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The Science Behind How Our Bodies Interact With EMF and Why Kids Are More Greatly Affected by EMF

Why Does EMF Affect Us? Our Bodies Are Electric and Magnetic

Remember, our bodies are electrical in nature. We're made up of atoms, which are made up of protons, electrons, and neutrons. There's a great video showing how our bodies use chemical sources to make electricity. Here's how Julia Layton explains the electricity in our bodies on How Stuff Works:

"Everything we do is controlled and enabled by electrical signals running through our bodies. As we learned in intro physics, everything is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have a neutral charge, and electrons have a negative charge. When these charges are out of balance, an atom becomes either positively or negatively charged. The switch between one type of charge and the other allows electrons to flow from one atom to another. This flow of electrons, or a negative charge, is what we call electricity. Since our bodies are huge masses of atoms, we can generate electricity."

Additionally, scientists have discovered our bodies contain the magnetic material magnetite. It turns out that high concentrations of magnetite have been discovered in the human head and brain. Magnetite is a mineral that is especially susceptible to magnetic attraction. What is even more fascinating? A scientist from Cal Tech recently confirmed that the very magnetic material in our heads allows us to respond to external fields. Currently, they are doing tests to see if and how humans may detect and use the earth's magnetic field. An article from Science Magazine notes that they're doing tests in a metal Faraday cage so that there's no EMF noise that could confound the experiment.

I've been doing EMF measurement videos on cell phones and mobile phones since 2000 because I wanted to show people the "energy waves" that can't be seen, felt or touched. In many of the videos, I talk about my belief that the energy coming from a smartphone or a Bluetooth speaker negatively affects the energy of my body or that I feel this energy isn't interacting with my body's energy in a good way.

Since we're electrical in nature and we now know our brains respond to the fields of energy—we can make the connection between how man-made EMFs might possibly be messing with our bodies by interfering with our natural bio-electromagnetic functions.

Dr Carlo explains that it's because the waves of energy carry information on them - that's all the words, pictures, videos, the data that wireless waves carry from antenna to device or device to device. Because the radio waves are coupled with the data or information on them, they become polarized, which is why we see the biological effects we see in the research.  Information Carrying Radio Waves are often referred to as EMF. Actually they are a type of EMF, but you'll see us refer to them specifically as Information Carrying Radio Waves  ICRW when we talk about the biological effects. 

Because radio frequency or RF energy power has multiplied exponentially in the last 35 years, it is used in more areas of our life every single day. Our main focus at Tech Wellness is reducing your exposure from wireless ICRW sources.

We advocate what’s referred to as the Precautionary Principle. Basically, this means that because there’s research saying the energy that powers our cellphones – RF radiation– could be causing health concerns including tumors and cancer, then we ought to take care when using our cell phones and all devices that emit RF-and use them mindfully.

This Family Social Media Plan helps you help your kids to slay social media.

And More Precaution Is More Important for Our Kids

I know in this day and age it's almost impossible to fully protect our kids from EMF. (We talk about how to know when your child should have a cellphone or smartphone of their own in our Parent's Guide To Giving Your Kids A Phone) However, as parents we need to be extra cautious with our children because their little bodies are even more greatly affected by EMFs than us adults. 

The illustration below is from the MID-90's (yes, parents have been concerned about wireless radiation for a loooong time) It's a picture of how kids brains absorb more radiation then adults because of their thinner, developing skulls.  This was done by Professor Gandhi who was actually working for Motorola and the Department of Defense at the time, and according to Devra Davis lost his funding after he published this 2 dimensional modeling. 

childrens brains and emf wireless energy absorption

Children's  little bodies are different then ours.  Their skulls are thinner and the fact that their body systems are rapidly developing makes them more vulnerable to microwave exposures. Devra Davis of the Environmental Health Trust reminds us that this information is scientifically accepted.  She also lead research confirming that because children’s skulls are thinner and tissues of a child’s head, including the bone marrow and the eye, absorb significantly more energy than those in an adult head. The illustration below demonstrates the greater exposure absorption for a smaller head. It's done with 3D modeling used for the Environmental Health Trust.

For more research and practical steps to help keep you protected from this invisible toxin, check out our Complete EMF Guide here.

Top Tech Wellness Products

1. Best Air Tube Headphones for EMF Protection in 2025 • Earbuds with Incredible Sound 2. 2025's Best WiFi Kill Switch. Turn Off WiFi With One Click. Get EMF Protection For Better Sleep and Calmer Days 3. Hard Wire Shielded CAT 8 Ethernet Cables For Best EMF Protection Available--EMF FREE-NO RADIATION! 4. No EMF Alarm Clock. Keep The Bedroom EMF Radiation Free! Best Silent Analog Alarm Clock 5. Fast Grounded Lightning Ethernet Adapter. Use iPhone Online with NO Radio Frequency EMF 6. Sleep Prep Glasses. Wrap To Block More Blue Light! 2 Styles: Complete Block And Over Glasses Blockers 7. Faraday Bags. Quality• Affordable• Sleek Faraday Cellphone Case for Privacy + EMF Protection That Works! 8. Super Power EMF Detector! All NEW Safe Sound III EMF Reader. This Meter Ships Free 9. EMF Protection Starter Pack 10. 2025 Best•Cutest Blue Light Blockers. Daytime Glasses Reduce Glare On All Screens 11. EMF Reader. Find All EMF: Electric, Magnetic EMF, Dirty Electricity and RF Radiation. 12. Hard Wire Kit. Turn off Wifi, Install Wired Ethernet Connect All Devices To The Internet. Phones, Laptops, Tablets and Computers 13. Best Stylus For Kids! Gentler to Skin— Helpful EMF Protection for littles 14. A NEW and BETTER Blue Light Bundle: Three Glasses, Three Colors To Protect You From Blue Light Any Time! 15. Top EMF Reader. Professional EMF Radiation Meter Rated BEST By Experts• FREE SHIPPING! 16. Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon 17. De-Stress Dough. Relax And Play. Digital Detox Therapy in A Jar For Mind, Body and Soul 18. Screen Cleansing Wipes. Our Fav New Screen Wipes! Clean Glasses, Laptops, Phones and Tablets- 19. Private Consultation with Tech Wellness Founder August Brice 20. Screen Free Activity Bundle for Kids! Off-Line Fun for All Ages! 21. Mom's Pretty Pink Gift Set Holidy Set Women LOVE! 22. Disconnect Gift Set: De-Stress Dough, WiFi Switch, Coloring Set

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