My Wellness Favorites • Healthy • Good •Fabulous Stuff I Love

The Best Way To Clean Everything! Branch Basics

I have been using Branch Basics for 6 years! Go to my instagram and check out a Story Bubble called Office Life and see me cleaning mirrors, countertops and dishes at our office. One Concentrate does it ALL- I add a few drops of it directly into the soap compartment of the washing machine adding some Oxygen Boost and splash of vinegar-which I use in the Rinse compartment too. No smell just CLEAN. I also put a small saucer of vinegar in the top rack everytime I do a load of dishes. It works to remove residue and everything shines!d

Pro Tip: Get the glass bottles(because GLASS!) Starter set and a monthly subscription of one Concentrate and 2 Oxygen Boosts and Dishwasher tabs. Should keep 4 baths/bedrooms Sparkling!

Bielers Soup Straight From His Book!

I've been loving this green puree since the 80's! Dr Bieler was famous with the Hollywood celebrity set and embraced by the budding natural health movement. He lived in Capo Beach (so did we) and though I learned to make this recipe from an alternative healer, it's in his books, Food Is Your Best Medicine and The Natural Way To Sexual Health. He advised patients to use it as detox support when fasting and for liver health. It's packed with good vitamins and minerals- please try to use organic veggies only. I use imported butter because US Dairy doesn't make my body as happy as UK butter does.

Learn more about him, Dr. Bieler And here's the recipe:
8 large zucchini squash, cut into short lengths
8 stalks celery, cut into 2-inch lengths
2 packages string beans, frozen or fresh equivalent
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 small handful cut-up parsely
1-1/2 cups (distilled) water
Cut ends off zucchini and place in a pressure cooker,
together with celery, string beans, and water. Allow
contents to cook for 10 minutes after steam begins. Place
contents of cooker in a blender, add butter and parsley,
blend, and eat. A thick broth may be obtained by mashing
the contents of the cooker with only butter added.

It Smells So GOOD . . . and that's just part of the magic of Tata Harper

This is my absolute favorite product from natural skin care products pioneer, Tata Harper. I discovered her when a friend invited me to a facial party in downtown Laguna. We went to the very cool Roots Underground Natural Haircare Salon where Tata Harper herself was there to let us sample and slather every cream, cleanser, brush, sponge and serum in her entire line. And of course, chat. We visited and asked questions and she shared everything- stories of the farm, her family and her life. We all became fast friends and permanent fans of her dedication and the beautiful aromas and the natural and organic formulas that really work. You can find the entire collection of mostly organic and all natural lotions and serums and cleansers:  Tata Harper

Pro Tip: Look for one of the Events With Tata on her website. It's fun and worth it!

EWG Ratings and Guides For Healthy Choices

I use one of these Guides or databases almost every month. You may have heard of the Environmental Working Group. They are a non-profit that reviews and rates everything from sunscreens to mattresses to skin care products and make up--with one goal in mind: To empower you with breakthrough research to make informed choices and live a healthy life in a healthy environment.

How great is that!? Now sometimes I don't agree with the "hazard rating" because I personally don't find an organic or natural ingredient, like a lemongrass of lavender oil, to be a problem. But they consider everything that could cause an allergy or possible immune response and let you decide after looking at the rating detail. Try EWG and shop healthier!

Tech Wellness Organic T-Shirt Collection