Plants That Absorb EMF Radiation. The Truth You Need To Know.
Indoor plants absorb radiation. Yeah, but your body does too. So now what?
Do plants absorb radiation? Online stories have been claiming that NASA has proven common house plants can absorb radiation—and therefore PROTECT you from it.
Plants That Absorb Radiation
Here’s why that is dangerously untrue...
There are bloggers (beware these so called "experts") out there who would have you believe that if you’re concerned about the EMF radiation in your environment, all you have to do is surround yourself with the best specific plants to reduce radiation and you’ll be safe.
They say NASA says so. The truth is that as pretty as they are, plants give you about as much radiation protection as the forts we made out of sheets when we were kids.
At Tech Wellness, we’re out to be your trusted resource for information on how to live better with technology, so we thought it was our duty to set the record straight on this one.
We talked to Rob Metzinger, EMF instructor on this podcast about how he uses the large forest that he lives in to block the EMF radiation coming from a nearby cell tower! Listen here, because he also talks about how many plants and how the plants would be placed to really truly reduce radiation:
Because We Love You, Here’s How to Actually Reduce Radiation Exposure
If you want real, practical ways to protect you (and your plants) from potentially harmful EMF’s, it’s really easy to do—and you’ve come to the right place to learn how.
- First, check out our Wellness Guide to Wireless and other kinds of EMF. You’ll see why I got into this in the first place.
- If you’re like most of us and check your cell phone upwards of 150 times a day, you should consider getting a Cellphone Phone Leash so that the radiation from the phone stays away from your head and other crucial body parts.
- We’re not saying stop using your smartphone of course. That train has left the station. But girls in the know are hooking up our no radiation headsets. Black, Pink Shine, and Golden Blush headphones so cool that you’ll definitely be turning heads.
We did a cool video that shows just how well they work. And Moms! Super important! If your kids are going to be playing games on your phone or tablet, make sure you get games that are wifi free! I personally tested each one of these and I guarantee your kids will LOVE them.
It’s True... In 2005, NASA conducted a study on house plants.
But hey, if you take the time to read it, you’ll see that the space agency was really trying to figure out what plants would be best in a greenhouse as part of the first human outpost on Mars. (That’s your tax dollars at work right there!) And yes it was interesting that they found five suitable plants that absorb radiation. Cactus was the one we hear about the most, but they were looking more specifically at plants that could survive extreme temperature swings and oodles of blistering sunlight with absolutely no protective ozone.
Actually, ALL plants absorb radiation, but do they protect from radiation? Just like your body does when it’s exposed to things like your smart phone, WiFi access point, microwave, x-rays, etc. So when you set your smartphone next to your cactus, your succulent will suck up the radiation.
Will Plants Absorb or Attract Radiation?
Its clear, and this is important, no plant will attract the radiation and suck it away from your body. That isn’t happening. What we don’t want is for you to pick up a plant at the supermarket this weekend, set it on your desk, and then start putting your cell phone up to your head thinking you’re absolutely protected.
The Truth About Plants and Radiation.
If you’re still skeptical, think about what is still happening to plants around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant that blew up nearly 40 years ago. Scientists have noticed that trees close to the plant that were blasted with radiation, turned a weird red color and died shortly after the incident. So the FAKE NEWS is correct on that point. The plants absorbed radiation. But it also killed them. Oddly though, after three decades, the plants haven’t deteriorated. The leaves are still laying on the ground; the branches are intact. Why? Because radiation also killed the bacteria responsible for cleaning up all that dead organic material. Also recently, researchers planted corn very close to the reactor and then planted another patch about 5km away. The closer plants grew, but they grew in a weird way. They were shriveled looking, their corn was smaller, and they just didn’t look healthy or good to eat. Imagine how YOU’D look and feel if you were hanging around there!
Now at Tech Wellness We Love All Living Things - Including Plants
Plants are awesome in our homes and offices for all kinds of reasons. They're beautiful. They clean the air. They can cheer you up. Some of them smell great. They even offer emotional support. (Just ask any Millennial - Apparently Millennials LOVE plants)
Here are some of our favorite indoor plants:
Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree

Sanseveria aka Snake Plant

Rubber Plant

Split Leaf Plant

But even with hundreds all over your house, plants won’t protect you from the possible health effects including DNA damage that EMF Radiation can cause. The internet is going crazy with this! One FAKE NEWS story even tells you which plants go best in which office locations! Like there’s some authoritative plan for this or something! Spider plants can "metabolize cancer causing gas" in the air. Aloe "kills micro-organisms" in the air. the Narcissus "absorbs computer radiation" so well that “it’s essential for both decoration AND health.”
But wait, there’s more you can do for you and your plants...
- Turn off your WiFi with this cool switch.
- See how much better it is to have an Ethernet connection than WiFi.
- Why bother? Is WiFi safe? Here’s a demonstration of how much the energy increases the closer you get to your WiFi.
- While you’re driving or exercising this week, check out our podcast with world renowned expert on this subject, Dr. George Carlo. No one knows more about this than George and our interview focuses on the new truth of cell phone radiation.
- And finally, go buy yourself a couple of new plants. They won’t protect you from radiation, but they sure look nice—and that’s something, isn’t it?
Feel free to contact me with any questions. It's really important to me! Being electromagnetic sensitive and having daughters and a family, I want to not only protect but to know the truth and to be honest and transparent about the ways we can all live better with technology. No myths or fear mongering. It's really a shame that some self proclaimed experts are sharing false hope.
I hope you'll share this truth about the reality of plants and the protection they (don't) offer from radiation.
And please—
Be Well!
Thank you for this common sense article. I was looking for plants, trees and bushes that could help protect my house for the local cell tower but I see many in the path of these towers dying. We are mislead about the ionizing nature of microwave fields and beams. I suspect the ones that do the best are those that like alkaline soil, but I will keep researching.