The 15 Best Ways to Protect You and Your Family From Wireless EMF Radiation
There are easy and effective things you can do to enjoy wireless technology, yet still be mindful of your health and create a safer and environment...
EMF Protection Basics - How to Reduce Your EMF Exposure & Stop Tech From Making You Sick
You've probably gathered by now that the world of EMF exposure is complex and vast. That's why at Tech Wellness, we recommend a common sense appro...
Deep Dive on a Few Studies About EMF Effects and Links to Peer-Reviewed Research by Symptom
EMF Radiation Research: There's Plenty of Evidence to Consider
Important research - beginning with the Telecom industry's own study 3 decades ago ...
The Science Behind How Our Bodies Interact With EMF and Why Kids Are More Greatly Affected by EMF
Why Does EMF Affect Us? Our Bodies Are Electric and Magnetic
Remember, our bodies are electrical in nature. We're made up of atoms, which are made ...
How I Discovered I Had EMF Sensitivity Syndrome (or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity)
I want to be transparent about my personal experiences, the experiences of people I've met through my travels, and the growing body of research on ...
The Concerns of EMF Exposure
There's no doubt - RF or EMF radiation has biological effects. In fact, There are hundreds of peer-reviewed studies that confirm this - and they ar...
BREAKING NEWS!!! Anxiety, The Sleep Hormone and Your Cellphone. Don't Let That Phone Mess With Your Stress Boo.
As if there wasn't enough to be uptight and worried about . . . research shows your cellphone can stress you out.
That's probably no surprise right...
Safe Exposure Levels of EMF Radiation. What You Need To Know About Cellphones, WiFi, Smartmeters and All Things Wireless
Do Cellphones Cause Cancer? Is there a "safe" level of EMF exposure? There's a lot of talk about wireless energy-especially the term EMF radiation ...