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Why You Need to Change Your WiFi Name And Password & How To Do It

When talking WiFi  names and passwords, chances are our password falls into one of two buckets 1) The same ridiculously long password that your provider set when you got the Wifi modem 4 years ago or 2) Something easy that you know you'll remember like mywifi1234 

And we're willing to be that when it comes to your WiFi name, it's your address, Family name or Business name.

I'm here to tell you that we all need to consider a third bucket: strong and unique passwords that are changed often! 

This may sound like a hassle, but this is one of the easiest ways to protect your wifi (and connected devices) from getting hacked.  

Why you don't want to use a weak WiFi password. 

Well, according to cyber security company Varonis, "If the password to your WiFi network is among the top million or so worst passwords out there, it’s likely a hacker could breach your network in a matter of minutes. That’s because all they need to do is capture a handshake from a device connecting to the Wi-Fi, load it into a tool like Hashcat, and sit back while it tries every guess in a massive file of breached passwords." 

There's a good chance that mywifi1234 or !password! is already in that password database and just waiting to be hacked. 

Why you don't want to repeat or use an old WiFi password. 

 You might think you're in the clear with that old password set years ago or your go-to strong password that you use for everything. Here's the thing, using the same (or similar) passwords across different accounts can actually lead to your password ending up on an easily accessible breached password list which hackers use to compromise your account. If the company you use for your grocery delivery gets breached, there goes the security on every other account. And if a hacker figures out your email and password combo for one account, they will likely test it out and many others.

What happens when your WiFi password is compromised? 

Once your password is compromised, hackers can access connected devices, track users, and retrieve your personal information. Oh no! 

What is a strong password?

According to our Cyber specialist Bryan Neumeister,  a strong password consists of the following: 

  • Truly random
  • No shorter than 17 characters
  • Different for each online account
  • Changed every 90 days

Read the whole article with more information on how to create and store strong passwords. 

Dreamed up some strong passwords but don't know how to change your WiFi password? Follow the steps below! 

Why you should change your WiFi name

Your home wireless network or WiFi name says A LOT about you!  Most people use their address, which let's hackers be that much closer to knowing WHO they're going to hack if they want to get into YOUR system. Think about it, why does anyone need to know your location?  You're providing your location if you name your WiFi with your address or your business name.

Come up with something other than The Smiths or your actual street address. You can have fun here too and raise a few eyebrows at the same time.

Have Fun.  Be Clever When it Comes To Your WiFi Name

How about "FBI Headquarters" or "NSA" or "Heaven?" Who wouldn't want to log onto THOSE networks, right? And don't forget to misidentify your other devices as well (tablets, desktops and laptop computers have names too). It’s not like the name has to be absolutely perfect—unlike the kid's name or the name of your dog, device titles can be changed anytime!  Go for it.

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How to Change Your Wi-Fi Name and Password

While every provider is a little bit different, most will follow along these general steps: 

  1. Log in to the router as an administrator L
  2. Find the Wi-Fi  Settings.
  3. Type in a new and stealth WiFi name
  4. Type a new Wi-Fi password.
  5. Save the changes.


1) Log Into Your Router as an Administrator

In Order to Login as an admin, you will need to know the username, IP address and password of your router.

Here are instructions for some of the most popular WiFi companies: 

    How To Change Your AT&T WiFi Name And Password:

    •  The default admin login is attadmin. The admin login can be found on the bottom of the device.

      How To Change Your Verizon Password and Name

      •  To login to your Verison Wi-Fi router, open up a browser and go to and then login with the password located on the sticker on the router itself. (The username is always admin).

      Ho To Change Your Hughes Net WiFi Password and Name

      • Hughes Net: Go to the website: or 
        From the System Control Center page, click on Wifi Settings at the left side. Enter the Administrator username and password. The default is admin for both username and password.

      How To Change Your Spectrum WiFi Password and Name

      • Spectrum: Connect your computer to your modem via an Ethernet cable.
        Type into your browser’s address bar.Enter the username and passcode for your device, as listed here

      How To Change your Netgear WiFi Name and Password

      • Netgear: Go to Enter the router user name and password when prompted.The default user name is admin. The default password is password.

      How to Change Your D-Link WiFi Name and Password

      • D-Link: Open your web browser and enter the IP address of the router into the address bar- (not in google). The default IP is or click here default, the username is admin and there is no password.

      How To Change Your Cisco WiFi Name And Password

      • Cisco: Navigate to IP login the default username and password should both be either admin or cisco. See here for details

      How To Chang Your Linksys Name And Password

      • Linksys: Launch a web browser and enter “”The default password is admin

      How to Change Your Xfinity WiFi Password and Name

      • Log into and select "Settings."Then select "Internet."Go to "WiFi credentials." Now select "Edit" to change your WiFi Name or Password.Enter your new WiFi Name or Password and select "Save.Reconnect your wireless devices to your WiFi network using your new network name and password.

      If you can't find your WiFi in the list above, an easy google search should lead you to the instructions.


      2) Find the Wi-Fi Password Settings

      Locating the Wi-Fi password settings should be fairly easy once you're logged in. Look in a NetworkWireless, Security or Wi-Fi section, or something similar, to find the wireless information. This terminology is different between routers.

      3) Create a New Wi-Fi Password and WiFi Name

      Change the WiFi name to something that only you and your family will recognize. Type a new strong and unique password based on the conditions shared above. 

      Top Tech Wellness Products

      1. Best Air Tube Headphones for EMF Protection in 2025 • Earbuds with Incredible Sound 2. 2025's Best WiFi Kill Switch. Turn Off WiFi With One Click. Get EMF Protection For Better Sleep and Calmer Days 3. Hard Wire Shielded CAT 8 Ethernet Cables For Best EMF Protection Available--EMF FREE-NO RADIATION! 4. No EMF Alarm Clock. Keep The Bedroom EMF Radiation Free! Best Silent Analog Alarm Clock 5. Fast Grounded Lightning Ethernet Adapter. Use iPhone Online with NO Radio Frequency EMF 6. Sleep Prep Glasses. Wrap To Block More Blue Light! 2 Styles: Complete Block And Over Glasses Blockers 7. Faraday Bags. Quality• Affordable• Sleek Faraday Cellphone Case for Privacy + EMF Protection That Works! 8. Super Power EMF Detector! All NEW Safe Sound III EMF Reader. This Meter Ships Free 9. EMF Protection Starter Pack 10. 2025 Best•Cutest Blue Light Blockers. Daytime Glasses Reduce Glare On All Screens 11. EMF Reader. Find All EMF: Electric, Magnetic EMF, Dirty Electricity and RF Radiation. 12. Best Stylus For Kids! Gentler to Skin— Helpful EMF Protection for littles 13. Hard Wire Kit. Turn off Wifi, Install Wired Ethernet Connect All Devices To The Internet. Phones, Laptops, Tablets and Computers 14. A NEW and BETTER Blue Light Bundle: Three Glasses, Three Colors To Protect You From Blue Light Any Time! 15. Top EMF Reader. Professional EMF Radiation Meter Rated BEST By Experts• FREE SHIPPING! 16. Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon 17. Soothing Dough. Relax And Play. Digital Detox Therapy in A Jar For Mind, Body and Soul 18. Screen Cleansing Wipes. Our Fav New Screen Wipes For Glasses, Laptops, Phones and Tablets- 19. Private Consultation with Tech Wellness Founder August Brice 20. Screen Free Activity Bundle for Kids! Off-Line Fun for All Ages! 21. Mom's Pretty Pink Gift Set Holidy Set Women LOVE! 22. Disconnect Gift Set: De-Stress Dough, WiFi Switch, Coloring Set

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