How Far Should the Cellphone Be From Your Body? Easy Ways to Maintain Safe Distance From Cell phone Radiation
This Tech Wellness Way seems harsh, but it's good advice. Even Apple and Samsung agree. They both recommend distance from your phone.
Crazy Right? How are we supposed to NOT touch the phone? Well, one way to get a safer distance from EMF radiation is to use a phone leash or strap!
And Here's Why Distance Between You and Your Phone Is A Good Idea
At Tech Wellness, we advise that you keep a safe distance from a phone that is ON. That's because cell phones and smart phones emit EMF radiation whenever they are ON - even if you're not using them!
How It Works:
When ever your phone is on, it sends a signal as it's looking for a carrier signal to connect with. A high frequency man-made or artificial electromagnetic field is generated and the energy created is a type of non-ionizing radiation.The physics definition from Wikipedia explains it this way: Electromagnetic Radiation (EM radiation or EMR) refers to the waves (or their quanta photons) of the electromagnetic fields, propagating (radiating) through space-time, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy.
The way it's easiest for me to explain is that we are electromagnetic in nature and as such our body's energy is effected by the electromagnetic energy in our environment.
How much wireless radiation are we talking about?
Ridiculously high levels of exposure! When I measure the levels of RF radiation from today's smart phones (iPhones or Androids) the power density levels are so much higher than cellphones used to be. They have more and more functionality, like WiFi and BlueTooth and that means they have more antennas and transmitters sending and receiving in a plume of EMF radiation. Hello 5G! We have YouTuber's to keep up with, movies to stream, and massive numbers of apps to visit so our phones push more and more EMF power density. If you could see the waves of “invisible” energy coming from your phone it would be easier to understand how there's so much of it.
Over the last ten years, I've used special meters to measure the radiation coming out of everything from flip phones to smart phones so you can easily see what I mean. I think it’s fun and yes, important to experience something that you can’t see, smell or touch, but is so wildly powerful. Just like we mentioned above, our smart phones are so smart they can deliver a 97-minute video in high definition or the live face and voice of friends anywhere in the world. Think of this cell radiation as just one more toxin or irritant in our environment that's best avoided.
The World Health Organization classifies this EMF has a Class 2B Possible Carcinogen. That's the same classification that diesel fumes get. So if you wouldn't stand in a building filled with diesel fumes, you probably don't want to hold a cellphone or laptop that's filling your environment with wireless waves.
The great news, you can use your cellphone (and laptops, tablets and computers) with ALL THE WIRELESS TURNED OFF - On Airplane mode!
I have a great Hard Wired Guide and this great
Ethernet adapter or dongle is just one part of
our amazing Hard Wire Kit!
I'm quite aware of EMF and wireless radiation because of have electromagnetic sensitivity or ES. I take good care of myself—but I need to be mindful of the power density level of the wireless RF energy and the amount of time I'm exposed because this RF wireless radiation is tangible to my body, and many times I begin to feel symptoms like tingling and numbness and a pressure in my head. Think of it like someone who has asthma being subjected to smoke. They would likely experience symptoms depending on the amount and density of the smoke and how long they had to be inhaling it.
For a complete list, Dr. Ronald Powell compiled research of people and symptoms they experienced after being exposed to wireless radiation.
When it comes to being exposed to this invisible energy, people often ask me, "How much is too much?" And "What's a "safe" level of exposure?"
More and more research is pointing to biological impact from EMF radiation. Our research section is a good place to start if you’re really curious about what scientists are finding out about our beautiful bodies and wireless energy.
Here's a sampling of thoughts from a few major scientists on the EMF radiation front as well as statements from Apple and WiFi manufacturers:
Devra Davis of the Environmental Health Trust point out: "Research has not yet identified a “safe level”of cell phone or wireless radiation"
- The makers of cell phones and smart watches reference RF energy and safe distance levels in their manuals. Our research section has links to the iPhone 8, Macbook, Apple Watch And Samsung manuals. Here's an example, “During testing, Apple Watch radios are set to their highest transmission levels and placed in positions that simulate use against the head, with 10mm separation, and on the wrist with no separation. When placing the Apple Watch near your face, keep at least 10mm of separation to ensure exposure levels remain at or below the as-tested levels.” Apple advises that the watch stays a 1/2" from your face so levels don't go above the "tested" levels. Hmmmmm...
- One of the largest European Telecom providers put a warning in their recent manual for their WiFi router: "Avoid placing your Speedport router in immediate proximity to bedrooms, children's rooms, living rooms (means also common rooms or lounges,) in order to keep the exposure to electromagnetic fields as low as possible."
"Some people are being adversely effected but don't know it because they confuse common symptoms like headaches, anxiety, being short-tempered, dizziness, sleep problems, weight-gain, and low energy with other things in life and don't connect it to wireless devices and the infrastructure. Still other people have developed adaptive responses so they are not functionally impaired at all. It's important for people to become informed so that they can figure out where they fit and then take steps accordingly."
Another Excellent Way to Get Space Between You and Your
Smartphone is by using Speaker Mode or an Airtube Headset.
The SaferTech Headphone has over 5' of cord!
So, when it comes to Wireless RF... Is there a safe level?
The Wireless EMF Radiation Safe Exposure Chart: Here’s a chart that shows the incredible amount of Wireless EMF the FCC says is “safe”. The FCC limit is based on thermal or heat effects of wireless energy. The other six scales call out precautionary or biological recommendations.
The "Safe" Level Of Wireless Energy Exposure That I really hope you can stay within:
This chart shows the level (.5) that I don't feel comfortable seeing anyone exceed! If you can stay 12 inches from your cellphone and 20 feet from your WiFi, exposure levels shouldn't reach this fairly significant level. This is my personal opinion based on my personal experience (20+ years of researching wireless EMF) and what I want for my family and those I love. Plus, as you’ll see in my videos, anytime we measure a cellphone that’s less than 8 inches away, we generally go over 1.0. But, if I can keep the cellphone 8 to 10 inches from my body, the level drops to .5 and less--usually.
Keep That Cellphone 8" To 10" Away

In the photo above, I'm showing how it's actually MUCH SAFER to use distance vs the "anti-radiation" cases and filters flooding the market. They actually don't work because the radiation comes out from the SIDES and BACK of the phone. Of course it does, right? The silly cases only block the front of the phone, leaving your hands exposed and radiating EMF radiation to the sides of your head if you hold the phone to your head. It's not a good idea to use one. Really... even the FCC warns these cases can make our exposures worse.
Distance Is Your Friend When It Comes To Smartphones and All Wireless
There's a math formula called the Inverse Square Law: The intensity of a force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from that force.
Practically speaking - Any part of your body holding the phone or glued right up to next to your cellphone is getting the heaviest dose of exposure. Keep it out of your hands anytime you can and a good 12" away from your face and eyes is a good rule of thumb for "safer" exposure levels.
EMFwise has a really good page of charts showing the safest distance you can be from any wireless device. The lengths are very conservative and the recommendations tell you the approximate distances required to reach the Salzburg Precautionary Limit of 2001 and 2002. They point out that with the high levels of power density coming from our newest devices is requiring that we move further and further away because effects are being reported at lower and lower levels of exposure.
"The purpose of the calculations below is to demonstrate that the inverse square law (defined at right) is not as helpful as you may think, when the level at which health effects occur is far below the transmit power of the devices (and international standards)."
Thank you for reading! I hope you found this information on why you need to be a safe distance from your phone, and how to easily do it, very helpful!
There's no need or room for fear. We simply practice mindfulness with our technology. That's our mantra here at Tech Wellness. Our Wireless Guide has more detailed information on electromagnetic radiation and wireless RF. It also includes more ideas for living healthy and well while we stay connected.
Our goal is to facilitate maintaining health while people access the benefits of emerging technology with Safer Tech.
Let us know if you have any questions or comments for me or any of our experts. We're here to help!
Most of all please . . .
Be Well!!!
Does a phone emit more radiation in a call compared to scrolling the internet on my phone? On WiFi vs data?
Does this mean my phone is poisoning me???
So does this mean my hotspot on my phone has to be twenty feet away?
Good article. I started keeping cellphone near a window, far away from me.
I was sleeping right near it every night to listen to music with earbuds but I’ll start using an iPod for that instead.