How To Quickly and Easily Install Our Lightning Fast Shielded Cat 8 Ethernet Cable to Hard Wire iPhones, iPads, Laptops and Desktops to The Internet for EMF Protection
You Can Hard Wire WiFi to Almost All Wireless Devices.
Our Hard Wire Kit makes it easy To Shut Off WiFi and hardwire all your devices to the internet. Everything You Need to Install Ethernet in one Beautiful Box
Here's a great video that shows you the amount of RF radiation exposure with WiFi and then Lower EMF Radiation through a Hard Wired Connection to the internet:
And yes, you can have it all right now. Faster speeds and no dangerous electromagnetic frequencies. I’m going to share belo how we have maximized both in our house. I’ve spent a lot of time working with our experts over the years to get to these components right, so you can benefit from my experience.
WHY Hardwire the Internet Instead Of Using Wireless WiFi?
- More reliable: The internet connection via hard-wire or Ethernet cable cords allows internet access to pass directly from your WiFi or an access point to your computer, phone, laptop or any device.
- No EMF: WiFi uses a wireless connection powered with EMF radiation to send data between a router and one of your devices.
- Faster Speeds and more secure: Hard-wired internet connections have the benefit of faster speeds, a more secure and consistent connection, as well as no EMF radiation.
- Stable and abundant signal: Wireless connections allow you to move about and get signal anywhere, but signal can be unstable and the EMF, abundant
It wasn’t always easy and in retrospect I feel I could’ve been smarter out of the gate. I had audio-video experts look at me sideways when I said I didn’t want the wireless speaker, TV or control panel. I read, I spoke to trusted experts, I bought all types of meters and I used them- all over the house. I had fabulous Building Biologists and the best electrical engineers explain dirty electricity, RF radiation and magnetic EMF and more than anything I felt the energy and I felt when it was right.
And that’s why I want to share the easy details with you.
Get Everything you need to hard wire your home with No Wifi in Our Wired Kit
Power Source. Let’s start with the juice. Believe it or not, all electricity is not the same. We worked with Building Biologist Shaun Kranish, who takes a high quality Belkin power strip, the kind you might find in a computer server farm. He takes it apart, adds a special grounded cable to make sure the power coming out of the strip is clean, not dirty. That’s important, especially if you or someone in your family has EHS or electromagnetic hypersensitivity. You can learn more in our EHS Guide. We have a limited quantity of these super duper power strips on hand and I think they’re really worth the investment.
Ethernet Switch. The Switch is really a splitter. It takes one internet signal and allows you to run that signal to multiple devices. We actually have three of these routers in our house right now. They’re affordable and set up is just plugging it in. These days, I realize most people have wifi in their homes. What we’re going to show you how to do is to use the router to supply our internet signal to our computers, even our smartphones—as well as your wifi, for when you absolutely need it. Our goal is to always keep the wifi OFF. See Below.
Grounding Electrical Ethernet Connector. This is something else that our building biologist hand builds for us to help take get that signal cleaner and faster. Basically, you put it between the ethernet that comes out of the wall that then goes to your router to insure that there is no random dirty signal coming in to your system and your devices. This piece is something that people who really want the best system possible are going to want. Again, we have a limited number of these custom made grounds available.
- Ethernet Cable. We use only grounded,"Cat 8"(Double Shielded) ethernet cable. That means the connectors are plated for speed and safety. They’re affordable and come in lengths of up to 100 feet. My husband has been known to roll his portable desk out into the back yard on really nice days. IMPORTANT TO NOTE: For each wired device, you’ll need a cable long enough to get from the router to your device. So in our illustration, you’ll actually need 5 or 6 cables.
- Ethernet Dongles. This little miracle will show you have lightning fast your smartphone and tablet can be. It takes the ethernet signal and puts it right into your phone. So fast that videos load instantly. In our house, we don’t get very good cellular service, so the dongle is almost a must have. But believe me, you’ll love These Dongles!
- WiFi Kill Switch. We know that sometimes, WiFi is a necessity. But even if you must have wifi, you sure don’t have to sleep with it! This ingenious little device is one of our best sellers because it makes everything so easy. You simply plug the wifi into the switch and then when you want to turn off wifi, you just click the switch from up to 100 feet away and you are instantly wifi free. No home should be without one. Or two or three!
- WiFi Shield. Again, if you MUST have wifi (we put ethernet throughout our house so we don’t need it), you should do everything to keep it a safe distance away from everyone in your house. So no—not under your desk or next to your kid’s bedroom or your dog’s bed. We really enjoy having this faraday cage to stick our wifi in—it limits the radiation when you’re not actually using the wifi.
Here's my step-by-step easy set up guide To Hard Wiring Your Device:
1) For our purposes, we’ll assume that you’re starting from where the internet comes into your house. This might be a plug in or it might be a cable modem if your internet comes from your cable company. It should look like this:

2) Plug one end of your Shielded Ethernet Cable into the wall plate, and the other into the grounding electrical ethernet cord if you have one. (NOTE: If you have the cord, you’ll need TWO separate cables to get to the router) If not, then go from the wall plate to the back of your internet router.
OR If your Only Access to Internet is a WiFi: Plug the Grounded Ethernet Cable Into The WiFi
3) Next, take your ethernet cable and plug into the Switch or Splitter (in this example, you plug it into the “1” opening. This means you now have 4, count ‘em 4 new internet opportunities. (which means, obviously another ethernet cable for each output) Say one for your laptop, one for your significant others and one for each of your smartphones.
The next thing you will want to do though is to disable WiFi on your devices so that they aren’t constantly searching to find networks. This will result in them emitting more radiofrequency radiation, a type of EMF radiation, which there is no need for since we’ve hard-wired the device with an ethernet cable.
You may also want to consider turning Bluetooth off, I won’t go into the details of why Bluetooth can be dangerous, instead, I’ll just offer up this article I wrote.
It can also be smart, when possible, to use an external (wired) keyboard and mouse. Not only will this give you between you and your device, but wired devices also don’t emit radiation via a Bluetooth connection.
4) Next, depending on what you’re plugging into, you’ll need the ethernet dongle to convert the ethernet signal to your device. The ones you’ll need, will depend on your device. It could be USB or USB-C or Micro USB or Lighting.
We Found The Best Ethernet Adapters to Connect to the internet Here's one for iPhone and iPad.
Tech Wellness buys, tries and reviews all anti-radiation products to find the best for our customers. Here it is! It's not 100% perfect all the time, but this Ethernet Adapter, works better than any we've found to turn your smartphone into a super smart, brilliant phone. Put your phone on airplane mode, then take our lovely wired adapter and plug in into your ethernet cable.
The reason this adapter costs $24.99 is the fact that you have to pay a license fee to Apple so products that have the lightning adapter usually cost more because Apple is charging a license fee--FUN FACTS to know and tell--so there we go.
We offer this adapter for Macbook Pro, Android and Chrome Book.
This MULTI Device Grounding Adapter is Super Fabulous:
And Voila! You now have a hard-wired internet set up in your home! If you have any questions about this process, feel free to contact me and I’ll do my best to help!
Take your system ALL THE WAY by grounding the adapters and your devices with this very wonderful Grounding Device:
5) And of course the must-have for every wifi, our Wifi Kill Switch. You plug the switch in to the wall and your wifi into the switch. Then all you need to do is use the handy remote to click it off when it’s time to get some real unplug time!
Everything packaged for you in one Wire Up Your WiFi Kit.
Of course, you can Hard Wire Your Smart Phone To Use it Without WiFi or Cellphone Signal and Without BlueTooth too!
An iPhone With NO EMF! A Fast iPhone Without Radiation!
You can watch the video to see that the iphone was streaming video with no wireless radiation! Yay! But an important caveat--IF you're plugging your cable into a modem or routers or switch, they are often NOT properly grounded. If that's the case, you may want to use a grounding adapter a long with the shielded cable. If you have an internet connection built into your walls, you really don't need to worry about this dirty electricity.
What normally takes my phone forever to load now loads extremely fast. And, if you want a little extra protection try using a stylus because there's magnetic energy coming directly from our screens.
If you truly, truly want want to be ULTIMATELY PROTECTED from EMF, and if you want to really do it right- just follow me on I will go to the ends of the earth to make sure that you are truly informed when it comes to the danger of EMF and RF radiation.
What about a Wired Baby Monitor? Here's what I recommend:
- My first choice for baby monitor is ALWAYS a wired baby monitor. We Have a NEW 2024 option we've been testing for awhile. The New DIY Hard Wired Baby Monitor Kit uses a standard security system camera and can connect via Ethernet in your home with our Kit. For years I had recommended a great DIY wired monitor that allowed you to utilize the electrical current of your home and use your own phone or tablet (wired up ideally) to keep an eye on your little one. That monitor is no longer being manufactured. This New system has great sound and video quality and NO EMF! Try it out here.
My next choice would be a "Low EMF Baby Monitor" Specifically the Le Reve. I have tried out several others and this one was the only one that actually had significantly lower EMF levels than the normal wireless monitors. The Bebcare and Hello Baby both showed high levels of EMF. The way the Le Reve works is that it stays in a low power standby mode until it is activated by the baby making a sound. It had the lowest standby EMF levels AND the lowest connected EMF levels. I will note that we have had trouble getting in contact with the manufacturer which I don't love. We haven't tried all of them but I try to demo the most popular ones so you can make an informed decision for your family! See the demo of the Le Reve below!
- If you MUST use a standard wireless baby monitor PLEASE be sure to place the camera as far away from your baby as possible! Distance is your friend when it comes to EMF and moving it 10+ ft away from the crib will significantly lower your baby's exposure. That's important for parents too! If you are accessing the monitor from your phone or tablet, try to wire it to the internet to minimize your own exposure too!
To learn more about Baby Monitors and EMF (including reviews of some of the most popular monitors on the market) check out my Baby Monitor Guide Here.