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Deep Dive on a Few Studies About EMF Effects and Links to Peer-Reviewed Research by Symptom

EMF Radiation Research:  There's Plenty of Evidence to Consider

Important research - beginning with the Telecom industry's own study 3 decades ago - to 1,000's of peer reviewed studies since, show a link between cellphone energy and negative health effects. Let's now take a few minutes to dive into just a handful of them. Are you ready?

Consider a  2021 report from a very qualified source: Christopher Portier.  He’s the former director of the National Center for Environmental Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and now the Director of the National Center for Environmental Health Agency for Toxic substances and Disease Registry.

His report concluded that there’s a “high probability”  that cellphone  EMF causes brain cancer -specifically gliomas and acoustic neuromas. 


Cellphones, Melatonin, Sleep and More.

Another 2021 study reveals that exposure to cellphone radiation from a 2600 Mhz signal (which is a popular carrier signal on the LTE band btw) decreased melatonin.  Alarmingly, the scientists noted that there was increased cell death in the brain as well as structural deformation which means warping, bending, and twisting structural components! 

I just asked Kevser Delen, lead researcher, for her personal take-aways from the study:

"Reducing the exposure time is one of the most important recommendations. Also, using headphones while talking with mobile phones could be protective. Furthermore, antioxidant agent usage may be helpful."
I was curious about how far the rats were from the cellphone radiation plume.

"In our study the distance between the rats and the antennae was about 20 cm. We suggest our exposure could be analogous with human exposure. We observed significant biological changes as written in the manuscript. I also observed that rats had anxietic behaviours when RFR (radio frequency radiation) on."
Many people in the Tech Wellness community (including me) notice the feelings of anxiety when they're in a zone with high EMF exposure. Even Apple and other cellphone manufacturers tell us in the fine print that we should be 5 to 10 cm from our devices.  Personally, I recommend a minimum 8-12 in and our Airtube headsets that allow you to be a full 3 ft from your device.

Phone use linked to brain tumors, acoustic neuroma, and damage to human blood

As I mentioned earlier, I started looking into the “energy effect” over 25 years ago, simply trying to identify what I was feeling. At about the same time, major research on the topic was underway. To date, the Wireless Technology Research or WTR remains the most seminal work on the topic of adverse health effects and cell phone use. The WTR was founded in 1993 by CTIA, and back then the acronym stood for US Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association, but now this trade organization just goes by CTIA and represents the U.S wireless communications industry.

Dr. George Carlo headed this research project which resulted in the findings of genetic damage to human blood, increased risk of brain neuroepithelial tumors in those who use cell phones on the side of the head where their tumors were found, as well as increased risk of acoustic neuroma with increasing minutes of phone use. When Dr. Carlo announced his findings with letters of warning to the major telecom's including AT&T, he was dismissed from his position and disparaged. He admits in his book "Cellphones: Invisible Hazards of the Wireless Age" that he did sell to consumers for $19.95 copies of the "Information Package" that he also presented with the letter. That gave Thomas Wheeler an opening to discredit him and he was fired 2 weeks later.

I personally have found Dr. Carlo to be incredibly wise and helpful on EMF radiation and the biological effects. The findings of his research were most recently edified in 2018 by our government's own National Toxicology Program where links were found to cellphone radiation:

      • Increased incidences of glioma, a rare, aggressive and highly malignant brain cancer
      • Increased incidence of schwannoma (a rare tumor of the nerve sheath) of the heart
      • Increases of these cancers were found in both sexes of rats, but reached statistical significance only in males
      • Increased incidences of rare, proliferative changes in glial cells of the brain and in Schwann cells in the hears of bot sexes of rats while not a single unexposed control animal developed these precancerous changes.
      • DNA damage was induced with both modulations of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) in both rats and mice (in the frontal lobe plus other tissues). 

Other research around the world followed and then in 2011, the World Health Organization, specifically the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RF exposed as a Group 2B possible carcinogen. This was big news, in fact, I did a video recap of it back then to explain what that means:


National Toxicology Program Finds Connection Between EMF and Cell Damage 

And most recently our own National Toxicology Program (NTP) concluded that its "largest and most complex" 30 million dollar study found a connection to cell damage and wireless EMF or Radio Frequency.

They noted incidences of tumors in the brains and hearts of male mice after exposure. In an interview with Dr. David McCormick from the Illinois Institute of  Technology where the study was performed, I appreciate where he flat out says, "Yes, that's correct," to the question of a WTHR reporter, "In your lab, you found cell phone radiation caused cancer?" Dr. McCormick followed with, "Yes, the results were surprising." The animals were exposed to 10 minutes on/off increments of RF energy for 9 hours a day.

Think about it...

That amount of RF energy in our lives is quite outrageous these days, between our Bluetooth keyboards on our computers and our wireless headsets, speakers, the WiFi and our cellphones—we're all easily exposed to 4.5 hours of RF radiation in a 9 hour period of time. Right? And a recent study linked a very low level, but acute (or constant) exposure to wireless EMF to cancer of the heart, lymphoma, and leukemia. Hmmmm. Not great news.

Respected Medical Associations are Speaking Out

It makes sense that organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics have expressed concern regarding radiation standards relating to wireless devices.

Many in the medical field believe that pregnant women and their unborn children, very young children, teenagers, men of a reproductive age, seniors, and anyone with a chronic health condition are those who are an especially high risk of harm from exposure.Electric fields can affect the electrical communication in your body, such as your brainwaves, or the ability of your neurons to fire and communicate. It can also impede inter­-cell communication anywhere in your body. Health problems in addition to our reported list of symptoms that can manifest as a result of this type of exposure include:

      • Neurological and behavioral changes

      • Altered cell growth

      • Cell mutations

      • Fibromyalgia

      • Chronic fatigue

      • Cancer

But the "Wireless Causes Cancer" belief still isn't ringing true for everyone...

Even with all the mounting research, the vast majority of the medical and regulatory groups do not confirm any direct correlation between any disease from heart disease to autoimmune diseases like cancer to wireless EMF's. In fact, the American Cancer Society comments on the body of probable connection studies this way:

"Finally, the measurement of cell phone use in most studies has been crude. Most have been case-control studies, which have relied on people’s memories about their past cell phone use. In these types of studies, it can be hard to interpret any possible link between cancer and an exposure. People with cancer are often looking for a possible reason for it, so they may sometimes (even subconsciously) recall their phone usage differently than people without cancer. With these limitations in mind, it is important that the possible risk of cell phone exposure continue to be researched using strong study methods, especially with regard to use by children and longer-term use."

Then it goes on to point out that agencies from the FDA to the FCC state that there are no conclusive links to health effects and cell phone EMFs. I would love for that to be true.

I think every day, scientists are getting closer to the answer.

Lots of Scientists Doing Lots of Research...

...for a long time! The earliest research compilation I've found on the topic of RF or microwave energy, in particular, was done by Zorach Glasser.  He did a research report listing 122 Bio-effects linked to microwave/RF energy for the US Navy back in 1971.  He cited research from over 2200 studies.  Check out the PDF.  It's fascinating! It's awesome that so many research institutions are studying wireless EMF and their health effects!

International Scientists Cataloged 5 Pages of Biological Effects! 

Then, in 2012 the Bioiniative Report, which was written by a respected group of international scientists, cataloged 5 pages of biological effects that occur due to RF exposure.

Here are some recent scientific articles that find a link between your cell phone, WiFi or Bluetooth wireless device:

Top Tech Wellness Products

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