Snuza Hero Baby Movement Monitor
Snuza Hero Baby Movement Monitor
Snuza Hero Baby Movement Monitor
Snuza Hero Baby Movement Monitor
Snuza Hero Baby Movement Monitor
Snuza Hero Baby Movement Monitor

Snuza Hero Baby Movement Monitor

Snuza Hero Baby Monitor has over 1500 reviews on Amazon. We can't vouch for how it works, but there are lots of videos and ratings that report it's better than nothing.  Some parents love it.  Some don't.

We LOVE that we did NOT detect any emf. No magnetic energy. No RF energy was detected with our meters. Snuza portends to detect even the slightest irregularity in baby’s abdominal movement. Clip the Snuza Hero onto the waistband of your baby’s diaper and switch on. Snuza Hero. The unit says it will will detect your baby’s every movement and will alert you if your baby’s movements are very weak or fall to less than 8 movements per minute. 

If you're looking for a NO EMF BABY MONITOR- We Have a Great DIY Solution!

Tech Wellness Wire Baby Monitor System

We tested the Snuza Hero for EMF Emissions. Scroll down and watch the video.

- SNUZA Hero baby movement monitor with award-winning infant health care information
- Instruction manual

Product Features:
– Clips onto diaper- no cords, wires or sensor pads
– Easy-to-use
– Vibration stimulation after 15 seconds of no abdominal movement
– Audible alarm after 20 seconds of no abdominal movement
– Movement-rate indicator to warn if movement is weak or infrequent

Product Dimensions: 6.25 x 1.7 x 8.8 in; 0.4 lbs

why it matters

Snuza Hero baby monitor is a wearable device which attaches to your baby’s diaper and monitors your baby’s abdominal movement. The Hero detects the slightest of movements and will alert you if abdominal movement is weak or less than eight movements per minute. If the Snuza Hero detects no abdominal movement for 15 seconds it will vibrate in an effort to rouse your baby to resume abdominal movement. Often the vibration is enough to rouse the infant and Hero will revert to monitoring mode. However after three vibration/rousing incidents, a Rouse Warning will alert you that movement has stopped for 15 seconds on three occasions. If an additional 5 seconds of no abdominal movement is detected a sharp audible alarm will sound. The Snuza Hero can pick up external movements and it is therefore not suitable for co-sleeping or bed-sharing. It is advisable not to use the Snuza Hero when the baby is in motion, e.g. in a car seat or a stroller. Check out our EMF Wellness Guide for more info on EMF emissions.
Snuza Hero Baby Movement Monitor

a little more info

Snuza Hero will detect your baby’s every movement and will alert you if your baby’s movements are very weak or fall to less than 8 movements per minute. If no movement is detected for a period of 20 seconds, then Snuza Hero will vibrate gently. This vibration is often enough to rouse the baby, Snuza Hero will then revert back to monitoring mode. After three vibration/rouse incidents, the Rouse Warning will alert you to the fact that your baby’s movements have stopped for 20 seconds on three occasions. If no further movement is detected for another 5 seconds, an alarm will sound to alert you.
Snuza Hero Baby Movement Monitor

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Peace of Mind

I don't put it on her all the time, just when she's napping and of course I continue to check on her often. I really like this and it's sooooo much better than wireless!


Such a smart invention. I trust my baby's life with this and love it; as a new mom who worries about EVERYTHING this gives me peace of mind.