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Is There A Safe Level Of Wireless EMF? Levels Chart Shows Expert Recommendations Based on Health Effects

Electromagnetic energy and how it affects our body's energy is a complicated subject. Some people are sensitive to the EMF radiation like me. I feel it. My body tells me when we've passed the tolerable level with ringing in my ears, tingling, and eventually a big headache.

My kids and my husband are different. Even though, like all of us, their bodies are electrical in nature. They don't really "feel" the onslaught of man-made wireless energy, but they're aware of the research that proves there's, without a doubt, a biological effect on our bodies. They're much more aware of the invisible energy and are mindful of how much and how often they subject their bodies to this wireless toxin.

Wireless energy is distinguished as a Class 2B Possible Carcinogen by the World Health Organization, so it's important to mindful!

How Do You Check EMF Levels For Cell Phones, Laptops, Baby Monitors and All Wireless Devices?

You can't see, smell, or touch EMF radiation. But, RF (radio frequency) meters or detectors can give you an idea of how much electromagnetic radiation is coming directly from a wireless device.  You can use a detector or meter to scan a laptop, WiFi, Bluetooth speaker, Alexa, or any thing wireless in your environment. You'll be able to quantify or measure the power density of the electromagnetic field and see and hear the waves of energy. The closer you are to the antenna of the device, the higher the reading will be.


This Trifield Meter Detects ALL TYPES of EMF and Ships Free!

EMF Levels Chart Meter

"Distance is Your Friend When It Comes To EMF Exposure!"

My husband said that 8 years ago as I was showing him how the radiation levels got lower and lower as I walked away from the cellphone. Lower doesn't mean no radiation, but it just lowers the intensity of the exposure, which in most cases is much safer and I've said it many many times as I detect radiation with my meters in videos. It's a concept that gives me joy because it allows me to control how much of the EMF toxins I'm exposed to. . . Mostly.

EMF Radiation You Don't Control

I've seen what I call the "ambient" levels of EMF radiation get higher and higher throughout the years. That's the EMF in the environment.

That concerns me because even in my own home, I find that as the neighbors have upgraded to stronger and more powerful WiFi, IOT (Internet of Things) gadgets, and in-home systems, my family is subjected to higher and higher levels floating in the air in our environment.

How Much Ambient EMF Is In Your Environment?

The level of RF radiation energy in your home depends on how many devices, the type of devices, if they're powered on, proximity to cell phone towers, powerful WiFi and repeaters from neighbors, and small cell mesh networks installed by cities and towns.

Honestly, the best way to tell how much is in your home is with a wireless meter. 

This EMF reader is our easiest to read and most affordable.
Like all our meters it ships free to the USA!

Safe Level EMF Charts - Recommended by Experts. 

Are You Exposed To A Safe Level of EMF Radiation? The Experts Share Their Safe EMF Levels on The Chart Below

We really don't know the answer. We don't have the precise dose-effect relationship between microwave radiation and its biological effect. Although there are plenty of studies linking microwave or wireless radiation exposure to diseases such as cancers, further detailed studies must be performed with consistent power-density and radiation exposure time--then we may have more information. 

But until then, it's important to note that science has not determined a safe level of EMF exposure. Devra Davis of the Environmental Health Trust pointed this out.  With that being said, health organizations specializing in environmental toxins have established what they determine to be "safe" levels of exposure. Those levels of EMF are in the chart below.  I've also added the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) safety level and my level (which is not based on ambient energy as the other recommendations are) but as a direct exposure alert.  My goal is to help people see how far they need to be from any direct contact with a wireless device.

The EMF radiation levels and the reasons why the levels are recommended are detailed below. Also included are photos of a simple home EMF radiation meter and the LED readings displayed at each level.


1. The FCC EMF Chart Level:

1000 µW/cm² - Over 50 Times the Highest Level on the LED Meter.

The Federal Communication Commission based their recommendations on the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection Guidelines from 1998. The ICNIRP standards are mainly based on acute warming effects. Based in Munich, it claims it's all about protecting us from non-ionizing radiation. They are in the process of reviewing their standards, but even so, they continue to be all about the heating effect- meaning how hot our body tissue gets when in the path of wireless radiation. They even stated this: 

"The critical effect of HF exposure relevant to human health and safety is heating of exposed tissue. HF fields can penetrate into the body (the higher the frequency, the lower the penetration depth) and cause vibration of charged or polar molecules inside. This results in friction and thus heat."

But Wait!  What about the thousands of studies linking biological effects ranging from DNA damage to lower fertility (less and less energetic sperm) to wireless, non-ionizing radiation?  This level would be indicated as Flashing Red or Extremely, Extreme on this meter:

detect wireless emf radiation


2. The Tech Wellness Warning EMF Chart Level:

Step Away And Create Distance! 

Our recommended "Alarm" level of .5 µW/cm² is not for sleeping or family living areas.  This level is an alert that wireless EMF IS high and the device should be turned OFF or the area avoided.

Tech Wellness advises that when you detect this level, distance yourself from the device or the environment that's emitting radiation.

Much much lower than the FCC but higher than the other recommended levels. This is based on the real-world levels most of us encounter now. When this level is observed, it's important to reduce exposure with distance. 

Our "Recommended Do Not Exceed" level is a peak level of 2,000 µW/M²   (microwatts per square meter) or .2 µW/cm² (microwatts per square centimeter). 

Levels this high are commonly observed when you are less than 10 to 12 inches from a wireless phone or closer than 15 to 20 feet to a WiFi router. Often we detect levels of 25,000 to 45,000  µW/M² close to laptops, cellphones, and tablets and levels of 50,000 to 150,000 µW/M² near a WiFi Router.  Sadly, that's what we're observing now and that's why we say distance is your friend when it comes to lowering EMF exposure.

Having electromagnetic sensitivity myself, but living with a family and working in an office where people don't have the same palpable reaction, my hope is that the people I love, like family and friends, and for anyone practicing mindfulness try to control their exposures and will keep the levels of EMF to a minimum in their environment.

This level is for people who are not experiencing symptoms of sensitivity. Just my personal recommendation based on my personal experiences as I've learned about wireless radiation.

EMF levels chart for EMF Blocker

This reading on this meter would go between flashing orange and solid red or extreme if it detected this level of radiation- which is why I advise that when this level is indicated- STEP AWAY or TURN OFF THE WIFI.

3.The BioInitiative Report EMF Safe Chart Levels:

Cumulative Exposure Level of 0.1 µW/cm²

A group of 14 scientists, public health, and public policy experts wrote the BioInitiative Report in 2007. The report was a summary of research, health impacts, and recommendations for dealing with electromagnetic radiation.  After review, scientific evidence shows health effects of wireless electromagnetic radiation covering maladies from sleep issues to brain tumors. They said a precautionary limit of 0.1 µW/cm² (which is also 0.614 volts per meter) should be adopted for outdoor, cumulative RF exposure.

Their report concluded this: the unit that you'll see on our meters, which is microwatts per meter squared.

bioinitiative safe levels chart

I just turned on my Safe and Sound Pro II meter in my home as I type this.  My home has no wireless, no WiFi, and no smart meter.  The neighbors have one, and their wall faces the room that I'm in, but my home has lots of metal in it and the level I'm reading now is . . . wait for it...

6.61 µW/M² (which was the peak level!)

The max is 34 and the average is .123. YAY! My meter is blinking green.  This is a really nice, low reading for a home in a fairly dense neighborhood!

Honestly, the ambient energy level is higher in way too many outdoor and public places. This recommended level was based on body exposure which is what happens, of course, when we're exposed to the energy that's in our environment--the energy that's just floating in the air as it dissipates from the stronger levels that come directly from the antenna's in all devices.  

"This reflects the current RF science and prudent public health response that would reasonably be set for pulsed RF (ambient) exposures where people 27 live, work and go to school. This level of RF is experienced as whole-body exposure, and can be a chronic exposure where there is wireless coverage present for voice and data transmission for cell phones, pagers and PDAs and other sources of radio frequency radiation.

Some studies and many anecdotal reports on ill health have been reported at lower levels than this; however, for the present time, it could prevent some of the most disproportionate burdens placed on the public nearest to such installations. Although this RF target level does not preclude further rollout of WI-FI technologies, we also recommend that wired alternatives to WI-FI be implemented, particularly in schools and libraries so that children are not subjected to elevated RF levels until more is understood about possible health impacts. This recommendation should be seen as an interim precautionary limit that is intended to guide preventative actions."

          Cindy Sage MA for the BioInitiative Working Group.


How much EMF Radiation from wireless is ok?

This radiation level would be indicated by an orange or moderate level on the Safe and Sound meter.

4. The Building Biologists EMF Safe Levels:

.001 µW/cm² - Safe Sleeping Area Levels of EMF Radiation

The IBE has specialized in creating healthy environments for 31 years, training consultants in the Bau-biology way to create non-toxic homes, schools, and offices. This non-profit institute covers everything from mold and toxic tap water to mitigating EMF.  

Here are Building Biology Standards for safe and healthy sleeping areas. Notice the top reading which is in Microwatts Per Meter Squared. 

No More Than 10  µW/M² ( Micro-Watts Per Square Meter ) Is What Most Building Biologists Say Is The Wireless Exposure Limit For EMF Radiation or RF Electromagnetic Fields

EMF building biologiest


The guidelines are designed for Electromagnetic Sensitive People and to what degree they should limit exposure to in rooms where they sleep. That's why we emphasize controlling your home environment with fewer and less powerful WiFi and smart devices especially in the sleeping areas.

Radiation at or just above this level would display a yellow light on our meter. The levels we detected in our anti-radiation cellphone case review were MUCH higher. 

This Measurement Conversion Chart comes from Rob Metzinger - a teacher at the Building Biology Institute.  You can download it from his site Safe Living Technologies.

radio frequency or wireless measurements


The Building Biologists access and mitigate all types of EMF.  So they have recommended levels of electric and magnetic energy readings. Magnetic and electric fields can also emanate from our devices and they come from power outlets, home wiring, appliances, and household items that are electrical, like an electric blanket, a hairdryer, a fan and even the PEMF machines like a Beemer will have these detectable fields.

Most Building Biologists will advise that you keep EMF Electric Field Exposure Under 1.5 V/M or Volts per Meter in your home.

You'll find electric EMF near walls because of the wiring, lamps, and items that have an electrical wire. You'll also find electric EMF at or near electrical outlets, on your laptop, computer, or any item that's being charged.

Most Building Biologists recommend keeping the level of magnetic EMF you are exposed to at no more than 1.5 Millligauss!

Normally, I find that the magnetic fields in my office environment are a background level of between 1 and 1.5 Milligauss.

We use magnetic and electric meters. We like the Tri-Field meter for these measurements because it's easy and user friendly.

tri field meter for dirty electricity

Here are The Magnetic Fields Safe Levels and The Electric Fields Safe Levels Recommendations Chart: 

e m f chart


 5. The BioInitiative Report 2012:

Even Lower Levels are recommended based on more reports of health effects on the human body.

The BioInitiative Working Group along with 27 electromagnetic radiation doctors, scientists, and public policy experts released an update in 2012. Looking at over 1800 studies, this esteemed group, led by Cindy Sage and Dr. David Carpenter, refined it's recommendations based on more evidence and more studies. They produced an amazing chart noting research on EMF health effects and the corresponding level of EMF exposure.  The recommendation is lower than before, the authors saying:

"The levels of biological responses are extraordinarily low (down to the nanowatt and picowatt power density level). New studies address fertility and reproduction, fetal and neonatal effects, cognitive and behavioral problems in children and neurological damage. There are more mobile phone base station studies with longer testing periods, much more information on genetic damage and confirmation of increased risk of brain cancers from not one or two studies, but from many studies and many authors including the World Health Organization’s massive 13-country INTERPHONE STUDY.

There are many studies reporting effects of cell phone radiation (even on standby mode), wireless laptop exposure, cell phone use by mothers resulting in altered fetal brain development in the offspring, and more evidence that the blood-brain barrier and memory are at risk from cell phone use. There is evidence from human and animal studies that key areas of the brain are negatively affected by RFR at legal levels."

In 2014 the group issued an update noting that children's use of laptops should be highly discouraged."

The .034 volts per meter level means you would need to be in the solid green zone of this meter:

easy to read home emf radiation meter


6. The Austrian Medical Association

The Recommended Level for People With Electro-sensitivity, Multi-chemical Sensitivity and EHS

Also in 2012 The Austrian Medical Association established safety levels as they looked at EMF sensitivity and and health issues that could be actually EMF based. 

There has been a sharp rise in unspecific, often stress-associated health problems that increasingly present physicians with the challenge of complex differential diagnosis. A cause that has been accorded little attention so far is increasing electro-smog exposure at home, at work and during leisure activities, occurring in addition to chronic stress in personal and working life. It correlates with an overall situation of chronic stress that can lead to burnout. 

This is really a low level. It's the flashing-green level on the easy-to-read meter. The AMA pointed out that this was a safe level to be exposed to everyday for a period of 4 hours.  They did note that levels above above the .5 micro-watts per centimeter squared were "very far above normal."


How Do You Lower The Level Of EMF You're Exposed To?

Start changing the way you use your cell phone or smartphone. I refer to wireless phones, laptops, and tablets as Personal Radiation Devices. Honestly, that's where most of the daily EMF exposure in our personal lives comes from.

You can make your Personal Radiation Device safer!

  • Eliminate the Radiation: The absolute number one BEST way to reduce exposure is elimination! I do this by using Airplane Mode and turning off Bluetooth and WiFi. The phone can still be a camera and an alarm clock even in Airplane Mode. You can also put your device in a Faraday Bag!


  • Distance: I feel best with a minimum of 8" to 10" from phones and laptops.  2' to 5' is optimal. I carry the phone in my faraday bag or case with a strap.  I recommend touching and texting with a non-wireless stylus pen which will give you 3" of EMF dissipation. Use air-tube headphones or speaker mode when making a call and put the phone as far from your body as possible.
  • Be Mindful:  Don't leave cell phones, laptops, or tablets on when you're not using them. Powered off means no radiation!

Lowering EMF Exposure in Your Home Environment

  • Crush the IOT:  Take a look around your home and eliminate as many wireless appliances and devices as you can. Switch off Wifi anytime it's not in use with a Wifi Kill Switch.  Be mindful that Bluetooth speakers, Bluetooth printers, doorbells, security systems, TV's (and they're remotes) can and does emit EMF.

  • Go Analog:  Opt out of a smart meter and pay the additional monthly fee for a non-digital electric, gas, and water meter.  Analog alarm clocks, retro light switches, a wired security camera, and non-wireless doorbell all mean less EMF.
  • Consider shielding your environment from EMF with EMF protection like a shielded bed canopy, shielded paint, a Smart meter cover, a WiFi Router Faraday cage, and other EMF blocking options.  Shielding is not always a slam dunk.  Each item listed above has pros and cons.  For example, the smart meter cover: while it blocks radiation, it cannot stop the dirty electricity that results from a smart meter. See the guidance of a certified EMF professional-we have a great list of specialists! 

safe levels chart hard wire internet

  • Wire up:  Get Faster speeds and solid connectivity by hard wiring to the internet.  Use a shielded cable, an adapter, and a grounding cord to eliminate EMF from home computers. Here's our amazing Hard-Wire Kit to get you started! 
  • Avoid fixes that can actually make exposure worse or don't protect you enough like EMF blocking phone cases and blankets and clothing. Harmonic or wave smoothing chips, adapters, necklaces and bracelets have not yet been validated by science- and the ones I've tried have not offered me relief from my electro-sensitvity. If and when they are proven to have a beneficial health effect, we will be thrilled to offer them in our store as a solution. Likewise, gems and stones and plants-which are all lovely and beautiful, do not attract or cancel out EMF wireless energy. 
    All EMF experts and scientists recommend turning off sources of EMF radiation in order to avoid it. It's actually easy and effective and reliable to use a wired set-up.
  • Consider enlightening your home and workplace neighbors to the real concerns about climbing EMF radiation emissions and ask them to opt out of powerful WiFi routers, boosting antennas and repeaters so that everyone benefits from lower wireless EMF.


If you're looking for more detail, more ideas and more research, please take a look at our article for Wireless Radiation and Your Health: An Easy Wellness Guide.

Thank you so much for visiting and wanting to read more about this topic.  It's so important to me to offer honest, real information about this topic that I have been researching for decades.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to put them in the comments section. I hope you'll share EMF information with a friend! It makes me so happy when more and more of us can be aware and mindful about being healthy and well in our digital world!

Thank you and Be Well!

Top Tech Wellness Products

1. Best Air Tube Headphones for EMF Protection in 2024 • Earbuds with Incredible Sound 2. 2024's Best WiFi Kill Switch. Turn Off WiFi With One Click. Get EMF Protection For Better Sleep and Calmer Days 3. We Guarantee This Ethernet Cable Is Faster and Safer Than Any Other Cable Out There. Wire Up With These Special CAT 8 Ethernet Cables and Get The Best EMF Protection Available--EMF FREE-NO RADIATION! 4. No EMF Alarm Clock. Keep The Bedroom EMF Radiation Free! Best Silent Analog Alarm Clock 5. Fast Grounded Lightning Ethernet Adapter. Use iPhone Online with NO Radio Frequency EMF 6. Sleep Prep Glasses. Wrap To Block More Blue Light! 2 Styles: Complete Block And Over Glasses Blockers 7. Super Power EMF Detector! All NEW Safe Sound III EMF Reader. This Meter Ships Free 8. Faraday Bags. Quality• Affordable• Sleek Faraday Cellphone Case for Privacy + EMF Protection That Works! 9. EMF Protection Starter Pack 10. 2024 Best•Cutest Blue Light Blockers. Daytime Glasses Reduce Glare On All Screens 11. EMF Reader. Find All EMF: Electric, Magnetic EMF, Dirty Electricity and RF Radiation. 12. Wired Internet KIT! Wire Up Your WiFi For No Wireless EMF To Phones and Computers 13. Top EMF Reader. Professional EMF Radiation Meter Rated BEST By Experts• FREE SHIPPING! 14. Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon 15. A NEW and BETTER Blue Light Bundle: Three Glasses, Three Colors To Protect You From Blue Light Any Time! 16. De-Stress Dough. Relax And Play. Digital Detox Therapy in A Jar For Mind, Body and Soul 17. Screen Cleansing Wipes. Our Fav New Screen Wipes! Clean Glasses, Laptops, Phones and Tablets- 18. Private Consultation with Tech Wellness Founder August Brice 19. Screen Free Activity Bundle for Kids! Off-Line Fun for All Ages! 20. Mom's Pretty Pink Gift Set Holidy Set Women LOVE! 21. Disconnect Gift Set: De-Stress Dough, WiFi Switch, Coloring Set

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  • Hi Mala, It’s so great that you continue to monitor the electric fields. I would recommend a Building Biologist to come to your home and do a detailed EMF Assessment. Please visit our Consultants page for someone near you. Let us know what you find out. Be Well! August

  • Hello! When we purchased our home 2.5 years ago I noticed the close proximity to an electric pole. We bought a meter and tested for EMF. There were elevated levels of 4 to 8 in the shed and garden but between 0 and 1 in the home itself. I recently decided to check again out of curiosity and the levels are now reading between 2 and 4 in the bedrooms! I have no idea what could have happened — other than the electric company said they were upgrading the system and I’m wondering if upgrading means pushing more power through the wires and this increase in power has now altered the radiation to these dangerous levels?? Or could our machine be misreading? I feel sick imaging my family sleeping in those levels. And I’m looking at real estate to move. Any advice? Thank you.

  • Hi Lisa, I hope you’re loving the meter. So glad you’re checking the EMF in your sleep sanctuary. Yes, that’s not surprising, that’s why we have an analog alarm clock. Lights and small appliances like the diffuser are notorious for electrical fields and the wiring can often carry dirty electricity – that’s what the Standard vs the Weighted selections do. If the reading is significantly higher than on Weighted than the standard, dirty electricity, which is electromagnetic interference on the wires, is likely the reason. Either way, the reading is your guide to unplug the items or relocate them and distance yourself as much as you can when using them. Be Well and check out our Electric EMF blog

  • Responding to Lisa’s comment.
    It would probably be best to unplug the things you are not using from the wall outlet, and create a greater distance between yourself and the items you leave plugged in. As a reminder, there are 3 parts to the EMFs are are concerned about. Magnetic, Electric, and the one I hate most, RF. Magnetic and electric dissipate much quicker than radio frequency with distance. This is because the output is not the directed use for it, and is only an effect of what is happening inside.
    So probably about 1-2 ft would be fine for an alarm clock (as long as it isn’t a “smart” Internet connected one). You can use your meter to see how far you need to get from the clock, light, etc. to get to your background levels.

    If it is internet connected, I would probably recycle it or just disconnect it from power and put it somewhere you’ll never see again!

  • Hello,
    I recently purchased the Trifield meter. The electrical reading is 200-800 on my nightstand with a clock, light and diffuser. Is that to be expected? I am new at this and want to get our exposure down quickly.
    Thank you for your important work!


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