EMF and Your iPhone! It Can Track AND Expose You Even When It's Off - Completely OFF!
When your iPhone is on, sometimes, even when it's on Airplane Mode, you are being exposed to wireless signals of electromagnetic radiation or wireless EMF.
iPhone can now track you and expose you to EMF even when the phone is completely powered off.
The New iOS update allows iPhone to be tracked when the phone is off
The New iOS allows the iPhone battery to send signal when the phone is off
When you iPhone Is off and sending signal you are exposed to EMF radiation
Your phone is likely your source of the highest daily exposure to EMF compared to any of the other wireless devices in your environment. It's highest because it's full of transmitters or antennas and those transmitters are very close to your body almost all the time when you're awake and your phone is on.
I always say when it comes to finding hidden EMF - a meter is your Best Friend!
It's one thing to be mindful and aware that invisible EMF is being sent from your phone and that it could be tracking you and then to make safer choices because of your awareness.
It's another to think that you're safe because your phone is off or on Airplane Mode and then find out that you're still getting exposed to EMF and tracked.
But a FARADAY will STOP all signals (including GPS) even if the phone is ON!
If you've updated to iOS 15 or later, your phone can now emit wireless signal even when it's off.
This update features "battery" extension programming which leaves your phone on so it can be tracked and emitting wireless EMF even when your phone is powered off.
Here's how that on-while-it's-off feature works: The operating system update includes coding that uses iPhone battery to power the BlueTooth transmitter to connect your iPhone to other iPhones that have the "Find My Phone" feature called "Find My Network" enabled. Together, all the iPhones that create a "network" of sorts that can send and receive location information.
Apple is proud of the fact that the "Find My Network" feature actually LEAVES THE BATTERY ON AND SENDING SIGNAL EVEN WHEN YOU THINK IT'S OFF!
See this ad below? They think it's a wonderful feature. The problem is that most of us don't know it exists.

Source: Apple.com
Apple has programmed this ability to access what ever battery power is left when the phone is powered completely off. That unused battery power is used to create an Apple Crowd-Sourced Mesh Network with other iPhones and Apple devices in order to locate your iPhone (aka you) when you ask.
"Find My Network" is a Crowd-Sourced Network of Apple devices that helps find missing iPhones, AirTags Apple Watches and laptops.
Apple Says That When You Sign In To iCloud, Your Find My Network is automatically Enabled. Along With "The Battery That Stays On" When Your Phone is OFF
This EMF Emitting Option as we'll as Your Phone Being Tracked will keep on working until the battery dies completely OR until you put your phone in a Faraday which stops iPhone from getting or sending signal.
Here's How To Disable the "Battery-Stays On" Feature With
"Find My Network"
You can still use "Find My iPhone" feature. You can also continue to use "Share My Location"
- Go to your phone and open Settings
- Tap your name, then tap Find My (This Settings page is the gateway to Find My)
- While you're on this settings page: If you want friends and family to know where you are, turn on Share My Location.
- To turn on/off Find My iPhone or Find My Network and Share My Last Location, just toggle the green option button.
- Find My iPhone > You'll then see this Settings Panel come up:
- To leave ON Find My iPhone make sure the toggle is Green. Then Find My iPhone works as it always has and the battery goes off when your turn off your phone.
- To turn OFF ALL Find My iPhone tracking on your phone and not being able to find it through the iPhone Find My system, make sure the toggle is Gray.
To turn OFF the Battery Extension and tracking when the phone is OFF scroll down and turn off Find My Network and Send Last Location
- Turn off or disable Find My Network
- Turn off or disable Send Last Location

That's it!
EMF has a biological effect. Some can feel it. Some cannot - but either way your body reacts to EMF as it may to other toxins.
You can read all about EMF here and link to 100's of research articles connecting EMF to health effects from headaches to cancer.