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Thriving with Technology: She Won The Science Fair--And My Heart--With An Experiment about EMF's

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I had the honor of connecting with the most incredible family.

Although they have gone through unspeakable hardship and loss, they graciously opened up their story to me in this week’s podcast.

I am so grateful I was able to speak to Kristine and her brilliant daughter Avila about her winning science fair project that was inspired by her dad’s battle with brain cancer and has led to them sharing the lessons learned about the effects of radiation.

Here are some photos from their experiment: 




Join Kristine on Instagram and follow her inspirational journey:

Instagram:  @lovekristinenicole

Her website:

Do the experiment yourself with our Science Fair Kit

Here's our Science Fair Kit that includes one of our top EMF Meters and organic microgreens--everything you need for your own home experiment to see the effects of EMF.



Visit for more ways to live in balance with technology.

Be Well!

August Brice 

Here's the full transcript of the podcast: 


August Brice: Hi, and welcome to Thriving With Technology, the podcast from Tech Wellness, I'm August

August Brice: And when I do have my technology with me, like today, it is on airplane mode. And if you haven't tried that, try downloading this podcast right now and playing it back on airplane mode and avoiding all of the wireless energy. It's a great way to really use our technology. I'm going to introduce you to a mom and daughter today and their science fair project and not just any science fair project, but the winning the science fair project. And it's all about EMFs, electromagnetic fields, that invisible wireless energy I was just talking about.

August Brice: Now, I first learned about Kristine and Avila Mauss when Kristine tagged me.  She tagged me in a post to show me this winning science fair project. She'd received a meter from Tech Wellness, and that is how they monitored the EMF and the lack of EMF on the microgreens that Avila grew for the science project. And I was so impressed that a young person had chosen this topic for their project. I reached out to them and thought this would be a great podcast. What I didn't know at the time was the backstory. The backstory is a tragic one. Just months before Avila had lost her father, Kristine, her husband, to brain cancer, a healthy, vibrant, fabulous man gone because of brain cancer. You are going to hear about their journey. You are going to hear about how their lives have changed because of the science fair project. And I hope, like me, you'll be encouraged that we need to continue to spread the news about the potential dangers of electromagnetic fields. Say hello now to Kristine and Avila.

August Brice: Okay, so first of all, I want to know what on earth made to decide to do this as your science experiment, Avila?

Avila Mauss: Well, I remember because my dad was dealing with brain cancer and he had proton radiation to reduce his tumor. And I remember the doctors talking about how proton radiation can reduce the tumor, but it can also cause cancer. So I wanted to know like, does WiFi radiation or the strong type of radiation really cause cancer or defects in people?

August Brice: Wow, do you want to talk about your dad and talk about-

Avila Mauss: Sure.

August Brice: Yeah, tell me a little bit about what the process was and what happened with your dad.

Avila Mauss: So he had a seizure at work and they found a softball-sized tumor in his brain, so they removed that. He had few complications with surgeries and they ended up doing proton radiation and that's just where you're laying on the bed, and they zap this beam into your head to help reduce the tumor. And then he did chemo and stuff like that. He ended up passing away a couple months ago, but...

August Brice: I am so sorry. I just... My heart breaks for you and your family. And I just... sadly brain cancer is becoming more and more  common now, you know?

Avila  Yeah.

August Brice: That type of cancer and that prognosis and it's...

Kristine And brain cancer is one of those things, not only is it increasing in such a-

August Brice: Dramatically

Kristine Mauss: ... dramatic way, but the life expectancy is so short. I mean, most people with my husband's... He did not have glioblastoma. It was a step down from that, but even then, not only once you start messing with the brain, everything just kind of is never really the same, but brain cancer in and of itself is such an unknown cancer. There's not a lot of research. It has one of the lowest life expectancies of all cancers and so with all of these things out there that are unknown, that we experience that we're just walking in radiation waves all the time. And like what Avila said is that one of these side effects of not only traditional radiation, but also a more vocalized proton radiation, one of those side effects is cancer. I mean, she was 12, now 13, at the time thinking, wait a minute, as a rational human being, if these things, yes, it does help, but if it also causes harm and radiation is not just in this particular treatment, it's in other things as well-

Avila  Yeah.

Kristine  ... that we're exposed to.

August Brice: That's really brilliant you to make the connection. There's research and the expert on my site, Dr. George Carlo, did research over 25 years ago connecting cell phone radiation to gliomas. It's not something that probably is the only cause, but we certainly know that there is a biological effect from the radiation. And I think this amazing science study that you did and winning the science fair with it really shows that there's a biological connection. So when you thought about doing this project, just tell me, how did you go about it? And how come up with putting in the plants, the microgreens, and just tell me step by step how you concepted this and how you did it.

Avila  So the first thing I did is I wanted to see if plants were really similar to the brain, because I wanted to find something that would be extremely similar to our brains, so I wouldn't try to get the calculations wrong. So I did some research and plants and seeds actually have a connection in molecules and neurons to our brain. So that's why I chose plants. And-

August : Tell me more about that.

Avila , these scientists did a study back in 2015 where they wanted to compare the brain to plants to see if they have any genetic similarities. So they did the mapping and it shows that we have very similar cell pathways and neuron pathways, and that was really cool to see. So-

August Brice: It just made sense, right

Avila Mauss: Yeah. Yeah, it made really sense to do plants. And then what I did is I used your broadband detector and I walked it around my house, because I wanted to see where the point in our home where there was the least amount of WiFi radiation detected. So I ended up walking through my house and I found that it was in one of our bedrooms and I placed a couple... Seed trays

Kristine  They were microgreens that take about 7 to 10 days to grow, so we knew that the growing time was going to be quick enough to be able to study them. And they grew from seeds to approximately two or three inches within 10 days. They were just microgreens you could harvest and eat. And yeah, so Avila decided to use these particular fast-growing plants based off another study that was done a number of years ago. I believe it was a middle school had researched growth on full size plants. I can't remember what that was, but you chose to place some near our WiFi router.

Kristine Mauss: Some in this particular spot. Was anything else different? Was the lighting the same? Did you use different lighting? What about temperature? These sorts of things.

Avila Mauss: The temperature is pretty similar because I did it all upstairs. We made sure the temperature was just the exact same. And I used the same lighting, so I had grow lights next to the plants so that the lighting wouldn't affect the equations.

Kristine Mauss: The growth. Yeah, the variables.

Avila Mauss: Yeah, the growth. Yeah, the variables.

August Brice: And so you had these grow lights, the exact same grow lights in both places?

Avila Mauss: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah.

August Brice: And exactly in the same space next to the microgreens?

Avila Mauss: Yes. Yeah.

August Brice: Oh wow, that's fascinating. You really thought this out.

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: Hey and I'm curious, were they on a window sill, or were they in a naturally dark place? What was the space like?

Avila  The space for the greens in the bedroom, I did not place on a window sill. I placed it in a corner because when I checked up on the window sill, it still showed pretty bad signals, if that makes sense, I guess.

August Brice: With the radiation detector?

Avila Yeah, with the radiation detector, it showed orange. So, like-

Kristine Mauss: You wanted to find place that was green with the detector that there was no...

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: I'm just curious, now let's get back to the radiation coming up from the window. So this is in the room where there wasn't WiFi. This was in the safest part of your home.

Avila  Right. Yes. Yeah.

August : And still, sitting at the window, you had a high level?

Avila  Mm-hmm (affirmative).

August: Okay. Where did you think that was coming from?

Avila Well, we have stuff in our garage that could be using WiFi and that could signal up through maybe the floor. And so I just wanted to find a place where I knew it would be safe. I walked around with it in that one corner just to make sure none of the variables changed.

August  And so it was green there. And then the one that was by the WiFi, what did the meter read there?

Avila It was flashing red.

August: It was the worst.


August : That's off the charts. If it's flashing red, it doesn't go any higher.

Avila Mauss: And me and my mom were just playing with it and we went through each room and her had flashing 10, flashing lights and mine had flashing lights.

Kristine Mauss: What happened when you were... because you took pictures each day. You went to the corner where there was no radiation detected, but you had the phone on and what did you notice with the detector?

Avila Mauss: So I wanted to take a picture of the detector with the plants, just as a side picture for fun, and all of a sudden I saw the meter started going up to red. And so I put the phone down and I thought it was broken. I was tapping with it, and then I'm like, okay, I'll just try a picture again. And I did it and it started flashing red again. And I brought the meter closer to the phone, and... didn't we try it with AirPods too?

Kristine Mauss: No. What happened when you pulled the phone away to check the meter?

Avila Mauss: Oh, it went green.

August Brice: Oh, there you go.

Avila Mauss: The meter went green.

August Brice: Isn't it amazing how much RF radiation is around the house in so many different devices and items? You don't even think about it, right?

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: It's crazy. And so that's our RF radiation. Radio frequency radiation. And did you notice it? I love that example. Did you see that anywhere else now that you've got the meter?

Avila Mauss: We saw it definitely in a couple bedrooms and near our television and in some different places in our home that I never expect it to be.

August Brice: That darn smart TV, right?

Avila Mauss: Yeah. Yeah.

August Brice: It's crazy. You don't know how many times I have tried to take the little screws off the back of the TV and find that antenna. I'm not even getting... My husband thinks I'm crazy. Well, I am. I really, really like a no EMF environment. So now when the TV isn't on, it's completely unplugged.

Avila Mauss: Wow.

August Brice: That's all we can do.

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: Otherwise, it's always emitting something, some signal. It's looking around. So anyway, back to your experiment. So what happened day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10?

Avila Mauss: So day one and two, I didn't notice very significant change with the plants in the bedroom and then the plants next to the router. I did see they were butting just a little bit since that was normal. And then day three, four, and five, I saw that the plants in the corner were growing and growing pretty sufficiently. And then the ones near the router were just a little bit shorter, like they were trying to catch up. And then day, I think it's six, seven, eight. It took me 10 days to do so, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten, I kept seeing the plants in the bedroom, they were growing really well and very sufficiently. And the ones next to the WiFi router, they were dead. They just had stopped.

Kristine Mauss: What about the dead spots? Do you remember your statistics about the number of dead spots? You had three different trays-

Avila Mauss: Yes.

Kristine Mauss: ... in each, so it wasn't just one tray. We had three different trays with all the same microgreens. Do you remember number of dead spots in the plants near the router versus the others?

Avila Mauss: Yes, so the number of dead spots on day 10 in the bedroom was three, and then the number of dead spots next to the WiFi router, I think it was 27.

August Brice: Oh my goodness.

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: Wow.

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: What were you thinking in your mind as you were seeing this every day?

Avila Mauss: I'm just like, guys, we can't go near this thing. It's so scary.

Kristine Mauss: We definitely did not eat those microgreens.

Avila Mauss: No.

August Brice: I am so glad [crosstalk 00:14:54]. Wow, and so let's just be really specific, they both got the same amount of water.

Avila Mauss: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

August Brice: They both, if you talked to your plants, you talked to both the same way.

Avila Mauss: Yes.

August Brice: Okay, you encouraged them to grow.

Avila Mauss: Yes, I did.

August Brice: And so as you went in there, did you say, "Oh my gosh, what's happening to the planet?"

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: Did you know it had to be the WiFi?

Avila Mauss: I did.

August Brice: Wow.

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: Wow. When you presented this at school and there will be pictures throughout this, by the way, so we'll come back and we'll cover it with your photos and all the great pictures you have. Avila, when you presented this at the science fair, what was the reaction from people?

Avila Mauss: So at lunchtime, before the actual science fair in the evening, we had our whole, like all the little kids come walk through and all the teenagers of the higher grades come walk through of all me and all my other friends' and classmates' science fair projects, just asking questions. All the little kids would just come and be so excited to see. And I remember there were tons of teenagers and moms and all the moms were like, "Oh, you can't have your phone anymore. You can't sleep with it anymore." All the kids were like, "Thanks a lot, Avila." Like, in a joking way. But all the little kids were so fascinated. I just remember getting a lot of reactions from people, just being like, "Oh wow, we're sleeping with this. We're around this 24/7."

August Brice: Can you imagine all of the awareness that you created and the change because of it? Oh my goodness. That's amazing. Congratulations.

Avila Mauss: Thank you.

August Brice: I'm just, I am thrilled. I was thrilled when I saw this, but to hear what everyone was saying.

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: Are they still talking about it? It's been a couple of months now.

Avila Mauss: Not as much now, but I do think... I know there are a couple moms from our community that have taken it into awareness quite a bit. Yeah.

Kristine Mauss: Even just... yeah.

August Brice: At Your house, how have things changed?

Kristine Mauss:

  • Well, probably a month or so prior to this experiment, we did the Tech Wellness WiFi kill switch at night and did notice a difference in our sleep. So plug it in, remote it off at night.
  • I definitely have taken more of an active effort to put my phone on airplane mode whenever... if I'm not using it.
  • I do have the stand that you so graciously sent me. I love that thing. I use my phone on a stand with the stylus pen. I notice my fingers aren't getting tingly when I'm... that is so incredible, just these little things that don't affect in the immediate, but would over time.
  • We had some things here. There was a laptop sleeve and a phone sleeve that I thought were radiation proof. And we tested it with the meter and we're like, "Okay, they're not doing anything!!" Keep our phone inside here and... I thought, oh, well, if it's closed, I'm good. But no, it was doing nothing.

August Brice.  Yes and if you had the pro meter we sell, with the numeric readout you would see that the emissions may have been even higher.

Krisitne Mauss: Wow, because the case is closed and the phone isn't getting signal?

August Brice: That's exactly it. You're shutting off part of its source of life. It reacts, it gets mad, and it just wants more and more and more. And so, because the cases don't cover completely because of course, if they did, the phone wouldn't work at all, so it leaves that exposed area to reflect more energy. So yeah, it's a myth. There's a lot of myths out there about what to do about this radiation. And I love that you're doing exactly what you should do and that is turn things off. It's our absolute best defense is to get away from the waves. And Avila, you might have seen from your meters, as you get closer to the source, it gets higher, right?

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: As you get further away, it gets lower. So have you noticed that?

Avila Mauss: Yeah, I have noticed that a lot. It's just so crazy how these invisible waves going through the air, you don't really care about them. You hear the word WiFi and you just think something that helps me connect to the Internet or download something, but you don't really think, oh, a deadly radiation waves that could kill you. So it's just amazing what we don't know.

August Brice: Did you talk to anyone about the comparison of the proton radiation that you were talking about, the treatments for your dad and this radio frequency radiation? Did you look into that?

Avila Mauss: Didn't we look into that a little bit?

Kristine Mauss: Probably not. Not too extensively.

Avila Mauss: Yeah. Not too much, but...

August Brice: And it is different. It's a strong form, of course, because it can do good. It can destroy things like tumors, which is awesome, but they're in the same family and that's why they're called radiation. One's not ionizing, and they always thought that that non-ionizing radiation had absolutely no effect on the body, but there are thousands of studies now that correlate. And I always think of it as just another toxin, like chlorine bleach or something, that my body has to deal with. So when you were talking about your dad and your husband, Kristine, it's just one more thing that our bodies have to fight, like you said, football player, probably head injuries and genetic components. There's so many things that we don't know, and so it's just, I think, one way to be a little bit safer. Now, it's not about really avoiding technology because I'm sure you guys are realized. You probably love technology and continue to enjoy it.

Kristine : Yeah. Right. Yeah, no, it's like you hear the story, you never buy the first year of a new car. You don't know what's going to go wrong and how long has this technology been around, and we are really, I mean, I remember social media came out when I was just graduating college, and so these things are so new, everything from not only the radiation aspect, but also the mental and emotional aspect. And so when you focus on distancing yourself physically from the radiation, it can also have mental and emotional positive impacts because we're spending less time. We're spending less time on these things that are causing less stress to our minds and our bodies. And-

August: Please tell me more examples from your family. I know you have a gorgeous, beautiful family.

Kristine Mauss: Oh, thank you.

August Brice: Tell me. Tell me how... things that you've noticed with the having to turn off.

Avila Mauss: I remember my mom telling me that walking barefoot on the grass and dirt and then hugging trees can release EMFs in your body. It's definitely made me want to be outside more, because when we're constantly inside with the waves just roaming around free, going outside and with family and siblings is a lot of fun too, knowing that I'm not choosing to, I kind of have to. If I want to be healthy and yeah...

Kristine Mauss: Well, and I log out of social media apps. One thing I've also done, read through a lot of your privacy articles, as well. I know it doesn’t have to do with radiation but that as well, and just really ensuring that that aspect is something I take into consideration as well, so logging out, spending less time, not having the children in front of screens, not only for the radiation aspect, but their eyes, going to the eye doctor, rates of myopia in children is increasing dramatically. And I believe my eye doctor said an incredible number of children, if this rate continues, will be blind when they’re adults, because the lengthening of their eyes due to staring at screens is doing such damage.

Kristine Mauss: My second son is nearsighted and is wearing glasses and his eyes have, just over the course of a year, worsened a bit more. And so all of these things have made us really look at what we are choosing to do as a family to protect ourselves mentally, emotionally, physically, protect our home, protect our privacy. And these are... I remember getting my first smartphone and not really ever thinking about any of this, but then 10 years rolls by and we start to kind of wake up and see what the side effects are. And you think to really think.

August Brice: Yeah, it comes slowly. I love what you were saying about the blue light and also just the digital light from the screens. They're not exactly sure what's happening. I mean, yeah, staring at the screens, it's shortening the rods, but also they found out that the longer that children are on screens, the more tendency they have to the myopia and the more they play outside, the more they counteract it.

Kristine Mauss: Right.

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: Have you heard that?

Avila Mauss: No, no, go ahead. Yeah.

August Brice: Now, and-

Kristine Mauss: Yeah. Yeah, We heard that from our eye doctor as well, being able to stare off into long distances to counteract how the eyes are working up close.

August Brice: It's so great, and I wonder if it has something to do with the natural blue light too. They're not sure, but it's just so healthy. It's just such a great, healthy, alternative,

Kristine Mauss: Right.

Avila Mauss: Yeah.

August Brice: Okay. So what, Avila, is the one thing that you're hoping everyone will know from this project?

Avila Mauss: I'm hoping that everyone will know that radiation isn't just something we... that people can start thinking about it and that we can become healthier, because if WiFi radiation is helping the cause of cancer, that we can reduce the exposure to WiFi radiation and possibly reduce higher chances of cancer, because cancer is not fun and these illnesses and headaches and all... sleep fatigue and just all these things are not fun. So I'm thinking that if people can just limit their exposure to WiFi radiation that they can become healthier.

August Brice: That's beautiful. And what are a wonderful tribute to your fabulous dad.

Avila Mauss: Thank you.

August Brice: Really wonderful. And Kristine, what are you hoping people will take away? Avila said it all.

Kristine Mauss: Yeah, I think she did. Yeah, I think that being able to see something, I mean, out of sight, out of mind and that's really what radiation waves are. They're out of sight and so they're out of our minds. And so if we can see the physical effects in something as simple as a plant, for all of us to step back and think about ways that this may be affecting us and how we can reduce our exposure in our day to day life, because it's a cumulative effect.

August Brice: Just like the sun.

Kristine Mauss: Yeah, right.

August Brice: Good. I like that. And I love out of sight, out of mind. I haven't actually ever used that in a blog post, or on a post, but that's so true. Because even though it's out of sight and out of mind, doesn't mean it's not there.

Kristine Mauss: Right. Yeah, and I think even for us, even Avila doing this experiment, it's still easy for us to kind of go back to old ways. And so either taking out the meter every couple of weeks and reminding ourselves, okay, this is what's really here, or having a check in with each other, or continuing to reduce our exposure in whatever way we can. I know that's something that is... it's easy to fall back into old patterns, but continuing to implement this in our family and in our home.

August Brice: Great. And Avila, I'm just so impressed. Like I said before.

Avila Mauss: Thank you.

August Brice: I am so impressed with your knowledge.

Kristine Mauss: Very proud.

August Brice: I bet you are. You guys are busy. Congratulations. And I'm just thrilled that I can share this with more people and hopefully more kids will be doing this experiment like you did.

Avila Mauss: Yeah Same.

August Brice: And so what grade was the science fair?

Avila Mauss: 7th grade.

August Brice: 7th grade. Okay. The 7th grade. Was that the best science project they ever saw? Did they tell you?

Kristine Mauss: There were some pretty cool ones. One of your friends, he tested which materials-

Avila Mauss: Blocks the WiFi radiation.

Kristine Mauss: ... blocks a WiFi signal. So he was testing with his video games, if you put particular materials in between the WiFi, around the WiFi, would it block it? And so that was really interesting to see these experiments coupled together. And yeah, I mean, you all just did, so...

Kristine Mauss: Oh, wow.

Avila Mauss: Oh, wow.

August Brice: I know. I'm pretty, I'm probably difficult, but...

Avila Mauss: That's a good thing.

August Brice: Yeah, I have sensitivity to it, so...

Kristine Mauss: Well, especially if you couple this with other, I mean, I have Lyme disease, so I have to be...

August Brice: Oh, you have to. It's-

Kristine Mauss: I have to be very careful and some mold toxicity that I was able to overcome and all of these things are, and we're very much into natural medicine and it all matters, all these little things matter. So it's good to...

August Brice: Yeah.I lost my cousin six years ago to the same cancer.

Kristine Mauss: Oh. Oh, wow. I'm sorry.

August Brice: Yeah. Yeah, and so-

Kristine Mauss: It's a brutal disease.

August Brice: Oh, unbelievable. Unbelievable. I'm so sorry. But he was... he did not... we talked a little bit about the phone, but...

Kristine Mauss: Sure.

August Brice: It did not resonate with him.

Kristine Mauss: Even with brain cancer, it makes you wonder why is this not studied more? What is it that is not wanting to come out?

August Brice: It's really interesting. So you think it isn't studied, just the cause?

Kristine Mauss: From what I've read, I mean, the funding that goes to brain cancer research is a minuscule amount compared to things like breast cancer and other more prominent cancers. I would post statistics when my husband was sick, things that I didn't even know until I discovered myself. And it was really eyeopening because brain cancer is not something that is talked about. There's no... yeah, there's brain cancer month, but you don't see people walking around with gray pins on. And I mean, not everything is nefarious, but it also has to make you wonder. I mean, what is really going on? Again, we are so new. I mean, a decade or two decades is not a very long time. I mean, that's a generation to be able to see how these things are now starting to have an effect on us as humans.

August Brice: Right. Well, I have it on my website that, from Dr. George Carlo's book, he wrote a letter to all of the mobile... He was hired by the mobile phone industry to CTIA, it's the industry group, and he was hired to do the research. And when he got about 85% through the research, he wrote a letter to AT&T and the other mobile phone providers. I have the copy of the AT&T letter on the website. And he said, we're seeing some tumors and some cancers, and I think we need to take a step back and then he got fired. We're just going to have to do it ourselves. We're just going to have to not buy into it. How great if you're getting rid of your smart TV. Tell me what TV you can buy that's not a smart TV.

Kristine Mauss: Wow.

August Brice: They... yes, and-

August Brice: Yeah, but that's what we're going to probably have to do with everything. I keep saying to my friends, the young people that are in this industry, I say, "You know what? If you could learn how to open TVs and other things up and take out antennas, people would use your services." I really think they would.

Kristine  Yeah.

Kristine Mauss: I think most people just need to be made aware that this is even a thing. And then they get so overwhelmed. Okay, where do I go? What do I do? And to be able to just have... this is your checklist.

Kristine Mauss: Yes, you did.

August Brice: Did that work out for you?

Kristine Mauss: I haven't tried it yet, but [inaudible 00:36:06].

August Brice: Yeah, it's kind of complicated.

Kristine Mauss: You just plugs that box into the router?

August Brice: Yes, you use one of those cables, the long one or the short one, whichever one you want, and you plug that into the router and then that splitter lets you put other cables into it. And then with those cables, you take either your phone or your computers with those adapters, and then you're right into the Internet. It's super fast. It's super safe. And a lot of routers, you can turn off your WiFi and still use it.

Kristine Mauss: And still use it. Okay.

August Brice: Yes.

Kristine Mauss: Okay, wow.

August Brice: And I don't know if you have an older home, but if you have an older home, you might already have the outlets around your home and you just plug them in.

Kristine Mauss: Oh, from that?

August Brice: Yeah. It's great. I think it's the future. It's everywhere.

August Brice: And I want to stay in touch, so I'll keep following you and see what you do. And you can follow Kristine, and I hope that you will, she really is an amazing writer and so insightful about the journey that she's on. And you can see her beautiful family. You can follow her on Instagram, @LoveKristineNicole. That's with a K. And then she also has a beautiful website. Kristine Nicole. I will link both in this show notes.

August Brice: And I'm really, really excited to offer this, your own science fair kit, complete with organic microgreens and trays, one to put by the WiFi, one to put somewhere else, and a third to put maybe outside and see how that grows. Also, you get an EMF meter so that you can find a place in your home that's free, or at least has less wireless energy. And after you use the meter for the science experiment, you can share the meter with friends or loved ones. You can keep the meter to continue to do checks. I love to take this particular meter to restaurants and it helps me find a seat that I feel good in. So there's lots of uses for that. And thank you again for joining us on Thriving With Technology. I'm August Brice. Please like, subscribe, so that you can hear more great information about living well with technology. See you next time. Bye.



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