You Really Do Get More EMF Exposure From WIFI In the US! Because the FCC Says So.
Do we need WiFi's in the U.S. to give off up to 90% more EMF than ones in other parts of the world? The answer to that is a resounding NO! Why is it happening? Why do other countries see fit to reduce the public exposure to EMF, while here in America, we're blasting away. And don't get me started about 5G and mesh WiFi networks. This is getting insane--OVERKILL doesn't even begin to describe it-and we have to do something before the biological impact gets real and obvious. Like they eventually did with cigarettes.
I found this out accidentally on a trip abroad recently and when I started researching and found out it was not only true, but worse than I thought.... I actually couldn't believe no one has ever talked about this before!!!
5g Dangers: Will It Make You Sick? What Can You Do To Protect Yourself? Millimeter Waves, Wifi, Mesh Networks 5G Towers and What they Do To You