Daily Digital Detox: Here's How and Great Reason Why You Should Try IT!
1. Less Depressed: A study by the National Institute of Mental Health has found a strong and significant association between heavy internet use and/or social media use and depression. And not a huge surprise to a lot of parents, scientists have also found a link between heavy Facebook use and depressive symptoms, including low self-esteem.
2. Better Sleep: 47% of adults say they miss out on sleep due to internet usage.
3. Better Relationships: 21% of UK children feel their parents don’t listen to them properly because they’re constantly picking up emails, calls or texts on their mobiles 27% say their parents have double standards about technology.
4. A Healthier YOU: Wireless energy and your body’s energy. There are 1,000's of studies linking the energy (EMF) that emanates from our digital devices to a myriad of conditions and diseases. Now no one is absolutely 100% sure exactly any one person will be affected by the EMF's. Our own US government has been doing research and they released partial findings this year connecting cell phone use to brain cancer in rats. At TechWellness, we believe better safe than sorry when it comes to emf exposure, so the less, the better.
5. Compulsive texting isn't so healthy: A study found teenagers who text compulsively, have a lot in common with compulsive gamblers.
6. Better Emotional Empathy: A UCLA study found that pre-teens who were deprived of screens for five days through a digital detox were much better at reading people’s emotions (non-verbal skills) than children who continued using screens.
7. A Happier YOU: Staying off all social media for a week has been shown in a study to increase happiness. YAY!
Want to be healthier, happier and less depressed? Here's how to do it...
1. Less Depressed: Let's start with Social Media Power. Quick, grab your device...
and remove ONE app. Yes, it can be so freeing! Take control over the “manipulated engagement” an app may be exercising over you. One important engagement tactic is the “game-i-fiction” of apps that are contributing to addiction. There’s SO much to see and do, It’s downright, well, addicting. So, right now, try it, remove one. One that you know you’re using altogether too much and that’s not really adding to that amazing, full, meaningful life of yours or your kids. Another way to have the power is to allow a certain amount of time, like a schedule, to spend on social media instead of losing yourself and wasting precious time. See number 8.
2. Better Sleep: No Smartphones, Computers, TV's or Digital Alarm Clocks In The Bedroom . . .
BUT how will you wake up? (gasp!) I use a simple but modern battery alarm clock–with an optional light so I can sleep in total darkness. Sans blue light for optimal melatonin production. In fact, if you’re using a screen less than 2 hours before bed, you should be using a “Night Shift” function or wearing orange glasses.
Really-even if you're "unplugging" from phones and computers, therse are super helpful even for TV watching or any type of blue light. We offer tons bluelight blocking options and styles--those for the sophisticated kind, the style queens, and kings, or the technical computer geeks--some have light amber lenses, which are great for daytime use. Others, like our espresso colored lenses block a full 96% of the blue light and these should worn in the evening hours for super healthy melatonin production.

3. Better Relationships: No Device Dinners:
Great real life connections: No device dates = romance?! Well, at least the opportunity to talk! Try it – park your phones or devices in a basket and let the conversation begin. And the distractions melt away. First one who touches the phone stack has to do the dishes or pay the dinner bill! (That’ll do the trick!)

4. A Healthier You (Part 1) Drop Devices From Your Exercise Routine
OR if you love to exercise to sounds, turn your device on an airplane and just listen to downloads, podcasts and more. Tech Wellness is especially important when it comes to kids who really need to be protected from EMF radiation. But for you too! Get in the practice downloading stuff ahead of time to safely listen to WiFi free! A completely off-the-grid option is to place your phone in a protective faraday bag. No signal in and no signal out.
5. A Healthier You (Part 2): Turn WiFi On Only When. . .
... you absolutely need it. Try it and you’ll discover you’ll be more mindful of when you really need to access the internet. Really need to check FB or insta? This gives you a bit of pause to think about it. Bonus: No WiFi = No EMF radiation! It’s best to not get super-close to the router to keep toggling it on/off. Use a remote switch to do so, safely and at a distance. I love this one
6. Compulsive Texting Fix
As stated earlier, a study linked compulsive texting with the same attributes as compulsive gambling. Uh, oh. This bad habit has the potential to veer or morph into other dangerous compulsive habits.
We tend to check our phones when we don't even get a phone or notification buzz. It's habit. Yikes. Let's retrain our brain by putting all texts, snaps, likes, etc. on Do Not Disturb.
A simple fix to try be to turn off notifications and set an auto-reply. We've got a video and some great ideas for what to say in your auto reply. An auto reply to a text puts you in control and allows you to answer texts on your time line.
So you can get off the phone and enjoy your surroundings--whether that be with a person, or a place--life is less complicated unplugged.
7. Fifteen minutes of mindfulness OR a minimum of 5 minutes of Meditation per day
without a phone or computer within eye-shot or earshot. Deep Breaths in, deep exhale out. Again . . .. ahhhhhhh. Hold for four seconds on the inhale and exhale. (it’s harder than you’d think!) You’ll be more focused and relaxed. Taking a yoga, Pilates or meditation class is great for breath work — but this will work for now for the mind/body connection. Or, another thing we love to do is record our daily moments in a Five Minute Journal. This small act per day will seriously boost your mood and help you stay in the moment, as well as appreciate what every day gives you--all in a little book!
I meditate daily and many friends told me about the MUSE meditation Device.I've been meditating for 30 years, so it was fun to try the Muse Guided Meditation Headband. Muse gives your real-time feedback about your meditative, relaxed state. Not loving EMF radiation exposure, I wanted to see if the Muse experience warranted the exposure:
8. Set a Social Media schedule.
If you need to Tweet, or FB, chat or Insta daily, then set a time and stick to it. After lunch for 15 minutes . . . and then, here’s the hard part — that’s it. You can use also use an app like Calendly that pre-schedules your social media ahead of time and shows you what the layout would look like. Feeling even more powerful? Try getting down on a bi-weekly schedule. I can’t believe I’m down to a weekly visit to FB. I alot an hour a week to stay in touch or you can take the app off of your phone (Facebook messenger, too — which is known to breach privacy.) This results in more time every day to be productive…and actually, enjoy this gorgeous world and the fabulous people and things in it.
9. Better Emotional Empathy: Every day, no matter where you are in this big universe
Take 5 minutes to feel your feet on the ground. Phone off or in airplane mode! “Grounding” is a now trendy centering practice, but doing it whilst on your phone defeats the purpose. Walking on wet sand on the beach at sunset feels great, but the effects of grounding are the same with grass or plain old dirt! It’s SO EASY to forget our connection with Mother Earth when we’re wearing shoes running around all day or stuck in an office. Grounders believe the earth’s energy resets our bodies and absorbs negative energy.
For total Tech Wellness, schedule a camping trip or a beach day at one of these tech-free zones. No phones allowed! Just you, your loved one and the great outdoors!! Even more intense and better, collect the willpower (which you have because we believe in you!) to put your phone away for a few days. Release the worry or need to check notifications. Tell everyone you're on a 'Device Siesta'.

10. A Happier You: KNOW - without a doubt - YOU are stronger, smarter and more powerful than a smartphone...
Let the smartphone work for you. You shouldn’t work for it. If you’re distracted by notifications from pleasure-social or work-social apps: Turn them OFF. If you want to stop what you’re doing and take a phone call, do. If the person you’re with or thing you’re doing is more important. Don’t answer. Check your voicemail later and call back on your schedule(obviously Mom’s, you’re at the kids beckon call — but sometimes you’re not) Recognize when. You don’t actually have to respond anytime your phone rings, vibrates or flashes. It’s up to you. Because you ARE smarter than a smartphone.
TBH, Honestly, if I can do it (and get my kids too) you can do it too! Let’s detox and be stronger than our smartphones today!
Here's the research