Articles Press

Thrive Global

 Breast (and Body) Awareness Being Mindful About Technology and How it Effects My Body

"Please note ladies — and men (the NBCA also pointed out the breast cancer in men is not a myth) that when the phone touches you — even when it’s in your bra, your sports bra or your pocket — with just a thin layer between you and the non-ionizing radiation from the phone — that you’re being exposed to 3 to 4 times more than government recommended levels of radiation as Devra Davis from the Environmental Health Trust pointed out in her presentation to the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Association in September. The video of the presentation is below because I think it’s worth watching.  Where we put our cellphones is definitely something to be mindful about."

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How An Affordable Little WiFi Switch Brought Me Big Time Happiness

"I kept telling my husband to turn off the WiFi- the wireless energy that powered it was driving me nuts — and I really did not like getting close to it. I have electromagnetic sensitivity (ES) so shutting off WiFi was a no-brainer for me. I can physically feel it when it’s on. In fact, I honestly wake from sleep if someone in my fam(no names) comes home in the middle of the night and turns WiFi on. So when my clever man came home with this really simple “remote appliance switch” our lives changed. Point. Click. Ahhhhh."

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