Install Wired Ethernet Connections GUIDE. How To eliminate wireless Internet To All Devices - Simple Guide for Ethernet to Your Phone, Computer and Tablet
Read Time: 30 MinutesOur Hard Wire Internet Kit Has Everything You Need!
Plus a step by step video guide below!
How To Hard Wire Internet In Your Home
Finally! A simple, easy to understand, step-by-step guide to getting faster speeds and EMF protection!
Our lives have changed so much in such a short period of time. Right now, we are all struggling to see what the future looks like, what even tomorrow looks like.
Hard wired internet means the internet signal comes through Ethernet cable straight from your internet source (e.g. your modem!) The best part: A hard wire connection means you do not need wireless signals. No Bluetooth! No WiFi! No cell signal!
Connectivity is key to maintaining our lives and staying in touch with our work, our friends, and our family. In times like this, you need to do whatever it takes to get the safest and fastest internet speeds possible.
There's no need for WiFi antennas that spew EMF radiation as they connect to your devices. No need for any wireless signals on your devices. And yes, you can have it all right now. Faster speeds and no dangerous electromagnetic frequencies!
I’m going to share below how we have maximized both in our house. I’ve spent a lot of time working with our experts over the years to get to these components right, so you can benefit from my experience.
Here’s WHY It’s Best to Hard Wire the Internet Instead of Using Wireless Connections
- The internet connection via hard wire/Ethernet cable cords allows internet access to pass directly from your WiFi router (or any access point) to your computer, phone, laptop or device, reducing or eliminating your exposure
- WiFi uses a wireless connection powered with EMF radiation to send data between a router and one of your devices which drastically increases your exposure
- Hard wired internet connections have the benefit of faster speeds, a more secure and consistent connection, as well as no EMF radiation
- Wireless connections allow you to move about and get signal anywhere, but the signal can be unstable and the EMF = abundant!
My journey wasn’t always easy, and in retrospect I feel I could’ve been smarter out of the gate. I had audio-video experts look at me sideways when I said I didn’t want the wireless speaker, TV or control panel. I researched. I spoke to trusted experts. I bought all types of meters and used them ALL over the house. I had fabulous Building Biologists and the best electrical engineers explain dirty electricity, RF radiation and magnetic EMF and, more than anything, I felt the energy and I felt when it was right near me.
And that’s why I want to share the easy details with you.
Try these ideas first and if you’re still experiencing EMF sensitivity symptoms, or you want to make sure your home is EMF-free, I would recommend calling a Building Biologist for a home assessment.
But, honestly, hard wiring can take care of at least 75% of the problems in most homes and give you more safety and speed with your internet connection. YAY!
August's Ultimate No-EMF Hard Wired Internet GUIDE:
I’m going to take you step-by-step through the set up of how to hard wire the internet in your home. But first, here are the components we use:
Ethernet Source To Your Home - Let’s start with the juice. Your cable company provides the source of your connection to the internet. They take the cable from the nearest street and connect that cable to your home. The connection source can be traditional cable or Fiber Optic. They take that internet source, bring it into your home, and install a modem. Most new modems have WiFi in them. The problem with that is the WiFi cannot be disabled. Ask your cable company for a modem that does not contain WiFi signal OR make certain you can turn it off! If your cable company is using fiber optics and you have signed up for a Fiber Optic connection, your cable company will use a Optical Network Terminal instead of a Modem. Think of this ONT as a fiber-modem. You'll be getting your internet signal from your ONT.
Make sure to spend time talking to your provider and ASK questions! We discovered that Cox, our internet provider, would accept an Aris- no WiFi modem. This WiFi-Free Modem is certified to work with Cox, Xfinity, Spectrum, and a couple of other cable providers. If you're looking for faster speeds, you can also try this WiFi Free Modem, the NightHawk can deliver speeds up to 2.5 Gigabits. NightHawk says it's compatible with Cox, Spectrum and Xfinity, but not ATT or Verizon or Century Link. Check your plan to help determine which WiFi-Free modem is best. Call your cable company to be sure it will be compatible.
- One Modem OR One ONT brings the Internet To Your Home. Every Home that has a WIRED connection to it one have at least ONE RJ45 Ethernet Port or Ethernet Access Point. You can ask your internet provider to install additional Ethernet access points if you want to Hardwire multiple locations throughout your home. There is one access point that connects to the modem and some homes have more. They look similar to phone outlets in the wall, but they use a different cable connection called RJ45. You can also hire an electrician OR an AV company to pull more Ethernet Connections to various locations in you home. If you want to take your internet connection and run cables throughout your home to different rooms, call an electrician or an audio/visual company. Make sure they don't convince you to just install wireless-tell them you're smarter than that and just say no-thank you.
Next you'll need a Wired Router YES, you can use your WiFi, but if you want to ditch the WiFi and wireless signals altogether, there are wired Routers that don't have wireless components or Wifi Access Points built in. This one is our favorite because of the Metal Ethernet Ports and Metal Connectivity, giving it durability and and better signal transfer.
- SMART TV's - IF YOU WANT TO HARD WIRE A SMART TV...You may need to call an audio/video professional to have your TV wired separately to insure it works optimally. Be sure to check with your cable company to make sure your modem can give you more than one IP address as smart TV’s usually require a separate IP address of their own.
Ethernet Switch or Splitter - We like the Netgear brand. It takes one internet signal (which will come from your Modem or your ONT) and allows you to run that signal to multiple devices. We actually have three of these switches in our house right now. They’re affordable and set-up is simple - just plug them in! These days, I realize most people have WiFi in their homes. We’re going to show you how to use the switch (or splitter) to supply your internet signal to your computers, even your smartphones, and your WiFi, when you absolutely need it. Our goal is to always keep the WiFi OFF!
Grounding Electrical Ethernet Connector - This is something else that Building Biologist Shaun Kranish hand-builds for us to help get that signal cleaner and faster. Basically, you connect it between the Ethernet Signal that either comes out of the wall via an Ethernet Cable to your Switch, or WiFi router. That Ethernet Signal can also come from your Cable Company's Modem to your router via an Ethernet Cable. Adding the Grounding Device will insure that there is no random, dirty signal coming into your Switch or the devices connected to it. This grounding kit is great for people who really want the best system possible with the least chance of dirty electricity. I have use one of these at each to connect Ethernet cables to each one of our Netgear Switches.
If you still want a WiFi . . . The WiFi connects to the switch with a CAT8 Ethernet Cable just like any of your wireless devices.That way it can be turned off anytime. Yay! We know that our Low Power WiFi (see below) will work with Fiber Optic connections
- Double Shielded Cat-8 Ethernet Cable - We manufacture our own: Safertech Cat 8 Double Shielded Cable. That means the connectors are gold plated for speed and safety. They’re affordable and come in round or flat in lengths of 3' Retractable 10' and 25' and 50' 75' and 100' sizes! My husband has been known to roll his portable desk out into the back yard on really nice days. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: For each wired device, you’ll need a cable long enough to get from the router/internet access point to your device. So, in our illustration below, you’ll actually need 5 or 6 cables.
- Lightning to Ethernet Dongle AND USB-C to Ethernet Dongle Adapters - These are the KEY to hard wired internet connections. Grounded adapters are safest and work the best. These little miracles will show how lightning fast your smartphone and tablet can be. It takes the fastest Ethernet signal you have and hard wires it right into your phone, your tablet, your laptop or your desktop. So fast that videos load instantly--no more spinning ball! At our house, we are lucky to get one bar of cellular service, so the dongles are a must have! But believe me, you’ll love these things. Many people have told me they thought they were not going to like having to plug in their phones to go online, but the incredible gain in speed (and EMF protection) got them adjusted to it real fast!
Put Distance Between You and The WiFi
We understand in some situations, WiFi is a necessity -- or at least that is what your husband and your kids tell you! So, UNTIL you can toss it out, be smart about it. First and foremost, make sure the WiFi itself is a safe distance from everyone in your house. That means not under your desk or next to your bed or the dog's bed or especially anywhere near the kids. We have a simple demonstration here that uses an EMF meter to show you just how much the EMF radiation increases the closer you get to the WiFi. Yikes! It makes sense, but people honestly don't think about keeping away from it, because the energy is invisible.
The other way to be safe is to make sure you turn it off whenever you can--most especially when you're sleeping! You'll be surprised how much better you'll sleep. This ingenious little device is one of our best sellers because it makes everything so easy. You simply plug the WiFi into the switch and then, when you want to turn off WiFi, you just click the switch from up to 100 feet away and BAM--you are instantly WiFi free. No home should be without one. Or two or three!
Again, there are lots of ways to live well without WiFi (we put Ethernet throughout our house so we don’t need it), but after you plug in our exclusive Safer Tech WiFi Kill Switch, there are a couple of other things you can do to maximize EMF protection for you and your loved ones.
- First, you can put your WiFi in it's own Faraday Cage or WiFi Shield -Fun fact: English scientist Michael Faraday discovered way back in the mid-1800's that a metal cage works as an EMF blocker. It's not new news! Our WiFi Shield is a Faraday for your WiFi router that significantly reduces your EMF exposure by keeping the WiFi locked down when it's not in use.
- Second, THIS LOW POWER WIFI - Its a whole other kind of WiFi! And here's another solution I invite you to consider. Tech Wellness has partnered with a Norwegian electrical engineer who developed software for a high quality, state of the art WiFi that tells the WiFi to shut down completely when it isn't being used. Brilliant, right?! All WiFi's are designed to send out EMF radiation 24/7, in case you may want to use it in the middle of the night or whenever. Our Low Radiation Wifi shuts down when there's no device using it. When you send it a command, it instantly starts back up. We have tested it and I am amazed--you can't detect lag time at all! It makes you wonder why all WiFi's are not set up like this.
- Finally, Your Power Source - Believe it or not, all electricity is not the same. Your WiFi will also need to use the AC power in your home. Building Biologist Shaun Kranish takes apart a high-quality Belkin power strip, the kind you might find in a computer server farm, and adds a special grounded cable to make sure the power coming out of the strip is clean, not dirty. That’s important, especially if you or someone in your family has EHS or electromagnetic hypersensitivity. You can learn more in our EHS Guide. We have a limited quantity of these super duper power strips on hand and I think they’re really worth the investment.
Now here's my step-by-step, easy set up guide to hard wired internet connection:
1) For our purposes, we’ll assume that you’re starting from where the internet comes into your house. This might be a plug in or it might be a cable modem if your internet comes from your cable company. This is an RJ45 Ethernet jack (Not to be confused with an RJ11 phone jack! They look very similar). It should look like this:

2) Plug one end of your shielded Ethernet cable into the wall plate and the other into the grounding electrical Ethernet device if you have one. (NOTE: If you have the cord, you’ll need TWO separate cables to get to the router) If not, then go from the wall plate to the back of your internet router.
Grounding Electrical Ethernet Cord
OR If your only access to internet is a WiFi: Plug the grounded Ethernet cable into the WiFi
3) Next, take your Ethernet cable and plug into the Netgear Switch (in this example, you plug it into the “1” opening. This means you now have 4, count ‘em 4 new internet opportunities giving you another Ethernet cable for each output: one for your laptop, one for your significant other's and one for each of your smartphones. (If you feel you need to keep that WiFi, one of the cables will need to go to it)
4) Next, depending on what you’re plugging into, you’ll need either the Lightning to Ethernet dongle (for iPhones) or the USB-C to Ethernet dongle (for Androids/most laptops) to convert the Ethernet signal to your device. The ones you’ll need, will depend on your device.
Full Disclosure: We’ve gone through 25 adapters. They don’t work forever and they are the weak link in the system. Even the most expensive $89+ versions on Amazon get spotty reviews. The ones we’re suggesting are the one we’ve found to be the most consistent.
Once you plug-in and your device is hard wired... Disable WiFi, disable BlueTooth and disable the cell signal on your smartphone
Oh this is super important! Please disable WiFi, cell network, and Bluetooth on your device so that they aren’t constantly searching and trying to connect because when they're on, they emit nasty electromagnetic radiation (ER).
You no longer need any wireless signal at all!
In our video you'll see how we hooked it up and actually connected to the Internet with an Ethernet adapter.
Apple iPhone and iPad Ethernet Dongle

Can I Text When I Use A Wired Connection to The Internet?
5) If you do have WiFi, don’t forget your WiFi shield - Just put the whole WiFi into it.
6) And of course the must-have for every WiFi - our WiFi Kill Switch. You plug the switch in to the wall and your WiFi into the switch. Then all you need to do is use the handy remote to click it off when it’s time to get some real unplug time!
Everything packaged for you in one Wire Up Your WiFi Kit.
Here's What You'll Get
(1) Netgear Switch/Splitter With 5 Shielded Ports
(2) 25-foot Shielded Ethernet Cable
(2) 10-foot Shielded Ethernet Cables Grounding
Electrical Ethernet Device
BOTH Lightning and USB-C Adapters
The WiFi Kill Switch
A Black Stylus
FREE 15-Minute Installation Consultation
Click HERE To Get Your Wire Up Your WiFi Kit!
Boxed and ready to ship FREE anywhere in the US!
- Add on a Grounded Multi-Outlet Power Strip if you have several devices that need power
- Add on a Grounded Extension Cord
- Add on a shielded and grounded Power Cord
Even though it’s taken me years to get this all figured out, this whole process, including the WiFi elements, should take you, my friends, less than one hour. It's all been worth it, because I love you!
Hi there wanting to get the Wired Ethernet Connections kit and along with a arris cable no wifi modem on amazon, i noticed that you spoke about a cox cable, do i need a cox cable? I only have wall outlets in my home. I appreciate your help before i buy all this thanks!
Great question Michael!
Our shielded cables are the solution to the electric fields that are often carried by ethernet cables from nearby power cords and lines. These electric fields contain dirty electricity – frequency pulses generated by electronics that don’t feel good to our bodies, but they MUST be properly grounded.
The netgear switch we offer should be properly grounded – but many modems, routers, switches, laptops and more are NOT .
So the Ethernet Grounding Device is a safeguard that won’t hurt but could help.
As Shaun the creator explains, “Laptop computers are almost always ungrounded. When the laptop is plugged-in to the charger, and the laptop user is nearby or touching the computer – the user is being greatly exposed to high-frequency current. This has been measured in the lab. When a laptop is grounded through its ethernet port with this adapter, it greatly reduces this current. “
This is another important reminder that no one should ever use a device while chargingHello
My question is related to the Ethernet Grounding Device, I already have the GS305 Netgear switch, my objective is to eliminate EMF in my bedroom, before I order the Cat8 Ethernet cables from your website, I want to find out if I need to buy Ethernet Grounding Device as well? And will it still function the same with the Australian adapter ? Without Ethernet Grounding Device would there be much EMF transfer through the multiple Ethernet Cart8 cables from here, I was under the impression by buying these Cat8 Ethernet cables it would eliminate it.
Hi Michelle. All the items and steps are linked in this story— basically IF you have an ETHERNET PORT in your house, you plug an Ethernet Cable into that PORT and then the other end of the Ethernet Cable into a DONGLE that plugs into the charging port of your iPhone. If you don’t have Ethernet in the walls of your home, you can use a MODEM or a WIFI to get the original Ethernet signal. Check out our Hard Wired Kit for that.
Be Well!
Hi, I’ve been reading your website, which I love, but I’m still a touch confused about the steps I need to take so that I can plug my iPhone into the internet and use it on airplane mode. Can you give me more direction? Thank you!