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What Are EMFs?

If you found this article, chances are you're wondering, "What's an EMF?"

"EMFs" stands for Electromagnetic Fields and are electric and magnetic fields that are invisible (but very real) energy that comes from (or “radiates” from) sources of natural and man-made electricity.

Wireless energy, RF radiation, cell phone energy, EMR, Radio Frequency - There's a whole lot of ways it's described, but all the above are referring to the same thing: Electromagnetic Energy Fields or EMF. 

Naturally Occurring EMFs vs. Manmade EMFs

Have you heard, "EMF isn't dangerous! EMF is everywhere, what's the big deal?"

There's truth to those statements.  Naturally occurring EMF is everywhere - in visible light, the sun, lightning, even the earth's core. There are natural magnetic fields that come from the earth's core. People who like to kick off their shoes and "ground" are trying to connect to this type of "energy." And there are thunderstorms that produce the electric fields that are sometimes so strong in the atmosphere that they can truly make the hair on the nape of your neck stand up.

The unnatural EMF mentioned below has been created by man.

We're now exposed to it with everyday items like electric blankets, power lines, wiring, appliances, computers, everything wireless including Bluetooth, Airpods, WiFi, cell towers, smart meters, smartphones - any wireless item you have.

Our focus at Tech Wellness is a particular type of EMF: the man-made variety that's emitted by microwaves and wireless devices. Basically, if it has an electrical component, it will have EMF coming from it.

If you've heard that EMF isn't healthy and you just wanted to know the definition, yes you can stop here. 

But you should also know that all EMF is strongest at the source.  The transmitter, the antenna in your phone, the electrical outlet, the switch on the blowdryer- any point source will expose you to the greatest amount of EMF.  The good news is as you back away, you're exposed to less and less of it. 

And on that less-is-more note, the least amount of time you get exposed, the better.  Like sun exposure and sun damage, the effects are cumulative.

Yep, we're pretty much doing this to ourselves. There are literally thousands of peer-reviewed studies in over three decades that have proven there is a biological impact from these ICRW's. The most credible scientists (those who aren't being paid by the cellular industry) don't even question this! Keep reading to learn more about the different types of EMF!

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No Electric EMF USB Charger
2 Grounded USB Charging Ports, 1 USB-C Charge Port and 6 Electric Outlets

Plug In Everything and Charge Your Devices Too!

POLARIZATION: The Key Difference Between Man Made and Natural Electromagnetic Fields

Stay with me now. Science class ends soon. Not all EMF radiation is the same.  If you really want more understanding on the issue, check out: Polarization. This is an excellent explanation on the question of why most man-made EMFs can be so much more dangerous than the natural EMFs in our lovely environment.

Electricity: Where Magnetic and Electric Fields Are Born

What is EMF definitionThe chart above gives you visual of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.
On the far left the waves are long and travel the furthest distances . The waves at start with whats called ELF or Extremely Low Frequency and are measured in units called milligauss. Up the spectrum  Electric Fields measured in volts/meter and working up the spectrum are Radio frequencies and include, radio, microwave and millimeter waves. 

That term "frequency" indicates how rapidly the field changes direction. It oscillates backwards and forwards and this spinning is measured in hertz (which is cycles per second). 

This oscillation is the key difference between man-made artificial EMF and the natural EMF in our environment. Natural EMF doesn't oscillate at all. 

This frequency varies from country to country which is why you take a set of electrical adapters when you travel.

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Ionizing Radiation Vs. Non-ionizing Radiation

You might have also heard the terms ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. Radio frequencies, whether natural or man-made, are broken down into non-ionizing and ionizing waves.  Ionizing being the ones that are strong enough to split an atom (those would be your Xrays and Gamma Rays).  Non-ionizing would be the EMF from cellphones, microwaves, cell towers, WiFi, Bluetooth and any item that can send or receive any of those lovely signals. This EMF has been increasing exponentially in our environment via an increase in antenna in our wireless devices.

Ionizing Radiation

These waves are High Frequency which means they are located higher in the spectrum. This kind of field is a combo of electric and magnetic fields coupled together as electromagnetic or radio waves.

We all learned as kids about the dangers of "radiation"—particularly the ionizing stuff at the far right of the spectrum. You'll notice the following 3 areas on the spectrum (see chart above): Ultraviolet, X-ray and nuclear energy. Yes, dangerous stuff!  UV light can cause skin cancer. Too many X-rays cause all kinds of bad things from cancer to death (just ask Marie Curie). And exposure to nuclear radiation can be downright catastrophic! Ionizing radiation has enough energy to knock electrons out of atoms!

Non-Ionizing Radiation

The left end of the spectrum has all the non-ionizing radiation that we're now realizing can also affect our health and well-being too. While many people will say that they are harmless, hundreds of peer-reviewed studies over the past couple of decades will disagree. I'll dive into those soon.

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Multi-Function Grounded USB-C to Ethernet Dongle that charges other devices at the SAME TIME!
This device lets you ground your laptop and surf the internet at the same time!

The Different Kinds of EMF

Not all EMF is created equal. I've witnessed a lot of confusion around the different types of EMF - so let me break it down for you. 

What are Magnetic Fields?

  • Frequency: Extremely Low Frequency Waves
  • Found in wired and wireless electronics
  • Magnetic fields are just about everywhere in our world in varying strengths. In fact, our very own human brain waves have very similar frequencies to the micro-pulsations of the earth's natural magnetic field which emanates from the Earth's core.
  • As far as man-made magnetic fields go, they occur anytime electricity is used. The flow or the current of man-made electricity produces a magnetic field and the more power, the more magnetic field that's produced.
  • They emanate from properly wired electronic items and when wiring isn't installed the way it should be. Many clients get a gauss meter from me and contact me when they see super high levels, often from the electrical box.  The super high fields can often be addressed by properly wiring the circuit box. 
  • Magnetic fields emanate from most electrical items. From fans, blow dryers, the blender and the stove.  In fact I've seen super high magnetic fields coming from an induction stove and alarmingly high levels from my smart phone(ugggg!)   I've detected them on the screens of all digital devices and even the dryer, the dishwasher, and other appliances around our home. We know that high powered tension lines emit pretty high levels of magnetic fields. 
  • This EMF has been associated with an increased risk of childhood leukemia and miscarriages. The magnetic fields can't be easily blocked or screened and they tend to be a problem for many people with EHS or EMF sensitivity.  
  • The meters used specifically for magnetic energy are Gauss meters. The measurement is in Milligauss. 

What Are Electric Fields?

  • Frequency: Low Frequency Waves
  • Comes from wiring and found in cords (cords can transfer these fields to devices.)
  • Natural electric fields are produced by lightning in our atmosphere. 
  • Voltage or power,  produces man-made electric fields. Imagine voltage as the pressure behind the flow of electricity.  I've heard Building Biologists compare voltage to the pressure of water in hose.  Meaning just because the water isn't turned "on" there's still water sitting in the hose. Now visualize that same comparison with the electric fields that are sitting there in the cords in your wiring of every item you own. Even though nothing is plugged into the outlets and the lamps, or fans, or clocks, or blenders are turned off. There are electric fields in the wiring and electric fields in the cords. The good news is that they can be unplugged or  shielded. In fact, all the wiring in my home is shielded, with 0 AC electrical fields and Tech Wellness carries shielded power cords and power strips.
  • The meters that are used to measure and detect electrical fields are body voltage meters and electrical meters.  The measurement is AC Volts or Volts per Meter (V/m)


    What Are Radio Frequency (RF) Fields?

        • Frequency: High Frequency RF, Microwave and Millimeter
        • Found in all wireless antennae, WiFi, Bluetooth, cell signal devices, etc.
        • Just like magnetic fields are just about everywhere, so are radio frequencies.  Visible light from the sun is a radio frequency and so is ultraviolet light.
        • Radio frequency electromagnetic fields are also called electromagnetic radiation (or EMR). EMR has been classified as possibly carcinogenic by the World Health Organization. Man-made Radio Frequency or RF Fields come from all wireless devices. Radio Waves are modulated to carry information, specifically digital information in the case radios, laptops, tablets, nest or ring systems, wireless cameras and TV's, Smartphones and smartwatches just to name a few. 
        • The Frequency's that power all manner of wireless devices are called Radio Frequencies. 
          • On the Spectrum they go 1 to 300 GHz.
          • The lower bands power Radio and TV
          • The mid bands, WiFi, cellphones
          • The higher bands, microwave and sattelite
          • The highest bands which start at 20 and go to 300 are referred to the broad band the short waves are called millimeter waves
        • Unlike naturally occurring EMF, these fields carry data or information(like a movie, youtube video, a website, a photo or even a text message) they are polarized and have more adverse biological reactions in our bodies. Research links this wireless EMF to negative health effects.
        • RF is measured by wavelength and frequency. Wavelength is the distance covered by one complete cycle of the electromagnetic wave. Frequency is the number of electromagnetic waves in one second, also known as a Hertz or Hz. The meters we use to detect RF are Radio Frequency meters. The measurement is in Hertz, MHz (megahertz) or GHz (gigahertz) in Micro-watts per square centimeter or Volts per square meter  The Safe and Sound Pro for example has a range between 200 MHz and 8GHz. The Broadband Meter has a range between 20 and 40 GHZ.

    What Is Dirty Electricity?

        • Frequency: Low Frequency/High Frequency Combo
        • Found in power outlets and other electrical items.
        • Also known as "Electro-smog" or HFVT or High Frequency Voltage Transients.
        • Think of the transients as spikes in energy or a surge of power of the electrical lines of your home or building.  Our standard electrical wires that are meant to carry 60 HZ are often now carrying higher frequencies on these same wires and that's what's causing the spikes or surges.
        • Those extra frequencies can come from LED's or WiFi or smart meters or other wiring issue- but they result in dirty electricity or EMI or electromagnetic interference and like the other types of EMF can cause people to have adverse health effects.
        • We want to make sure the wiring in our homes, offices, and schools don't have dirty electricity and if they do, there are suppressors or filters that can be used to minimize this dangerous EMF.

    The Tri-Field Meter Can Detect and Measure Every Kind Of EMF  

    You can't see it, smell it, or for most people, feel it. But everyday, because of our love of digital devices, there's more and more of it.

    Electromagnetic fields are not something that most people really want to hear about and EMF is not a simple subject. Sometimes we hear words like "depression", "anxiety", and perhaps the worst, "cancer" is associated with EMF exposure. Personally, loving family as I do and being super excited about the idea of my children having children someday, I'm super concerned about RF effects on fertility. Studies show that exposure to wireless energy can decrease the semen quality in men by decreasing the sperm count, motility and viability. Guys: cell phone in front pocket = Big No-No!

    Yes, I know we're talking about very scary associations. However, please be assured, fear mongering or promoting fear in any way is just not what we're about.  In fact, we believe there are easy and effective things you can do to decrease exposure levels. We're not suggesting totally trashing all your wireless technology-just yet.

    Let's begin by being mindful. Looking for brief EMF basics? Go Here

    For more in depth information about EMFs, check out the Complete EMF Guide here.


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    Top Tech Wellness Products

    1. Best Air Tube Headphones for EMF Protection in 2025 • Earbuds with Incredible Sound 2. 2025's Best WiFi Kill Switch. Turn Off WiFi With One Click. Get EMF Protection For Better Sleep and Calmer Days 3. Hard Wire Shielded CAT 8 Ethernet Cables For Best EMF Protection Available--EMF FREE-NO RADIATION! 4. No EMF Alarm Clock. Keep The Bedroom EMF Radiation Free! Best Silent Analog Alarm Clock 5. Fast Grounded Lightning Ethernet Adapter. Use iPhone Online with NO Radio Frequency EMF 6. Sleep Prep Glasses. Wrap To Block More Blue Light! 2 Styles: Complete Block And Over Glasses Blockers 7. Faraday Bags. Quality• Affordable• Sleek Faraday Cellphone Case for Privacy + EMF Protection That Works! 8. Super Power EMF Detector! All NEW Safe Sound III EMF Reader. This Meter Ships Free 9. EMF Protection Starter Pack 10. 2025 Best•Cutest Blue Light Blockers. Daytime Glasses Reduce Glare On All Screens 11. EMF Reader. Find All EMF: Electric, Magnetic EMF, Dirty Electricity and RF Radiation. 12. Best Stylus For Kids! Gentler to Skin— Helpful EMF Protection for littles 13. Hard Wire Kit. Turn off Wifi, Install Wired Ethernet Connect All Devices To The Internet. Phones, Laptops, Tablets and Computers 14. A NEW and BETTER Blue Light Bundle: Three Glasses, Three Colors To Protect You From Blue Light Any Time! 15. Top EMF Reader. Professional EMF Radiation Meter Rated BEST By Experts• FREE SHIPPING! 16. Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon 17. De-Stress Dough. Relax And Play. Digital Detox Therapy in A Jar For Mind, Body and Soul 18. Screen Cleansing Wipes. Our Fav New Screen Wipes! Clean Glasses, Laptops, Phones and Tablets- 19. Private Consultation with Tech Wellness Founder August Brice 20. Screen Free Activity Bundle for Kids! Off-Line Fun for All Ages! 21. Mom's Pretty Pink Gift Set Holidy Set Women LOVE! 22. EMF Protection Perfectly Designed Just For You: Introducing TECH HEROES--Our Exclusive Team Of Trained Experts Helping You Customize Perfect EMF Solutions 23. Disconnect Gift Set: De-Stress Dough, WiFi Switch, Coloring Set

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