Calming Salt Lamp
Calming Salt Lamp
Calming Salt Lamp
Calming Salt Lamp vendor-unknown

Calming Salt Lamp

Regular price $30.99 Sale

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Himalayan Salt Rooms are popping up in spas and busy city centers throughout the US. The salt rooms are designed to mimic the salt mines found in the Himalaya’s Austria and Germany by creating a scent free, pure air environment.  

Some people believe there are healing properties and negative ions released in salt rooms. Salt lamps and candles are supposed to bring a bit of the salt mine experience to your home or work space.  We can’t find any research that proves negative ions are being released by the warmed salt lamps and we don’t promote salt lamps as a way to prevent wireless energy or EMF of any kind.

We think of these Fair trade, handmade Himalayan crystal salt lamps as a NON BLUE LIGHT glow that's kinder to your body then “blue light” based night light.

Dr. Courtney Kahla shared these beautiful lamps with us.  She says they are the only salt lamps she trusts.  Each one-of-a-kind Himalayan crystal salt lamps handmade from ancient salt crystal by skilled artisans from Pakistan. Each salt lamp is original and unique with striations of colors, natural fissures and its own unique inherent beauty.

You'll find lots to choose from including candle holders and electric salt bowls when you click the link!

All of this partners salt lamps are acquired  through a long-term direct relationships that creates mutual accountability. Our partners observer fair trade principles including 25% greater than average wages and human rights such as rest breaks, chilled water, protective clothing, safe working environments and medical care. You can be assured that our talented craftsmen are respected and cared for as valuable members of the So Well team. You’re doing So Well for others, while enjoying our products.

Himalayan crystal salt is hygroscopic, meaning that it absorbs moisture. The heat from the bulb keeps the lamps dry and produces the negative ion emission, so try to keep your lamp lit as often as possible. In the alternative, if you’re in a particularly humid area, place near an air conditioning vent to help reduce the moisture collected. Keep your lamp on a flat surface that can be easily cleaned, and protected if your environment produces excess moisture in your lamps. When necessary, wipe lamp down gently with a damp cloth.

Each lamp is one of a kind; colors, tone, shapes and sizes may vary from the pictures. Each lamp comes complete with dimmer cords and light bulbs.

Why it matters

This unique salt lamp is made from Natural Himalayan salt crystals hand-mined in the Himalayan Mountains. Once lit the lamp will emit a calming Amber color and heat. Heating the salt releases negative ions into the air – creating an effect similar to an ionizer, purifying the surrounding air. Check out our EMF Wellness Guide for more info.
Calming Salt Lamp

a little more info

Himalayan Glow Salt Lamps give your home, business, store or lounge a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere. Not only does it help purify the mood of any room, its amber glow gives the ambience a special interior design experience. All balanced with a nice visual sensation, embracing visitors and friends in a non-stressful, recharging moment.
Calming Salt Lamp

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews


Peace and Tranquility

I don't know what it's doing, but the light is really quite lovely.