2024 Review Airtube Headsets Best Price
We Compare Safertech Air Tube Heaphones to Bose and Apple Headphones
Having a wellness focus, especially when it comes to tech, can sometimes be ...
What Happened When We Got Rid Of Our Smart Meter? The Results Are Amazing--You Can Do It Too!
UPDATED DECEMBER 2023: We recently had another smart meter removed. This one was in Texas, the last one was in California. I'm happy to report tha...
What is Electric or Magnetic EMF? Dirty Electricty and Avoid A Phone That's Charging.
Published: 08/01/2022Updated: 10/12/2023
These days when people say "EMF" they typically mean EMF radiation from wireless energy. It's one type of ...
Apple Warnings: Apple Says iPhones and Devices Are Dangerous: Know The Injury and Exposure Facts
Published: 9/4/2023
Apple warns us that our cellphones are dangerous. We need to handle the battery correctly, charge them correctly, and put enou...
What Does EMF Mean? What Is EMF Protection? The Complete EMF GUIDE
Welcome to the Tech Wellness EMF Guide! Our Definitive, Continually Updated Source for Information and Practical Solutions [Last Update: Octobe...
Install Wired Ethernet Connections GUIDE. How To eliminate wireless Internet To All Devices - Simple Guide for Ethernet to Your Phone, Computer and Tablet
Our Hard Wire Internet Kit Has Everything You Need!Plus a step by step video guide below!
How To Hard Wire Internet In Your Home
Finally! A si...
Is WiFi Dangerous? What's the Safest Distance From WiFi? Here's How Far You Should Be From Your Router For Less
What is a safe distance from Wifi Router?
For me, the less the better. Being electromagnetic sensitive (EHS) I feel best when peak levels in my environment are below 1. Micro-Watts per square centimeter. What does that mean? What is WiFi energy exactly? Its the same energy that comes from . . .
BREAKING NEWS!!! Anxiety, The Sleep Hormone and Your Cellphone. Don't Let That Phone Mess With Your Stress Boo.
As if there wasn't enough to be uptight and worried about . . . research shows your cellphone can stress you out.
That's probably no surprise right...
Generation Zapped! Download and Watch Today!
Generation Zapped is Eye-Opening and Credible
This well produced movie delves into the realities of our digital world – packed full with WiFi, smar...
What is an EMF? RF Wireless Energy made EASY and the Precautionary Principle
So, What is it?
Electromagnetic Frequencies (also known as EMF) come in many forms:
Mainly 3 types:
Electric fields
Magnetic fields