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Thriving With Technology Podcast: Professor Olle Johansson: The OG EMF Researcher Is Worried About The Future


A quadrillion is 1, followed by 15 zeroes. 1,000,000,000,000,000. Today's guest says that is how much more EMF radiation we are exposed to today than we were a generation ago. 

August talks to Swedish professor Olle Johansson who is a pioneer in the study of the effects of EMFs--which come from all of our digital devices. Beginning in the 1970's, he has published over 600 papers in this field. There are few people who know about this subject--and there's probably no one who makes it more interesting and entertaining. Olle tells us what keeps him up at night these days. Is it 5g? No it's the effect of EMF radiation on all the bacteria around us. Join us for a very interesting episode. 

If you're interested in supporting Olle's very important work, please follow this link:

We always advise people that just because you can't see EMF's, doesn't mean that EMF's aren't there--and if you don't keep your distance, you could experience biological effects.  The best was see the invisible is with your own EMF meter, which we believe every household should have:

Here's the full transcription of our conversation:


Hi there. I'm August Brice. Welcome to Thriving with Technology. Today's podcast is going to be amazing. I'm talking to Professor Olle Johansson. Now, I've had the pleasure of hanging out with Olle a couple of times, first, at the global EMF conference in London a few years ago, and then two years ago, I met him at the EMF conference that Tech Wellness sponsored, the EMF health conference, the very first one.


Olle, this man, is amazing. He is considered the world's leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and the health effects because he was the first one 30 years ago, and he's going to talk about this, to discover what he termed screen dermatitis, which later rolled into electromagnetic hypersensitivity. He was the first one to notice this, talk about it and research it as a professor at the internationally acclaimed Karolinska Institute In Sweden.


He has written, listen to this, over 600 papers and he is still doing research. In fact, just last year, he did research on how EMF affects the honeybees, and he did this in November, and he published it then and, of course, we're going to link to that because I'm sure that we all want to know about it. In fact, he's going to talk about it a little bit in today's podcast. He's going to talk about how he discovered screen dermatitis. And he has a warning for us, which I have to say actually surprised me in its intensity because, although Olle is really a brilliant man with such a huge breadth of knowledge, he always makes the conversation light and fun because he's just a funny guy and so enjoyable to listen to. So this answer is so intense. I think you're really going to want to hear it. So here we go. We're going to dig in. Let's get started with Professor Olle Johansson.


So Olle, welcome. Welcome to Thriving with Technology. How are you?

Professor Olle Johansson:

Well, I'm fine. Here is a beautiful winter's day. It has been snowing quite a lot. Being a Swede, we love of course the white landscape. It looks like a fairytale really. So, I'm feeling fine. Thank you.


That's beautiful. I can just imagine that. So Olle, I got into this field because I've always felt that the energy from my cell phone, the energy from all the wireless devices just messes with the energy of my body. And I realized it the first time I held a cell phone over 30 years ago and I actually have it on video tape. I have opening the present and my husband saying, "Here, use it, try it, try it." And I pick it up and he goes, "Call your mom." And I just press it and my body shakes because I can feel the energy, and it didn't feel good. And so that set me on a quest to figure out why everyone else felt so great using their phones. So anyway, and then later of course, we came to understand that it was electromagnetic hypersensitivity. And that's why I'm so thrilled to be talking to you today because you're really the man who put this together in the first place, right, over at the ... Correct? At the Karolinska Institute.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, that's very kind of you to say that. And it was long before you were even born because we started already at the end of the 1970s. And one of several focuses at that time was electro hypersensitivity. But another leg was also we had there women that were pregnant, should they sit in front of the newly introduced personal computers or not? And based upon our research as well as other scientists around the world, in Sweden, it was decided that they could opt out while they were pregnant, which I think was a very wise call actually.


And that was your research?

Professor Olle Johansson:



And what did you discover?

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, and it was the other research groups and so, the authorities here in Sweden, they put the data together and we didn't know very much at the time, but people felt we knew enough. And there was actually quite a quest to come up with low radiation computer screens and now, we are talking about the mid-1980s. And that was also very interesting because many companies, they were fighting out the battle and I would say the winners really were Nokia consumer electronics in Finland who developed a very low radiation computer screens for laptops as well as for stationary computers and personal computers. And of course today, if you and I would stand somewhere and shout to people "Come here. Please buy our high radiation computer screen," no one would buy it because people have learned that there is something with electromagnetic fields and health and we better go as low as possible.


Yes, but we still have high radiation screens, correct?

Professor Olle Johansson:



Is that what you're saying?

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yes, because the companies, they reduced dramatically at certain intervals, but unfortunately, that meant with the introduction of [inaudible 00:05:31] high speed electronics and computer pieces that at some other frequency intervals, they became more high radiation, but no one understood that at that time. You have to be ... Believe me, we were all kind of amateurs and probably, we still are amateurs and there is so much to any household or occupational equipment. So one has to think many, many realms when you construct such electronics.


Back in the '70s, you started doing research and we were-

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, yeah, at the end of 1970s. Actually, the year that is important is 1979 because the first cases of electro hypersensitive people were recorded from a country you probably have heard of, United States of America, and from Norway.


Yes. I would be in that group and by the way, I was born, but that was very sweet of you to insinuate that I wasn't. I'll go with that, but yes, so I felt it immediately and it didn't feel good and it remains that way, but what exactly did you discover?

Professor Olle Johansson:

Well, it all started actually, not with a podcast, but with a radio program, and you have to believe me at that time, I wasn't any radio listener. I couldn't concentrate with the radio on. And one evening at 8:00 in the laboratory, I was about to leave and go home, and someone had left a radio on. And I was just about to turn it off when I heard a woman talk about something with personal computers, computer screens, and skin rashes in people that, at that time, didn't have any real name. Later on, I coined the expression screen dermatitis just to tell people that had got these skin irritations, skin rashes, [creaking 00:07:28] pain and so on in front of computer screens. And that later on in the 1990s developed into the functional impairment called electro hypersensitivity.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Had I turned the radio off, we would not talk today. So it's really very odd to talk about this because I was so close to just turn it off, but I started to listen to the woman and her name is [inaudible 00:07:55] and she worked at one of the trade unions in Sweden. And she was asking for expertise in clinical neurology and I'm not a clinical neurologist, but I thought well, I'm in the basic neurosciences, that's close enough. So I called her and that was the start of the very first study where we met together with a physicist and a lot of other people just to interview people with electro hypersensitivity, just to listen to the personal stories.

Professor Olle Johansson:

And that formed the basis of also taking skin biopsies. And it was then that we, and we had 20, 25, maybe even 30 experts in the group that was formed, but we were the only ones that actually found something, namely, what we saw in these skin biopsies completely mimic any form of classical radiation damage, which you would've got from playing around with plutonium, or radium or uranium or exposing yourself to X-rays or strong ultraviolet light, but these women and men had only sat in front of computer screens. They had not been playing with radioactivity or anything like that, but still alterations in the cutaneous biopsies, they were exactly the same as from so called ionizing radiation.

Professor Olle Johansson:

So that became the working model that something in the computer had changed the skin in such a way as if they had irradiation damage. Could it be the so called nonionizing radiation? And among them, for instance, the microwaves that we use 24/7 for all our fun gadgets like cell phones, smart phones, tablets, laptops, etc.


Okay, so let me break in here and talk a little bit about the definitions for wireless energy 'cause that's what Olle's talking about. Now wireless energy comes from all of our wireless devices. It comes from our cell phones, our smart phones, the WiFi, the Bluetooth, the AirPods. It comes from anything that makes a connection wirelessly including your microwave. So all the terms for that energy are interchangeable, but there are quite a few and they are nonionizing radiation. It's also called microwave energy. It's also called microwaves. It's also RF or radiofrequency radiation. It's called EMR for electromagnetic radiation, and a lot of people just call it EMF because it is a type of EMF.


And Olle, I can confirm this because I do a lot of videos to show people the invisible wireless energy. And I use my meters, and I want to demonstrate because you can't see it, smell it, touch it, a lot of people don't even know it's there. And so, the meters help to make it visible. So I was doing the low power WiFi and then a normal WiFi, was doing the comparison. I stood three feet away, held my meter, and was only exposed for maybe three minutes because I could feel it. It was very uncomfortable. Within probably 40 minutes, my producer said, "Oh, my gosh, what happened to your hand?" My hand looked like it had been burned, red, bumpy, painful. It took probably, I don't know, about a week for it to finally subside. So yeah, I completely get it.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, this is exactly what we saw, too. We exposed people with electro hypersensitivity for as short as one hour or even half an hour, and they got exactly the same. They looked as if they had been out in the sun for a whole day, but they hadn't because this was in December in Stockholm and trust me, December in Stockholm, there's no sun. It's just darkness and they were not exposed to anything. And that led us to more and more realize that the electromagnetic fields could impose on the skin as well as other organs, of course, and produce all the symptoms. So that became, as I said, our basic research model. This was just about the radiation damage. Unfortunately, and you have probably come across the same experience, suddenly, society often represented by medical doctors said, "No, no, there is nothing wrong with the computer. It's in the head of these electro hypersensitive people."



Professor Olle Johansson:

And so we met an enormous opposition during the following years. And around the mid-1990s, all possibilities to get governmental funding for research and so on, they were actively stopped.



Professor Olle Johansson:

And since then, we have had a tremendous hard time to actually survive, if you call it like that, to get the necessary money to do some kind of investigations.


Why? Why did it stop?

Professor Olle Johansson:

I wish I have a simple answer. I have to say I don't know. Having with the history of medical research in the back of my head, it's tempting of course to say well, our research could jeopardize the coming microwave-based wireless society and no one wanted to listen to this, especially not politicians, people from the economy side, the different companies, the operators. They just didn't want to know. But I cannot say that I know it was that cause behind it, but we were actively stopped.


Well, you know what's so great about today? So many people really are becoming aware of the term EMF and they're becoming aware of wireless energy radiation. And they're starting to understand that because there are what, thousands of other research studies showing that there is a biological effect-

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yes, yes, many, many thousands, yeah.


Many thousands, that maybe this could apply to them or their children. And so knowing that now, which I'm so glad, I would love to know from you the most interesting thing that you have found out research-wise in say the last year that we should all know about?

Professor Olle Johansson:

Oh, wow. I would actually go a few years back to 2017 and I am not involved in that research, but that is the kind of results that keep me wake in the night, namely American scientists led by a person called [Taheri 00:14:55] showed in 2017 that ordinary bacteria, bacteria you have on your body as well as inside of your body, if they're exposed to the old type GSM, what we call the second generation mobile telephony as well as to super modern WiFi routers, nothing much happened apart from one thing, and it is that thing that keeps me wake, namely, the bacteria became after exposing themselves to an ordinary WiFi exposure or a 2G cell phone call, they became antibiotic resistant.

Professor Olle Johansson:

The very same year, completely independent of each other, the G20 countries in the world had a separate meeting in Europe only about the fact that more than 25,000 people die prematurely in Europe each year from antibiotic resistance in medical healthcare. And it was said that by the year 2050, this figure worldwide would be more than 10 million people. And last year during the corona crisis, the World Health Organization in Geneva in Switzerland, they were asked what is the most threatening and dramatic future panorama you can see in the field of healthcare and they immediately said "Well, that's antibiotic resistance," and the corona crisis-


Well, yes, and we have heard-

Professor Olle Johansson:

The corona crisis compared to that is just nothing because the 10 million people we are talking about 2050 that would die prematurely, if you combine the G20 meeting with the results of Taheri, 10 million people could become 7.6 billion because with antibiotic resistance, then again as we did in the end of the 1900 century, then again, people would start dying like from a splinter in their thumb.



Professor Olle Johansson:

And I immediately called then a relative I have who is an orthopedic surgeon and I asked her, "Tell me," I said, "is this with antibiotic resistance, we see it on the newspaper flyers and the headlines in television news and so on, but how bad is it? Tell me." And then she laughed and said, "Bad." Well, it's much more than bad. It's a dramatic situation and we are waiting for someone in the world to come up with new types of antibiotics. And if they don't do that, well, then we have a real problem at hand. And as I said a few months later on, then the World Health Organization announced that this is the biggest threat in the human future, antibiotic resistance. So, of course, that kind of studies, and they are not the only one study [inaudible 00:18:13], there are other replications, they keep me awake, yes.


I agree. And, of course, my audience has heard of antibiotic resistance, the dangers of it, and what we mostly understand about the antibiotic resistance is that we are taking too many of them and that they're ending up in our water supplies. And so, that's why we are becoming resistant to antibiotics. So what percentage if you can guess, maybe you won't, but what percentage of the problem do you actually believe is the effect of the wireless energy on bacteria, on our cells that-

Professor Olle Johansson:

On the bacteria, based upon the research I read, I would say that the effect of wireless radiation is far bigger than the effect of a few molecules in the drinking water. And so, I think it's time to reflect, and I hope that the world governments and the parliaments and so on are not only occupied with the COVID-19 question, but also spends time on this because while we talk, you and I, every bacteria in the world is, of course, exposed to wireless energy 24/7 wherever you are, wherever you live, wherever you go to school, wherever you work, and all the bacteria everywhere, they are constantly exposed, and maybe while we talk, they are becoming antibiotic resistant. And with such a biological system on the loose in the world, well, anything could happen.


It's extraordinarily scary. Now tell me-

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, it is, and-


What was the amount? What was the amount of exposure?

Professor Olle Johansson:

Oh, that was just common exposure as you would get from any cell phone or baby alarm or whatever. You can imagine every evening, I go down on my knees and pray to God, "Please, make these scientists wrong," because if they are not wrong, wow, we could have a future that we need to really care about now.


Right, as opposed to make these scientists wrong, wake up the world.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, exactly, yeah.


Because Olle, and I believe you're the same as me, I'm in a completely wired up environment. I'm very fortunate to be in a home that has solar panels on top so the ambient RF doesn't get in. I'm in a very, very safe zone all the time. However, sometimes, I walk outside and somebody has a booster and somebody else has their smart meter and somebody else has the cell phone tower down the road and then, I'm not protected, but I can come to my home and feel safe and reenergize my body. But what we're doing is we're really spreading this everywhere. And you had this fabulous quote in Generation Zapped where you said, "We've been exposed to one quintillion times more energy than we were 10 years ago." And that was, what, three years ago, four years ago?

Professor Olle Johansson:

Something like that, and that's important to remember that when you look upon public exposure, even if you don't even own a smart phone or a baby alarm or a tablet, you are still exposed wherever you are as you said. And if you compare that to the natural background into which elderly people like myself were born, then the difference to today is a quintillion times higher or for other frequency intervals, actually much higher than that. And finally, since all these exposures from different gadgets are really artificial in its innermost meaning, you can even say that the exposures are infinitely much higher because there has never been such an environmental toxin around before and your body is completely without any protection.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Again, I remember there was a governmental person here in Sweden who said, "No, the radiation can only penetrate from a cell phone a few millimeters into the skin." And since I'm a very sort of simple man, I took two laboratory technicians, two women that were a little bit overweight and I asked them to place a cell phone between themselves and then hug, really pressing all the female flesh together. Then I tried to call the cell phone and, believe it or not, it was immediately ringing as if the women were not even present.


Oh, wow.

Professor Olle Johansson:

So the penetration, of course, it went right through as it is right through walls, ceilings, floors and you name it.


I love this and I 100% understand, and I believe that my audience will, too, and does. And so, my number one recommendation is to wire up whenever possible. You can even ... I can use my cell phone, except to make a call, but I can do everything else on my smart phone while I'm wired to the internet.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, and actually from a technical point of view, if you use fiber optics for the wiring, here in Sweden, it's becoming more and more common and popular, the technical characters of your system will improve dramatically. It's much better than to have a wireless system. So if you have a wire based on fiber optics, that's really optimal. And as you say, if you have a wired cell phone or computer, I mean you get the same things. It's the same videos, the same pictures, the same text. So there's no difference at all, but you get it in a safe format.


And you get it faster and it's more reliable and more privacy.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Oh, [crosstalk 00:24:08], yeah, and without any disturbances and so on. So it's an ideal system and honestly, I mean in Sweden, for instance, I mean you don't really see people run around that much with a computer in their hand as it was meant to be. People are actually stationary in their work place and in their homes. They're not that mobile. Of course, the cell phone is a different story, but in the long term run, maybe we have a sort of evolution, technical evolution having to take a few steps backwards and in fact-


Yes, with wires all over our homes, remember that? Remember when we first got internet?

Professor Olle Johansson:

We made all our necessary calls and so anyhow, so maybe we need to do that. But I remember I gave a lecture once and there was an elderly man present, and I always ask the audience when I start, "How much more of the third generation mobile telephony exposure do you get today compared to 20 or 30 years ago?" And I ask them, "Is it twice as much or three times as much?" And this old man said, "No, no, no. No, no, no, it's a lot more. I would say it's a hundred times more." The whole audience, they went, "No, no, no, no, that's not even possible." But then I had to deliver the answer as you already have done that the difference is actually a quintillion times more, one with 18 zeroes behind. So the words like it's a colossal increase or astronomical increase or biblical increase, they don't really cover it. It's so big and, as you said before, it's invisible, it doesn't smell so you don't know it's there all the time, 24/7 really and people are exposed, and it goes through anything including their own bodies.


Now to this point, what health effects do you believe that we're seeing now that we might not be relating to our wireless intake?

Professor Olle Johansson:

I would point to effects on fertility. Here in Europe, and I know it's the same in other parts of the world including North America, the quality and the life expectancy of male sperm cells have dramatically gone down. When scientists the last 15 years have done very good experiment exposing sperm cells in test tubes to mobile phone radiation, they [inaudible 00:26:55] and produced the very same effect and-


Yes, there's a great study in China too where they actually put them in front of WiFis and measured-

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, exactly.


Had the same results, yes, there's a great article about it, yes.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Exactly. I mean there is a lot of discussion about, for instance, maybe there are a few extra cancer cases and so on. Society could deal probably with all of that, but if we have an impact on the fertility, that could be so dramatic. So maybe there won't even be a future for mankind. And I don't want to sort of paint too bad a picture, but I heard a few days ago from Japan that the number of adult diapers have now surpassed the number sold for baby diapers, meaning that fewer and fewer people in Japan for different reasons gets babies. And in Europe, it's quite dramatic in many countries and I remember the minister for public health in Italy, he said, and that's about five, 10 years ago, that if nothing changes regarding sperm cell quality, fertility, then, and I quote, "the last Italian will be born in 50 years' time and Italy will only be upheld by immigration thereafter."


Oh, Olle, it is a devastating and heartbreaking fact.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, and that's the same for most countries in the Western world.


Yeah, we do what's called the Tech Wellness Ways and they're just bite size, easy to comprehend and actually act upon ideas for being well with technology in all different ways, but one of the most popular is thinking about having a baby, tell your man to get his cell phone out of his pocket and his laptop off his lap and so I think that that is resonating. People do understand on a very real level that fertility is an issue. So I thank you for bringing that up. And also, if you could tell everyone just one thing, the most important thing today, what would that be?

Professor Olle Johansson:

Wow. Perhaps again, and maybe I make you disappointed because, again, it's not directly, but more indirectly about humans and that's, of course, the effects on pollinating insects. As you know, the reduction of pollinating insects like honey bees has been dramatic all over the world. You hardly see insects any longer and when, again, controlled experiments have been done, exposing for instance honey beehives to cell phone radiation, the queen, she leaves the beehive with her workers and she don't return. So she just flies away and she doesn't return. And maybe that is going on worldwide. And again, while we talk, this exposure, that could be one of the most important environmental toxins is out there doing its job, not only communicating between gadgets, but also exposing everything else in biology as well as human medicine. And so, I would probably point to that kind of effects that again are quite scary and again, I often go down on my knees and ask God again to make those scientists wrong.


Well, and my hope is that people will hear you and their reaction will be to turn off their phone, to get a wire up kit and get their homes wired, to most definitely ask their schools, ask the schools to-

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, [crosstalk 00:30:50] I mean if you really should make a difference, then I would say the following, then you cannot have any of these wireless gadgets and you should, as you said before, go back to wired concepts. And back is not the word because back is in this case the future with fiber optics and so on.


All right.

Professor Olle Johansson:

And in the meantime, you should not allow yourself or your family to ever call a cell phone number because if you do, then the entire infrastructure must be up and working-


That's a very good point. That's a very good point.

Professor Olle Johansson:

[Crosstalk 00:31:30] situation and it's a little bit like, what should I say, I mean people they look in the computer, you know that more than half of the connected computer time worldwide is about pornography and, of course-


I didn't know that.

Professor Olle Johansson:

... if you sit there in your home watching pornography, then you support the entire worldwide infrastructure. You don't know where this film was made and under which circumstances and so on.


Right, it's horrible.

Professor Olle Johansson:

So the only way to be ethically correct is to never, ever allow yourself to watch it and download it.


That's a great recommendation. I'm all for that.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, but I mean-


For many, many reasons.

Professor Olle Johansson:

I hear now that a lot of maybe mostly men say, "No, bollocks, I want to have my porn," but do you really want that? And going back then to the exposures from microwaves, if you are concerned about yourself and your family regarding your health, shouldn't you also be concerned about all families in the world? And someone said recently I cannot be free if you are not.



Professor Olle Johansson:

And that's the same. I cannot be healthy if I not allow you to be it as well.


Absolutely. And I think that the more people become aware, the more they will make those good and healthy choices for all of us.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah. And the interesting part here is that now people may sort of be very frustrated and think, "No, no, no, I don't want to get rid of my cell phone and computer," and so on, but by acting the way we said, they will send a very strong signal to the manufacturers to come up with new inventions. And the last five, six years, the most common question I've got in public lectures is, "Okay, I hear you, but what can we do? What is the solution?" And I don't want to take too much time, but I could just mention quickly, for instance in Japan, you can buy Japanese cars which have a simple switch inside the car turning off the WiFi inside the car because the-


I can't wait 'til that's in America. That's brilliant, I just have to get an old car.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Yeah, yeah, and [crosstalk 00:34:01] many parents and adults in Japan, they are very health conscious and they say, "I don't want to expose my family to this, okay. We put this simple switch in, there you go." In Poland, in Europe, soon they will launch a low radiation cell phone. It's a step. It's maybe not the final solution, but it's least a step and I see more and more and more of this kind of thinking. And as you say, maybe while we talk, some young men and women sitting at their [inaudible 00:34:33] somewhere in California inventing tomorrow's low, low, low radiation gadgets. We don't know that, but maybe.


So Olle, thank you so much. This knowledge is incredible and I'm so, so thrilled that you've been with me today. Where can people find you?

Professor Olle Johansson:

They could go through you and you have my email address, and I will ask people to make short questions because I get very many-


Oh, no. Yes, and I'm not hoping that they will ask you questions. I want to know how they can move forward to your research and-

Professor Olle Johansson:

Oh, that's very kind of you to bring that up and again, I know you have the link and if anyone is interested, they could support us with research money and trust me, we need every single dollar, pound or yen because it is difficult to get the attention of the public organizations and the governmental organizations. So we really need the support.


Well, Tech Wellness will support you and, hopefully, our listeners will as well. Thank you so much.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Thank you.


And we'll have you back very, very soon.

Professor Olle Johansson:

Oh, I hope so. Thank you very much and have a lovely day.


You be well, Olle.


Now wasn't that a great interview? Isn't he so interesting? Do you love the word pictures, the way he describes things? I'll never forget the first time that I met him and we were talking about wireless in schools and the proliferation of just WiFi everywhere. And he said, "Imagine if you told parents that you were going to back up the bus to the cafeteria with all of its diesel fumes and open the doors of the cafeteria, just let it flow in there, just turn on the bus and let those exhaust fumes go into the cafeteria." And the parents would say, "What? No, we're not going to do it. Stop that. That's crazy. We don't want all those diesel fumes in the cafeteria where the kids are eating." But at the very same time, parents don't understand that diesel fumes are a class 2B carcinogen as designated by the World Health Organization and so is wireless EMF. So we're allowing that wireless EMF to flow throughout the schools, yet we're not doing anything about it. So I thought that was an amazing word picture from him.


Now the five top takeaways, Olle shared the recent disturbing research discovering how EMF exposure from just wireless phones and WiFi caused antibiotic resistance. I will link to that research in the notes. And you can also find it in our research section at, but Olle emphasized that this is the one thing that keeps him up at night. We've all heard about antibiotic resistance in the media. Scientists are seeing that germs are becoming resistant to the antibiotics we have. So Olle is worried that if in the future bacteria become even more resistant to antibiotics because of EMF radiation, the devastation that we're seeing in this current pandemic will look like nothing. Those are Olle's words.


Now second, I'm sure you remember Olle talking about those two women hugging with the phone in between them and the phone clearly had signal because it rang. So yes, that was a great word picture, a reminder that even though you can't see it or smell it or touch it, wireless EMF radiation can and does penetrate your body. So stay away from it when you can. Number three, it was so interesting to hear about Olle's latest research on honey bees. I've put a link to that research in the notes. But it actually measured the effects of EMF inside the hive. They say the honeybees did not like it.


Number four, looking forward to that new low EMF phone, right? We'll let you know when that comes out and I for one am so interested in the car that allows you to turn off WiFi and hopefully Bluetooth. And that reminds me to encourage you to not keep your phones on even if you're just sitting in the car because the radiation is actually amplified when you move as the phone continually looks for new signal from tower to tower. And also, just do as many simple things as you can to limit yours and your family's exposure to radiation. Scientists are confirming more and more that it's indeed a health issue.


So not only are we happy to share the latest scientific research on, we also have 10 easy and great tips to limit your radiation around your home and great solutions that you can look for in our shop. So until next time, I'm August Brice. Be well.

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