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Grounding, Earthing, and the Benefits of Touching the Earth - The Right Way To Ground

Updated 2024

A natural, barefoot grounding walk is a basic digital well-being strategy to connect to the earth and disconnect from technology. 

Every day, I make sure I get a healthy 30-minute dose of Vitamin G!  It’s my gift to my body and my soul.

Doing it with a friend you love is a magical bonus.  

grounding earthing grounded

Grounding 101

I love the direct body-earth connection I get when I walk on grass, sand or just put my feet directly on soil. To ground is as simple as being barefoot outside, on conductive surfaces such as grass, sand, soil, and concrete.

That's grounding. Bare feet or any direct skin contact with the earth is pure unadulterated grounding. It's the process of synching your body with the natural electric frequencies of the earth and the influx of free electrons from the ground are believed by some scientists to generate healing effects

Grounding by walking on the beach each day is my medicine! 

All the lovely energy of the earth energizes my body. Walking on the beach has added benefits--giving your body a direct connect with nature's negative ions generated by the waves at the shore.  

Walking around all day in rubber shoes and being layers away from the ground, be it through unnatural flooring or distance, is significantly interfering with our energetic connection to the Earth and depletes our natural electrons.

Earthing proponents say you can ground yourself by walking outside barefoot, sitting on the ground, or being connected to the earth via grounding devices that transfer electrons from the earth to your body. There's even Earthing Footwear designed with conductive copper rivets that are supposed to connect you to the ground. I haven't tested those.

The Study of Health and Earthing or Grounding

The science of how physiologically, we might benefit when our body directly connects to the natural electrical frequencies of the earth is thought to be very solid by some and unproven by others. 

The idea is that electrons drawn into the body from the earth neutralize damaging free radicals and by extension reduce disease-related chronic or acute inflammation.

Earthing, also known as grounding, focuses on the belief that contact with the Earth’s electric energy --even through the use of wired or electrical connectors can generate significant physiological changes in the body. In one study covered in "Earthing" the book, participants slept on a special mat that had a connection to a grounding device outside the house. When compared to the ungrounded participants in the same study, the grounded ones showed significant changes in key biomarkers including serum sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, total protein, and others.

There have been studies linking grounding to the reduction of inflammation and pain and shown perceptible changes in the autonomic nervous system from the sympathetic fight or flight response to the more relaxed para-sympathetic response. 

Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D. in Engineering Physics 

Dr. Chevalier, the director of the Earthing Institute, has been studying Earthing and Grounding for 15 years and says he has seen subjects with pain from arthritis and all kinds of inflammatory diseases find relief by grounding for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Chevalier recommends an hour a day for most people to see results in the form of pain relief.  He talks about a woman with MS that requires 16 hours a day of grounding for relief.

"The studies I have been involved with have yielded an intriguing picture of what happens when we connect to the Earth. In short, it’s as if a switch is somehow turned on, and, in response, the body’s inner workings start functioning more efficiently and robustly." says Chevalier

He advises natural grounding, but also recommends grounding mats as part of a healthy lifestyle and emphasizes, as we do here at Tech Wellness: A balanced lifestyle.

Natural Grounding vs Grounding Pads and Beds. 

I personally don't use any type of grounding mat, grounding sheets, pillows, or any type of grounding that connects to an electrical outlet. I have electromagnetic hypersensitivity and have found that I feel electrical sensations from the mats and they just don't feel good to me and they may not feel good to you if you've plugged them into an electrical outlet in your home. It's true!

Grounding sheets, pads, and mats all use a grounding wire that are mainly designed to connect to the electrical system in your home or apartment.  But you can use that same wiring to ground naturally to the earth. You can do this by using a grounding rod.

Go For The Grounding Rod and Say No To Plugging Into A Outlet

I'm now studying to be a Building Biologist. At a recent training conference, we discussed the principal of connecting the ground wire that comes with a grounding mat to the electrical system in your home. That's essentially what you're doing when you plug the wire that attaches to a grounding device into a standard outlet. 

Even if your home wiring is grounded, the grounding mat can still expose your body to electric fields or dirty electricity. That's because the ground wire can carry electrical interference.  Electrical interference is often called dirty electricity.

The Building Biology Institute doesn't officially use the term dirty electricity.  Electrical interference can be caused by bad wiring, old wiring, or because the higher frequencies from our wireless things are now being plugged into our outlets and those radiofrequency electromagnetic fields can now be carried by the wires.

You won't always know if your outlets are properly grounded or if they are exposing you to electrical interference. 

Electrically Ground Yourself To The Earth The Natural Way!

You can use the wiring that comes with a grounding mat, sheets, or any grounding apparatus, and connect that wire to the actual ground that's outside. Or you can get a rod with wire like this one:

ground naturally
This is what Building Biologists recommend. They also go a step further and tell us the optimal way to ground is to also turn off the electricity in your home to avoid exposure to all electric fields while you ground.

If you want to take a deep dive into connecting to the earth and grounding, check out Earthing: the book that explains all about the process. 

The authors have included lots of information, how-to's, and a nice research section.

Be aware that there’s a pretty big commercial aspect to this electric type of earthing.  There are many websites that sell a range of equipment including earthing beds and chairs that can get pretty pricey - which is just one more reason to love the idea of natural grounding. 

Building Biologist Shane Rielly Shows The Electric Fields You Can Be Exposed To By Plugging A Grounding Mat In

Oram Miller, a noted Building Biologist, also says this about grounding pads, 

"We recommend that you ground these pads into the earth rather than into the ground of your electrical outlet when possible. We also recommend that you reduce the electric fields in your bedroom first by having a Building Biology evaluation of your home."

Jeromy Johnson, from EMFAnalysis, shows you below in this YouTube video how to tell if there is EMI (or electromagnetic interference or dirty electricity) coming from your electrical wiring.

Many people wonder if the grounding products are actually "connecting" to the earth at all. Well, there are continuity testers that can be used for that.

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Wireless EMF and Dirty Electricity and Grounding

We're all about avoiding all types of wireless RF radiation and the Director of the Earthing Institute also recommends prudent avoidance of EMF radiation from all wireless devices and microwaves, but adds that grounding can help you repair by giving energy to the mitochondria and he believes that grounding mats can prevent the effects lower frequencies like those from magnetic energy and dirty electricity. 

Finally, please remember that even the strongest proponents for grounding acknowledge there's a limit to the "magic" of grounding.  It's not a cure-all. 

Think of a grounding as part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle.

I know what I'm going to do now . . . I hope you'll join me in spirit as I go outside and ground naturally with a healthy barefoot walk.

Be Well!



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