EMF and Your Baby: Studies Show EMF Exposure Linked to Increase in Miscarriage, Low Baby Weight
Are you pregnant or trying to be? Then please please do not use a laptop. Please try and avoid all wireless and sources of EMF exposure and tr...
Are Pampers Smart Diapers Worth It? What You Shoud Know Before Putting A Wireless Sensor on Your Baby
Pampers Lumi is coming!
Before you know it, baby's first smart device won't be an iPad playing cute cartoons. No--it could be much closer to his c...
Can Bose Sleep Buds Help You Get A Good Nights Sleep?
We test Bose Sleep Buds for RF radiation. Uh-Oh!
A Breakdown to Your Smartphone RF Exposure & How to Work With It
We did some digging and found Apple’s legal disclosure on the RF exposure information for their iPhone 8, Apple Watch series 3, laptop, and iPad. T...
Safe Exposure Levels of EMF Radiation. What You Need To Know About Cellphones, WiFi, Smartmeters and All Things Wireless
Do Cellphones Cause Cancer? Is there a "safe" level of EMF exposure? There's a lot of talk about wireless energy-especially the term EMF radiation ...
Plants That Absorb EMF Radiation. The Truth You Need To Know.
Indoor plants absorb radiation. Yeah, but your body does too. So now what?
Do plants absorb radiation? Online stories have been claiming that NASA ...
New 2018 Study: Sleep and Your Mental Health + Wellbeing. A Magical Key.
The Largest Sleep Study Ever Shows That IF you want to sleep better--and avoid depression-
Don't let that cellphone or any electronic device, disru...
Cell Towers Everywhere, Near You? The Small Cell Mesh Network of Pre 5G
Update: Something amazing has happened in California!
As of October 15, 2017, Governor Jerry Brown VETOED CA Senate Bill 649!
We are very happy! T...
15 Tips for Healthy Living With Wireless Energy
Mindfully interacting with the technology that surrounds us and operating under the Precautionary Principle is what we advocate at Tech Wellness....
Are Fitbits Safe? Here's What You Need To Know About Radiation and Symptoms from this Fitness Tracker
Does Fitbit Give Off Electromagnetic Radiation? Is Fitbit Safe?
Fitbits and other wearables are just part of our technology filled world. It's d...
How To Find The BEST EMF Consultant To Assess Your Home For Electromagnetic Radiation, Details on Certifications
We have a detailed, state by state listing of EMF professionals to help you find hidden sources of Electromagnetic Radiation and Dirty Electricity ...
California's Health Department's Official Guidelines To Cellphone Radiation Protection
Do Cellphones Cause Cancer? The California Department of Health Thinks You Should Be Careful.
Tech Wellness is delighted that California is offic...