EMF Protection. How Cellphone Radiation Affects You And What To Do About It
* Article Edited by Dr. Dimitris Panagopoulos
EMF Protection Basics
What is EMF?
Do You Need EMF Protection?
Where's the Proof EMF Harms You?
How Does EMF Affect You?
Man-Made, Why Is This EMF Hurt?
What can we do about EMF?
What Works Best For EMF- Stickers or A Meter?
Do You Need EMF Protection? Really?
Google Search EMF and you'll see a deluge of ads for Tech Stickers, Chips For Cellphone Radiation, Necklaces and Harmony bracelets and Buttons and Rocks that adhere to WiFi's and devices to make your body stay well and healthy.
If we need EMF Protection, it must be bad right?
I think the more you know, the better off you'll be. I know it can be scary, but I always encourage my community to not take a fear-based approach (fear can make us sick on its own!) but rather approach protection proactively and positively. There is so much we can do to protect ourselves and our family and it starts by knowing truly, what it is we're supposed to be protecting ourselves from.
Where's The Proof That EMF Harms Us?
Those ads you see about buying some EMF protection have Magnified the News about the scary dangers of EMF in order to sell you something that want you to believe will work to keep you safe.
Show me the EMF Studies Please, I think I'm fine
Over the last several decades, studies published in scientific journals from around the world have shown that human made EMF does have biological impact- up to and including damaging your DNA.
Even the United States Government, which doesn't bother to warn consumers about potential health risks, spent 30 million and 5 years and found out, yep, we do need to be mindful of wireless signals. Here's what US found in their Study:
Clear Evidence of Cancer Tumors In the Heart
Some Evidence of Adrenal and Brain Cancer in the rats they studied.
Check this US Fact Sheet, it makes you wonder, why on earth policy makers and community leaders aren't stepping in and trying to protect you- and me and us!
Once you become aware of the harm that exposure to man-made EMF can have the first thing you may think is, how can I protect my family- how do I protect myself. You might immediately buy a blanket, a case to stop the EMF from getting you. You might actually believe if you just paste a sticker to the back of the phone- that's it- that'll make it stop.
But if you press the pause button for a second, you may just want to ask-
How Does EMF Affect Me?
“How can this invisible wireless energy actually hurt my body?” This of course is a very reasonable question to ask, especially because you can’t see it or smell it or touch it. Plus, people also have trouble believing that something everyone has and everyone uses and is sold everywhere on earth could do anything besides make life better.Man-Made EMF, Non-native, that's the key
It's very important to understand that what we do to the EMFs to enable them to carry data is what makes them "biologically active." Even if you don't feel anything happening to you when you hold a smartphone up to your head, EMFs are having an impact on your body. But the reaction is real and clear and scientifically proven over the course of decades in hundreds of peer reviewed research studies.
When it comes to EMF, don't ask how, ask what.
In my twenty years of studying this, the best explanation I've seen is in the work of Dimitris J. Panagopoulos, I first saw his lecture in 2018 in London, where he shared his 2002 discovery on the biophysical mechanism of exactly what EMF does to actual cells. It was eye-opening! To date, he’s led 55 studies on EMF and written the advanced level college text book on the topic.
There are EMFs and then there are man-made EMFs.
The first thing to know about how an EMF works is what it is. Man-made EMFs like those of wireless communications differs from natural EMFs from the sun and the earth. Natural EMFs from the sun like visible, infrared, ultraviolet light -even gamma rays for example, don’t attempt to transmit a movie or the entire internet.
But man or human-made EMFs are different and the key-differenece is in something called Polarization. All man-made EMFs including those used in wireless communications are totally polarized meaning the transmitted waves oscillate on a single plane, while natural electromagnetic waves (e.g. of natural light) oscillate on every possible plane. Moreover, all man-made EMFs are coherent, meaning their transmitted waves have the same frequency and waveform and take simultaneously their maximum (and minimum) values, while this does not happen with natural EMFs.
I like to think of coherence as two dancers on opposite sides of the stage flawlessly performing the same choreography -separate but together. If the EMF waveforms become incoherent they may cancel each other out and as result, there's no communication. The same happens if two waveforms have different polarizations.
The fact that all man made EMF's are totally Polarized and Coherent is Part A of how and why wireless magic happens.
Wireless Signals That Carry Data Are Invisible and Complex.
Information carrying wireless signals are created using a blend of different frequencies or wavelengths.
The Blend of High Frequencies and Extremely Low Frequencies is Part B of the How Wireless Communication Works equation. The high frequencies ar called Radio Frequencies and Microwave Frequencies. The Low Frequencies are called ELF. You can see them both on this handy EMF Spectrum chart:
The Wireless EMF Blend: We always talk about RF when we describe wireless EMF. RF stands for Radio Frequencies and yes, it's true, the EMF that's used in wireless signals to transmit the information or data to our devices are RF. But the actual stuff it's carrying, that data- the voice on the call, the text message email, movie etc--, that data uses a different type of EMF that's not RF at all, it's the ELF, like the kind used in power lines, 50-60 Hz to be exact. Together, ELF and RF make up the wireless EMF Blend
The invisible EMF Blend and the fact that this EMF Blend is polarized and coherent is the core of why Human Made Wireless EMF is problematic to our health.
Why is Man-Made EMF Harmful?
Well, if you turn to the pages of the International Journal Of Oncology, Dimitris Panagopoulus explains it very scientifically and very thoroughly how wireless EMF can make a cell stop working the way it’s supposed to and how that disrupted cell can lead to cancer in your body.
Let me try and break it down for you.
To recap, human made wireless communication works by powering an EMF Blend of the various frequencies and pulsations that's polarized and coherent. All these components work together to get you a call, an App, a scroll online and even a text. Wireless EMF can seem like magic.
Except for the fact by messing with the fine and subtle endogenous (that means made within our own body) physiological electrical signals in the cells don't exactly thrive when man made EMF is around.
Did you know all of our cells generate electrical signals so it follows that something like an un-natural human-made electromagnetic field could affect what Dr. Panagopoulos refers to as our "electro-sensitive cell"
This is how it works. Every cell is enclosed by a membrane and in every cell membrane lie hundreds/thousands of ion channels. These tiny channels are membrane proteins that open and close to let ions in and out of the cell.
Wondering what an ion is? Technically an ion is a molecule or atom that has a net electric charge. Practically speaking ions that I can relate to are, for example, calcium, potassium, magnesium or sodium ions. These are abundant in all living tissues. So the "channel" is a protein in the cell membrane that forms an opening in the membrane and a gate that lets the ions flow in and out of the cell.
Have you heard of Voltage Gated Calcium Channels or VGCC?
The gate of an ion channel opens and closes when it gets a specific stimulus. The voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs), including VGCCs, open and close as a response to the voltage that goes across the membrane. Ah hah! That's why Professor Panagopoulos called them"electro-sensitive ion channels.”
Scientists call these electrosensitive channels, “voltage gated ion channels” (VGICs). The professor has been telling us for 25 years that man-made EMFs can disturb the gating process of the VGICs disturbing the number of ions flowing in or out of the cells. When this happens the cell’s integrity and function are disrupted. That gating allows specific numbers of ions go where they're supposed to and when they're supposed to so our bodies can work the way they're designed to.
Bottom Line: Wireless EMF Can Make Our Cells Not Work The Way They’re Supposed To.
When the functions are cells are supposed to do naturally are disrupted by some outside force serious consequences can happen.
Exposing our cells to the the tech toxin of man-made EMFs, especially the kind we use in wireless communications, can create an over-production of free radicals that can eventually can lead to DNA damage. DNA damage can manifest all kinds of unpleasant sickness from Alzheimer's to Cancer.
How much exposure it takes to damage a cell and how many cells have to be damaged before we start to manifest illness isn’t something we know now. It’s probably like being exposed to any other toxin, some people get sick from pesticides, some from particulates, some from smoke. And of course, some bodies “adapt” or withstand the insult toxin’s wreak on their bodies and do just fine.
What Can We Do, What Should We Do About EMF?
The most important thing for me to tell you is this: Be Aware, but do not fear. Being fearful will not solve the problem. I expect that someday, this technology will be re-worked and allow us to communicate wirelessly in a much safer way. How? i really don't know. But I've heard smart people like former Microsoft President, Frank Clegg say he believes engineers could figure it out IF they had to.
The Easy Answer is this: Distance.
The way I like to visualize EMFs is similar to the smoke plume coming form the end of a cigarette. It's dense right at tip--then you can watch as it "spreads out" in the air, getting lighter and lighter- but filling more and more space. Finally it floats so far away, you might not even be able to detect it all.
This also applies to the sources of EMF's - whether your cell phone, laptop, WiFi router, or Smart speaker- The farther away you are from the source, the less EMF you are being exposed to. Of course, how far you need to be from the source for safety all depends on how strong the EMF is.
The first time I used the "Distance Is Your Friend" idea was on a video in 2008. It's really caught on because it cements the concept of how EMF dissipates with distance so beautifully. There's actually a law in science that works to explain how much the EMF lessens as you get away from it.
What Works Best For EMF, Stickers or A Meter?
Once people become aware that Man-Made EMF can make them sick, the number one question I get is, “How can I protect myself from man-made EMF?” EMF protection is now a multi-billion dollar industry filled with gadgets, chips, clothing and shields. But here is the truth: No gadget provides any protection, and shielding might even be dangerous if not applied cautiously. If you’ve spent money on some of these items, sorry about that. It’s my job to bust myths wherever I find them and bring clarity to this subject that has been confusing so many people for so long. But don’t worry, I’ve got proven ideas for common sense EMF protection at the end of this article.
I'm not hear to create fear because that can lead to irrational decisions. Like deciding that a glowing orb of glass with 3 crystals glued together inside is all you need to prevent the EMF's from wireless communications from hurting you. Or thinking that sticking a chip with "powerful encoding" to the back of your phone or WiFi will magically solve the problem. Before you try these highly advertised and marketed "EMF protection" products, instead of being moved by the marketing claims, read the research.
The research on EMF Protection chips, items to create harmony or "harmonizers" pendants, crystals, shungite and colored glass products is typically not published in a reputable scientific peer reviewed journal. Peer reviewed means the paper is reviewed by experts to determine if it's worthy of being in the journal. Peer reviewed does not mean an "expert" reviews a study so the manufacturer can call it "Peer Reviewed" as they advertise the study on their site. Usually, the research is bought and paid for by the manufacturer and sadly the products are not tested for safety or efficacy. They all say they "work" but they often say it's at an immeasurable level or the sub-atomic level.
But, even with all the research manipulations, what I typically see is the BEST outcome of anything studied is almost always NO EXPOSURE or NO DIRECT EXPOSURE. From plants to rats to honeybee to people, it's TRUE, the healthiest and safest way to deal with man-made EMF's is to avoid them.
That being said, try to be aware of the EMF sources closest to you
As technology evolves, more and more products are utilizing non-ionizing radio frequencies and emitting EMF radiation, especially when it comes to communication and more notably, convenience. First, we had microwave ovens, then came cell phones and now we have wireless communication spewing in, out, and around every smartphone, WiFi, smart meter, smart TV, smart ovens, smart so-many-things. Plus, a wide variety of Bluetooth and WiFi spouting toys and smart home gadgets from wearables to security cams and climate controllers. All these connected devices are called The Internet of Things (IoT).
The amount of EMF around us is overwhelming. But the good news is you have the power to control most of the sources that are affecting you the most! Locate and turn off the EMF sources in your space and make your home a low-EMF sanctuary!
Why A EMF Meter May Be Better Protection Than A Chip or Shield
We have wealth of tips and tricks to mitigate and create distance between you and EMF exposure. Watch our videos. We tote a meter around to show what an EMF "looks" like and offer a solution to avoiding RF radiation we encounter. The next section has more practical tips but here are 5 interesting ones now:If Distance Is Your Friend, an EMF Meter Is Your Best Friend! Get a Meter to See and Hear the Invisible EMFs!
EMF radiation meters are a great place to begin mindfulness. I recommend investing in one if you are beginning your journey to keep you and your family safe from EMF. If it's not in the budget, find a few friends or neighbors to go in on it with you and pass it around when you need to find hidden sources of EMF.
This Little EMF Meter Does a Great Job - Sensitive and Accurate!
This EMF Meter Has All The Bells And Whistles. Great For When You're Serious About EMF Protection!
How Do WE Measure or Detect EMF?
All electromagnetic fields are measured in terms of power density. Think about power density as representing the energy over the surface area. When you see me using a meter to detect the invisible EMF being emitted from a wireless device,the meter is giving a read out of the level of the energy over a certain area--The power density levels will be strongest directly over the surface area of the antenna and then as the EMF energy is detected further and further and further away from the antenna, the strength of the energy dissipates as the energy "spreads out" and eventually lessens enough that it can't be detected at all.
The Inverse Square Law Is a Lovely Scientific Fact
It's called the inverse-square law and it states that a physical quantity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. What that means to you and me is this: If you double the distance from your device's wireless transmitter or antenna, you'll be exposed to 75% less radiation as the signal dissipates. Keep in mind, the opposite is true as well - exposure increases quickly with proximity.
How Much EMF Is Safe?
If you're sensitive, the less the better. If you're NOT sensitive, the less the better! The Biointiative Report recommended a safety level of .0003 microwatt/cm2. The Institute of Building Biology has these guidelines for sleeping areas You can see in our videos, the measurements from my test meters are much higher. I test everywhere I go and very rarely do I even find levels as low as .1. Most houses have 2 or 3 times that much when I set my meter to the max level and get ambient energy readings. When we measure the peak wave, or maximum peak, near the wireless energy source, the levels go much higher which is why the level I advise below is with the hope that people keep their distance from wireless devices.
What Can I Do About It?
Practically speaking avoidance and distance are the keys for the time being. The top 15 easy ways to creating less interaction with RF are in the tips above. You can also become active in any of the many activists' groups.
We hope you'll share our tips and this wireless energy guide and begin another person on the journey to Tech Wellness.
The 15 Best Ways to Protect You and Your Family From Wireless EMF Radiation
There are easy and effective things you can do to enjoy wireless technology, yet still be mindful of your health and create a safer and environment.
1. Turn devices OFF or put them in Airplane Mode whenever you can.
Cell phones, tablets, laptops, and smartphones are sending or receiving wireless energy even when you're not using them. Control the unnecessary RF radiation by simply powering off. Make sure Bluetooth and WiFi are disabled too.
2. Don't carry your cell phone in your hand or your pocket (or your bra) when it's on.
There's plume of RF radiation all around your device and it dissipates the further it gets from the device. Consider a purse or man-bag or a cell phone case with straps or a simple phone leash so you can either dangle it from your wrist or keep it long so it stays away from your tummy and hips--we don't want RF energy there!!
EMF radiation protection that is guaranteed come only with a Faraday bag that completely blocks signal. Another good idea is to distance yourself from your device. Like smoke from a cigarette, RF radiation dissipates as it gets further and further from the antenna. Carry your phone away from you.
3. If you hold your phone to Facetime, Zoom, watch videos, or scroll social media - Try a phone stand instead.
Your body is safer when the wireless energy from your smartphone is at least 8 inches from you. Try this - it's great for preventing Tech Neck as well.
4. Eliminate WiFi and use internet via a wired connection.
Instead of a wireless mouse, use a wired mouse. Instead of a wireless keyboard, wse a wired keyboard. Hardwired connections eliminate RF energy from wireless energy. A bonus is that your internet is faster and more secure. It's great because all this hard wiring allows you to turn blue-tooth and WiFi off. Make sure you toggle off the Bluetooth setting and the WiFi settings on your laptop or device. The result: almost no RF radiation! Use this to assure no electro-smog which can occur with some cabling or check out our favorites all in one bundle in our Hard Wire Kit!
5. If you're home just can't exist without WiFi, turn it off whenever you can.
Especially at night! Any time the WiFi router is off, it's not sending a signal so there's no RF radiation. Turn it off using a low-tech remote switch so you don't have to come in close contact with the RF energy from the router. You can turn the router off anytime and turn it back on when you need it.
6. Keep your computer and cell phone out of all sleeping areas.
Being clear of all EMF radiation makes for a lovely nights rest for you and your family. Instead of awaking to the sounds of your smartphone, we found a lovely EMF free alternative.
7. Find the hidden sources of EMF and disable WiFi and Bluetooth
Here are a few places to look:
- WiFi
- Printers
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Phones
- Apple Watch or fitness trackers
- Smart appliances
- Smart Meter
- Bluetooth headphones
- Home security system
- Baby monitor
- Smart TVs
8. Remove your Smart Meter.
It's actually a very powerful WiFi router that's consistently pulsing EMF's all day and all night. It could be the strongest EMF source in your home. Call your power company and ask them to switch it out to a non-wireless analog or digital meter. We did this and we noticed a big difference! If you can't remove it, try to cover it with this Smart Meter cover to block up to 98% of the RF.
9. Prioritize a safe baby monitor
Turn off the baby monitor anytime you're not using it AND make sure it's at least 15 feet from you and your baby. Try this no-EMF radiation baby monitor set-up.
10. Try a stylus
To keep your hands and fingers from being exposed to wireless energy directly, use a stylus when texting or emailing from your device. Too much? Compose in airplane mode: then send when the device is on or enabled.
11. Try to avoid using a phone or computer on a plane, in a car, or on a train.
The wireless radiation increases as the device searches for the signal. It can become quite high. Not good for you or anyone around you. You can watch this video demonstrating the magnification of RF radiation when WiFi is accessed in a plane.
12. Find out where they keep the WiFi router when you're choosing your flight seat.
Choose a seat as far from it as you can to distance yourself from wireless EMF.
13. A laptop is not for your lap!
Even with no WiFi or Bluetooth connection, there are magnetic EMF's oozing from it. At the very least use a thick 12" pillow. Best is on the desk a good 2' from your tummy with a wired mouse and keyboard attached to the laptop. Check out a great folding desk option here!
14. Ditch the AirPods or wireless headphones for a wired option (AirTube Technology is preferred!)
The tube of air acts as a buffer between the RF energy coming from the cell phone or smartphone and makes sure none of it gets to your head. Here's the one we use. It works beautifully, plus has a nice long wire for more distance from our device.
15. Be WiFi, cell phone, and Bluetooth aware
Not just in your home, but out and about as well. If you see the flashing lights of a WiFi router, know that you're being exposed to less as you move further away. Wifi router boxes or low power Wifi routers can help reduce some of the WiFi radiation in your home or office environment.
What I DO NOT Recommend To Protect You From EMF Radiation
I know, the world of EMF Protection is confusing! And now more than ever there are a TON of "EMF Protection" companies trying to sell you their product - but what really works and what doesn't?
My EMF Journey began long ago. I've seen all manner of chips, shields, stickers and fabrics along the way that claimed to mitigate EMF and purchased dozens of products to try.
There are materials that do in-fact block EMF- they block the natural EMF from the earth as well as the chaotic man-made EMF that leads to the negative health effects. But most materials don't block all EMF and when all the wireless RF/EMF is blocked, it's impossible to get a signal to or from the device.
Harmonizers that claim to be EMF protection don't have compelling published peer-reviewed studies to prove their efficacy, though they may enhance the environment.
Both the harmonizer and EMF protection/shielding market's are growing. If you're looking to block EMF or shield your home or body from EMF you really must approach harmonizers and shielding with caution.
You'll find the details as well as recommendations for using shielding properly in our article, Does EMF Protection Work? There's also a research study that details the how partial shielding from clothing as well as cases can increase EMF with reflection and hot spots.
EMF Protection That Isn't Backed by Science:
- Anti-Radiation Phone Cases or Device Cases - These can make the radiation worse by magnifying it on the edges of what the case is covering. Covering the front of the case does not protect you from the radiation coming from all sides and TOP of the phone.
- Laptop Shields - As with phone cases, the edge of the laptop shield is oozing EMF. Add to that, in order for the shield to protect your lap, which is usually your legs, the radiation is multiplied on the top of the shield. That means more radiation to your hands, tummy, chest, and face.
- Anti-Radiation or Shielding Clothing - Clothing with metallic fibers can keep direct radiation exposure off the area that it's covering-but it can also magnify that radiation to other parts of your body in what the new research calls Hot Spots. Also, we really aren't sure about the health mechanism of EMF exposure. Just because one part of you is covered, what's happening to the rest of you? Building Biologist Bill Cadwallader puts it this way: "Which body part isn't important to you?"
- Shungite - It pains us to see that Shungite is the number one term that comes up when you Google EMF Protection. Shungite is cool and it is beautiful. It's a black stone that was discovered in Karelia Russia and that's why you may see people talk about only trusting Kareilian Shungite. The trouble is that although Shungite does have electrical conductive properties because it actually has carbon and (sometimes) fullerene content. As a matter of fact, It has been confirmed to have shielding capabilities from 10-30GHz, as well as attenuating 50Hz electric fields (Mosin and Ignatov, 2013) THE problem with using it as shielding is that you have to have a lot of it, not just a chunk of it sitting on a table. Shungite can have shielding capabilities IF it COVERED an entire wall or created a large barrier between you and the wireless antenna or transmitter. Shungite, and any crystal by the way, does NOT attract or diffuse EMF.