10 Best EMF Protection Tips And 5 Ways To Avoid Radiation For Free!
1. Maintaining a Smart Distance From Your Smart Phone, Laptops and WiFi Is the Best and Cheapest EMF Protection
Why? Radiation exposure drops significantly as you move it away from your body. By orders of magnitude. The link at the end of this section is to charts showing the safest distance you can be from any wireless device.
The main point: Distance is your friend when it comes to EMF. Any distance or as much distance. All EMF Radiation is strongest at the antenna. You reduce your EMF exposure simply by getting away from it. Carrying your phone on a strap is one nice solution. Check the EMF levels at the phone and then move just 15 inches away. From over 184,000 microwatts per meter squared to under 23!!! WOWZA!!

The lengths are very conservative and the recommendations tell you the approximate distances required to reach the Salzburg Precautionary Limit of 2001 and 2002. They point out that with the high levels of power density coming from our newest devices is requiring that we move further and further away because effects are being reported at lower and lower levels of exposure. But if you want to be super-safety minded check out their research page.
2. Use Speaker Phone Instead of Putting the Phone to Your Ear Is Another Easy and Free EMF Protection Tip
I love to put my phone in a stand, at least one foot away or hang it off my wrist using a strap. If it’s a sensitive matter or you just want to model good netiquette, try a quality air tube headset.
3. Using a Faraday Bag to Completely Block All Signals Is the Most Effective EMF Protection
For EMF protection and privacy, every Faraday in our collection, including the August Cross Body, completely block ALL RF signals and EMF radiation.
Unlike cellphone cases which do not block completely and worse, can increase your exposure by multiplying the EMF - a Faraday is impenetrable protection.
Remember, when your smartphone is safe inside the Faraday pouch, YOU'RE OFF THE GRID. No calls, or texts, or news updates--and NO EMF. Our August Crossbody features a "Talk Pocket" up front. If you need to make a call, just move the phone into the Talk Pocket sleeve, and plug in your Safertech Air Tube Headphones.
4. When Texting, Use a Stylus - every inch of EMF Protection Is Worth It!
Set the phone on a solid surface, whip out one of these. Everyone in Starbucks will be instantly intrigued and you'll will enjoy some distance between the EMF and your fingertips. Many people are finding relief from "scrolling numbness". Have you ever noticed that you're fingers start to feel numb or tingle after touching the screen for awhile? That could be either RF radiation or magnetic fields coming from the screen. A stylus will help.5. For True EMF Protection, Switch to REAL Airplane Mode - Not Phantom Airplane Mode - Whenever You Can.
You can reduce radiation by turning off WiFi, Bluetooth, and even cellphone wireless radiation when you're not using them. Simply turn on Airplane Mode! Do this on your laptop, tablet and computer. Remember that all the different functions eliminate a type of EMF: Bluetooth low level radiation, cellphone signal radiation and WiFi radiation are all spewing electromagnetic radiation.6. Eliminate Radiation and EMF From Your Rejuvenating Spaces.
And seriously my friends, please don’t bring your phone to bed with you! A recent survey showed that 71% of people who own a smartphone, sleep with it! That’s embarrassing. Here’s something else very sad: 35% of respondents said their first thought in the morning is about their smartphone; 10% said it was for their significant other. Th best practice is to leave your phone in another room and get an analog alarm clock. If you feel you MUST have it close by, at least switch to Airplane Mode before you turn in.
7. My Favorite EMF Protection: Turn Your WiFi Off at Night or Whenever It's Not in Use.
The WiFi is likely the greatest source of radiation in your home, so don't go near it to turn it off. Instead use a remote switch to make it easier and safer.
8. Did You Know That When It Comes to EMF Protection, Bars and Signal Strength Are Super Important
The fewer signal bars your device is showing, the harder it is trying to connect with an antenna, WiFi, or base station. The EMF coming from your device can double in some cases. So be aware. If you’ve only got a bar or two, make sure you aren’t holding the phone and push it as far away as you can.
9. Get Total Home EMF Protection by Connecting Your Devices Without WiFi: Hard Wire the Internet.
Do so easily with our Wire Up Kit. Try connecting your devices to the internet. You can hard wire with Shielded Ethernet cables and you'll find an dongle for all your devices. This hard wiring hack completely eliminates wireless EMF radiation.
10. Your Neighbors Will Appreciate This EMF Protection Too: Remove Your Smart Meter.
It's really the best option for many reasons. The full story here. If you can't remove it, you can remove some of the radiation by covering it.
Finally, be careful when using any partial shielding. Those are things like belly blankets, cellphones cases with panels that block EMF and EMF protection clothing. This study explains how shielding can actually increase exposure in many cases.