Tips for Safety and Effective Baby Monitoring. 

You can use your Smartphone or tablet as the "monitor." It's best to use our our Adapters/Dongles and our Ethernet cable fix to use your cellphone, laptop and tablet without wireless energy!!

You don't need a subscription in order to use the camera. However- If you want the optional feature to record the camera and send notifications, there are additional costs. 

Only Tech Wellness Offers  Shielded FLAT Ethernet Cables

Cat 8

YOU CAN Hard Wire- we make it easy with a step by step video.  You can use the Ethernet Outlets or Ports in your home.

Have ports in the baby's room and your room--or throughout your home, you can use our cables to connect the Baby Monitor Camera unit AND your phone, tablet or computer to the Ethernet

Even if you DON'T have Ethernet outlets you can use the ports in your WiFi.

You Can Use the WiFi Router as Your Source of Ethernet Signal

Wired Baby Monitor Baby

Plug The Other End of The Shielded Cable into the Camera and WiFi is automatically disabled.

We Tested our new Wired Baby Monitor System for sound and EMF.  This video at the top of this blog shows you how it works.

Here's the TLDR (too long didn't read...) on what baby monitor I recommend: 

    • My first choice for baby monitor is ALWAYS a wired baby monitor. We Have a NEW 2024 option we've been testing for awhile.  The Tech Wellness Hard Wired Baby Monitor System uses a standard security system camera and can connect via Ethernet in your home with our Kit.  This New system has great sound and video quality and NO EMF and it comes with everything you need.


    • I really can't stand the term "Low EMF Baby Monitor" because there's ALWAYS man-made radio frequency EMF whenever there is a wireless signal!  Please don't ever fall for the hype, don't believe for a second that your baby is getting low or no EMF exposure.  Even with the one on the market with the least EMF(far LESS than Bebcare btw) the Chinese brand Le Reve still has lots of EMF when the camera is activated.  They all do.  They all will.  I have tried out several others and this one actually had significantly lower EMF levels than the normal wireless monitors. The Bebcare and Hello Baby both showed high levels of EMF. The way the Le Reve works is that it stays in a low power standby mode until it is activated by the baby making a sound. It had the lowest standby EMF levels AND the lowest connected EMF levels. I will note that we have had trouble getting in contact with the manufacturer which I don't love. We haven't tried all of them but I try to demo the most popular ones so you can make an informed decision for your family! See the demo of the Le Reve below!


    • If you MUST use a standard wireless baby monitor PLEASE be sure to place the camera as far away from your baby as possible! Distance is your friend when it comes to EMF and moving it 10+ ft away from the crib will significantly lower your baby's exposure. That's important for parents too! If you are accessing the monitor from your phone or tablet, try to wire it to the internet to minimize your own exposure too! 

    Table of Contents:

    • What Is Wireless EMF?

    • Is Wireless EMF Safe For You And Baby?

    • Why You Should Try A Wired Baby Monitor

    • How To Create Your Own Wired Baby Monitor and links!

    • The TRUTH About Dirty Electricity Dangers VS Wireless EMF Dangers To Baby

    • Cyber Security And Privacy Wireless vs Wired Baby Monitors

    • Other Sources Of Wireless EMF Exposure To Be Aware Of For A Safer Baby Room

    • Video Reviews of: 

      • Nannit Baby Monitor
      • LeReve or Le Reve
      • Owlet Baby Sock Monitor
      • Snuza Movement Monitor
      • Angel Care Sound Monitor
      • Amazon Wireless Baby Monitor
      • Bebcare

      Be Mindful of the EMF Radiation Your Child is exposed to

      Study after study, from huge European research projects to the US National Study show a definite and dangerous link between wireless EMF devices and brain and heart cancers.

      There's a 2024 Study on Baby Monitor Wifi EMF and Sleep.  It's a study on adults and it shows that the WiFi caused brain wave changes as well causing insomnia in some of the participants.  So you can imagine how a wireless baby monitor could in turn, effect a baby even more. Their skulls are thinner. 

      I've categorized important studies in our Research section if you'd like to know more about links to specific illness, but the fact remains that babies and children are much more susceptible to the negative effects of wireless radiation because they're immune systems and defenses haven't developed to the level of adults.

      But children are susceptible to RF radiation simply from all wireless devices--even if their just holding Mom's or Dad's.

      The illustration below is from the MID-90's(yes, parents have been concerned about wireless radiation for a loooong time) It's a picture of how kids brains absorb more radiation then adults because of their thinner, developing skulls.  This was done by Professor Gandhi who was actually working for the Motorola and Department of Defense at the time and according to Devra Davis* lost his funding after he published this 2 dimensional modeling. 

      childrens brains and emf wireless energy absorption

      Children's  little bodies are different than ours.  Their skulls are thinner and the fact that their body systems are rapidly developing makes them more vulnerable to microwave exposures. Devra Davis of the Environmental Health Trust reminds us that this information is scientifically accepted.  She also lead research *confirming that because children’s skulls are thinner and tissues of a child’s head, including the bone marrow and the eye, absorb significantly more energy than those in an adult head. The illustration below demonstrates the greater exposure absorption for a smaller head. It's done with 3D modeling used for the Environmental Health Trust.

      If you’re concerned about your child’s EMF exposure, then wireless baby monitors really should not be in baby's room (or yours)-
      at Tech Wellness we review lots of wireless items- including Baby Monitors for EMF safety.  The Baby Monitor Videos are included at the bottom of this page.
      You'll also find solutions to a healthier EMF-less home environment  and solutions for the little ones in your life in our Kids and Family section.  From the best WiFi Free Games for your children to play to cute crayon stylus to keep magnetic energy from little fingers.
      Also Moms and Dads, we talk about how to know when your child should have a cellphone or smartphone of their own in our Parent's Guide To Giving Your Kids A Phone.

      Be Mindful Of Other EMF Radiation Sources In Your Home

      Because of my EMF Sensitivity Syndrome, I've created an EMF free home. I use these fabulous RF and EMF meters to guide my electromagnetic radiation exposure. You can work toward a more RF radiation- free environment by wiring up as much as possible. 

      I mention in the Wired Baby Monitor EMF Demo video that I'm going to put this little meter on the site--because it's super easy to use. No numbers.  Just a simple Low to Extreme reading with color coded lights.

      How do you measure EMF radiation

      Amazon Wireless Baby Monitor

          Choosing A Wireless Baby Monitor or Wired Baby Monitor

          As you might imagine, the majority of baby monitors on the market are wireless; running off WiFi or Bluetooth. You'll find them in most nursery's because honestly, that's what's on the market and in stores Wireless monitors are easy to set up and allow them keep an eye on their baby from just about anywhere.


          EMF Radiation and/or Dirty Electricity and Your Baby Monitor

          Wireless Baby Monitors Emit High Levels of EMF radiation. Take a look at any of the Wireless baby monitor videos in this blog and you'll see us measure and detect high amounts of EMF exposure.  We found a do-it- yourself Wired Baby Monitor that emits 0 EMF Radiation! Scroll down to see everything you need to create this DIY Baby Monitor system and a step by step guide to putting it together.

          Connecting Baby Monitor Directly to Ethernet in Your Home

          If you have wired Ethernet cable in your home or if your have Fiber Optic cable, this wonderful wired baby monitor alternative will most likely result in Zero Dirty Electricity--especially if you also include this wonderful grounding device-

          grounding ethernet

          Be Mindful Of The Greater Dangers Of Wireless EMF

          However, just like putting a Smart Meter in your home, the wireless signals combine with the hard electrical wiring in your home and create dirty electricity.  Dirty Electricity is a form of EMF that can't be measured by a EMF radiation or RF meter,  but it's a type of EMF that can still cause harm. 

          But the dirty electricity comes off the wiring- get just 2' from the wiring and your exposure goes way way down- however that "dirty electricity" can flow from your wiring and any "non-grounded" WiFi or internal home system could pass that dirty electricity to your devices. That's where this great little Ethernet Grounding Kit goes to work.  It eliminates the possibility of dirty electricity.

          We Think the Best Baby Monitor... is a Wired Baby Monitor

          We recommend adults stay far from their WiFi router, turn if off at night with a WiFi Switch and toggle phones to airplane mode while sleeping – yet unknowing parents will plop a wireless camera on their child’s crib without thinking twice about the energy these wireless devices emit.

          After measuring several of the popular baby monitors (all wireless), we started searching for a “wired” solution – and it turns out they’re pretty hard to find. That's why we created the Tech Wellness Hard Wired Baby Monitor System


          Wireless baby monitors are particularly vulnerable to hacking. As we are immersed in the IOT (internet of things) with more and more smart devices in our homes and businesses, it's important to be aware that hacking is a real by-product.  What can you do? Change those passwords often. The latest anti-hacking password advice from Tech Wellness Cyber Expert Bryan Neumeister--Use sentences or phrases that begin with numbers.


           Baby Monitors Aren’t The Only Source of EMF in Your Home


          All wireless devices emit RF radiation a type of EMF. Today in our wireless obsessed world, our radiation exposures to EMF shave never before been this continual and intense.

          Here's a list of what's in a typical Baby's home-A list of things baby shouldn't be too close too.

          • Cordless Phones
          • Smart Meters
          • Smart TVs
          • Nest Wireless Air and Heat Controls
          • Wireless Security System
          • Wireless Printers
          • WiFi Routers
          • Wireless Modems
          • Digital Alarm Clocks
          • Anything with Bluetooth
          • Smartphones and Cell Phones

           Wire UP When You Can For Your Protection TOO!

          And when you do use that smartphone for calls or listening to podcasts or music- please consider using our very pretty Airtube Anti-Radiation Headphones. The wires are shielded and they come in Pink Shine, Golden Blush or Black 


          You'll Adore A Faraday Bag

          for NO EMF and complete Privacy

          And keep your little ones-3 and up, safer by letting them play games on phones and tablets on Airplane Mode.  Airplane Mode means they are not exposed to EMF Radiation.  There will still be magnetic radiation as you'll see in the video you can find in Stylus shop.


          Still Think a Wireless Baby Monitor is Best?

          We think this DIY wired alternative is excellent, and it's what Jeromy Johnson recommends on his emfanalysis site too--

          BUT, if you must use a wireless baby monitor, here's important information you should know. 

          • Wireless Baby Monitors Constantly emit EMF microwave radiation while switched on (both the base and the parent handset)
          • Wireless Baby Monitors Come with  warnings in their packaging:  Keep them at a distance, like 20 cm, or just under 8 inches, from the body
          • Babies brains are just developing. Children absorb more RF radiation than adults  from wireless baby monitors because their brain tissues are more absorbent, their skulls are thinner and their relative size is smaller.
          • There are Privacy Issues with Wireless Baby Monitors as the signal may not be secure.
          Please read our articles for info on reducing exposure and watch our videos detecting the RF Radiation from a wireless Baby Monitors. Even the "safer" audio only Baby Monitors.
          Read more about all the the things to consider when choosing a Wireless Baby Monitor including: privacy, and dangerous energy. 

          We have EMF exposure video demonstrations of the Le Reve No WiFi, (low EMF in Power Save) Nanit Baby Monitor, The Owlet Baby Monitoring System, The Snuza and The Angel Care Wireless Baby Monitor here:

          Other Low EMF /Wired Camera Options:



          The marketplace for 'wired baby monitors" or Low EMF Baby Monitors is confusing. When you search them in Amazon, products like the Angel Care and the Nanit come up.  We've tested them both- see the videos below- Spoiler Alert:

          They are not low EMF, which is sad that for some strange reason, Amazon or unknowing Moms and Dads, think they are.


          Nanit Baby Monitor Review

          This Video Shows the Latest D-Link Camera AND the EMF Radiation from the Nanit Baby Monitor

          Owlet Baby Monitor EMF Review

          Is the Owlet Baby Monitor Worth It?  Radiation and All


           The Angel Care Audio Baby Monitor EMF Radiation DEMO

          Baby Monitor Wireless EMF Video Demonstration

          The Infant Optics Wireless Baby Monitor EMF Radiation Demo

          snuza baby monitor review

          The Snuza Baby Movement EMF Detection Demo

          It's been my sincere pleasure to help you find a great alternative to wireless baby monitors and the toxins they expose the whole family to. Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing the video and information-it make me and everyone here at Tech Wellness very proud to be a part of our passion and our mission.


          Sneak Peak of Bebcare

          We will be releasing our Bebecare Baby Monitor Review soon.
          Here's a Sneak Peak of What Happens When the WIFI and Camera Are OFF and it is in what Bebcare Calls: Ultra Low EMF Radiation Mode:
          bebcare review

          Spoiler alert: When You Use The Camera Or When Bebcare Detects Audio, the Bebecare does Emit Wireless EMF Radiation.

          So yes, the Bebcare can mean less EMF exposure for your baby when you use it as sound only and the baby's room is quiet.  BUT be aware that the Bebcare does EMIT EMF radiation.  The radiation levels are as high as any baby monitor when the Bebcare hears baby, or sounds in baby's room.  It's also on anytime the camera function is on recording baby.

           The LeReve Low EMF Baby Monitor

          low emf baby monitor review

          We've tested all the Low EMF Baby Monitors and although this one isn't perfect or NO EMF, it's the best we could find(so far) for Moms, Dads and Caregivers who are looking for a Low EMF option.

          The  LeReve does have an Power Save or ECO or Low EMF mode when the Baby Unit camera or cameras are not activated by the sounds of your baby. We detected moderate levels of EMF in the Power Save or ECO mode.  You won't see or hear anything on the Parent Unit when the monitor UNTIL the baby makes an audible sound.  A that point, the camera turns on and the EMF levels go to extreme, similar to other wireless baby monitors.

          Did you know that with Nanit, Owlet, and other popular wireless brands- your baby is getting lots of EMF exposure?  Baby monitor cameras are "on" all the time and exposing your precious baby to high or extreme levels of wireless electromagnetic fields at all times.

          This Le Reve Low EMF Baby Monitor will also climb to high levels, but after a minute of quiet or no sound communication will drop down to a low and acceptable level as long as it's 8' to 10' away from the baby.

          From our experience the Parent Unit monitor had a nice clear picture and good clear sound.  We've noticed that some reviews mention that the Parent Unit is inconsistent or stops working after a few months- but many have been replaced by the company.

          Please use our contact form to ask us any questions.  We’re here to help.

          Be Well!



          Top Tech Wellness Products

          1. Best Air Tube Headphones for EMF Protection in 2025 • Earbuds with Incredible Sound 2. 2025's Best WiFi Kill Switch. Turn Off WiFi With One Click. Get EMF Protection For Better Sleep and Calmer Days 3. Hard Wire Shielded CAT 8 Ethernet Cables For Best EMF Protection Available--EMF FREE-NO RADIATION! 4. No EMF Alarm Clock. Keep The Bedroom EMF Radiation Free! Best Silent Analog Alarm Clock 5. Fast Grounded Lightning Ethernet Adapter. Use iPhone Online with NO Radio Frequency EMF 6. Sleep Prep Glasses. Wrap To Block More Blue Light! 2 Styles: Complete Block And Over Glasses Blockers 7. Faraday Bags. Quality• Affordable• Sleek Faraday Cellphone Case for Privacy + EMF Protection That Works! 8. Super Power EMF Detector! All NEW Safe Sound III EMF Reader. This Meter Ships Free 9. EMF Protection Starter Pack 10. 2025 Best•Cutest Blue Light Blockers. Daytime Glasses Reduce Glare On All Screens 11. EMF Reader. Find All EMF: Electric, Magnetic EMF, Dirty Electricity and RF Radiation. 12. Best Stylus For Kids! Gentler to Skin— Helpful EMF Protection for littles 13. Hard Wire Kit. Turn off Wifi, Install Wired Ethernet Connect All Devices To The Internet. Phones, Laptops, Tablets and Computers 14. A NEW and BETTER Blue Light Bundle: Three Glasses, Three Colors To Protect You From Blue Light Any Time! 15. Top EMF Reader. Professional EMF Radiation Meter Rated BEST By Experts• FREE SHIPPING! 16. Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon 17. De-Stress Dough. Relax And Play. Digital Detox Therapy in A Jar For Mind, Body and Soul 18. Screen Cleansing Wipes. Our Fav New Screen Wipes! Clean Glasses, Laptops, Phones and Tablets- 19. Private Consultation with Tech Wellness Founder August Brice 20. Screen Free Activity Bundle for Kids! Off-Line Fun for All Ages! 21. Mom's Pretty Pink Gift Set Holidy Set Women LOVE! 22. Introducing TECH HEROES. Answers and Solutions To Creating A Low EMF Environment 23. Disconnect Gift Set: De-Stress Dough, WiFi Switch, Coloring Set

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          • Hi! We are currently using the owlet socks on our twins and I can across your review and now I am looking for an alternative. I was curious if you have reviewed the FetalPlus Baby Sleep & Breathing Monitor. They say it remits 0 radiation but wondering if that is true. We also use the bebcare monitors and just saw your review and sadden by those results! We moved our cameras as far from the cribs as we could now! Thank you for releasing that information!

            Megan Hanson
          • If we follow your instructions to get the D Link monitor and use the converter plugs to run an ethernet cable, would we be able to still turn our wifi off at night or would the monitor stop working?

          • Hi, I’m from Melbourne, Australia.
            I bought the DCS-8526LH as shown in your blog and successfully set it up with my iPad Air as my monitor.
            What url do I put in my Safari browser to view the camera?
            I assume you meant “bypassing the corporate servers” as not needing to log into mydlink, but using the camera’s IP address?
            I found the following link from Dlink which says that model numbers with DCS-8XXXLH cannot run on browsers, and can only use the Dlink App!!
            Am I missing something? Is there a solution to this?
            Thank you so much for all the service you do for the betterment of our planet.
            Kind Regards

          • HI Cindy- Check our Camera Listing: We constantly update this. Dlink often discontinues a model, then we buy the latest and test it – you can be sure the one in the listing will work without bluetooth or WiFi as promised!

          • So now I am confused with the latest comment by August, dated 4/30/20…does this method described in the blog using the mentioned D-Link camera eliminate EMF radiation or not? Thanks for clarification!!


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