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How I Discovered I Had EMF Sensitivity Syndrome (or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity)
I want to be transparent about my personal experiences, the experiences of people I've met through my travels, and the growing body of research on the subject of EMFs and health. I believe I've been sensitive to EMFs for most of my adult life. I can truly feel the radiation when I interact with a source. The symptoms of exposure for me look like this:
I feel heat, zaps of energy, and the feeling of a vibration when I hold a cellphone or tablet. I get a foggy feeling with a blunt headache if I'm within 15 to 20 feet of a WiFi signal. Sometimes this feeling comes over me within minutes, sometimes the symptom manifests after an hour or so. I wake up when the WiFi is on in my home. I can't sleep in airplane that has WIFI.
I take very good care of my health, eating right, daily exercise, energy work, supplements, meditation, grounding, and I live in a home that has very little man-made electromagnetic energy. The wires of my home are shielded. My family cooperates with my sensitivity and they make sure the WiFi is off when I'm home and they don't use their cellphones around me. I consider my mild sensitivity a gift of sorts as it allows me to "feel" the EMFs that normally can't be seen, heard, or felt. It's why I ordered my first meter and started exploring this subject over 25 years ago.
It's why I wouldn't let my kids ever put their cellphones to their ears, carry them in their pockets or have them in their bedrooms. It's why there's no WiFi on at my home. I've known that the energy from EMFs affects the energy of my body, and therefore I believed it could have the potential to affect everyone's health. Over a decade ago, I reached out to Dr. George Carlo, the man who headed the huge $27 MM research project for the cell phone industry in the '90's. I've looked to Dr. Carlo ever since as a trusted advisor on the science of RF Radiation. Now, more and more research is pointing to health effects from various EMF exposures.
I'm no scientist, but I delved into the science as part of my journey of understanding my own situation, my electromagnetic hypersensitivity and my desire to do something about it both for me and for others. The explanations in here are the best efforts of a layperson just like you. Be assured, I've done the research. I have asked scientists to review what I have written, and aside from some scientific nuances that I still don't quite understand, they have given me the go-ahead to share this with you.