What Happened When We Got Rid Of Our Smart Meter? The Results Are Amazing--You Can Do It Too!
UPDATED DECEMBER 2023: We recently had another smart meter removed. This one was in Texas, the last one was in California. I'm happy to report tha...
EMF DETOX : Top 10 Ways to Reduce Cellphone Radiation Exposure
You may have heard it called EMF, RF, information carrying radio waves or any number of other names. But one thing is certain: the invisible, artif...
How to Stay Healthy and Happy at Home During Coronavirus
From the beginning, I have prided myself on staying away from fear-driven content and instead focusing on science-backed, truth-filled and empoweri...
New 2018 Study: Sleep and Your Mental Health + Wellbeing. A Magical Key.
The Largest Sleep Study Ever Shows That IF you want to sleep better--and avoid depression-
Don't let that cellphone or any electronic device, disru...