Do AirPods Have EMF Radiation? What You Need To Know And Wave Block Review 2024
There's a LOT of talk about AirPods causing cancer because of the EMF radiation that powers them. The video above demonstrates the power of the invisible EMF energy. It's interesting to see the visual with a meter.
The conversation is based on the fact that not only do AirPods emit RF radiation, which has been classified as a Class 2B carcinogen by the World Health Organization, but also because RF radiation has been linked to cancerous tumors and other types of cancer. And AirPods are worn IN your ears delivering EMF radiation, also called EMR - electromagnetic radiation, ALL the time.
This video demonstrates the radio frequency radiation emitted from Apple's AirPods. In this video I show you the EMF radiation (the same type of non-ionizing radiation that scientists are studying to find out about cancer risks) that's coming off those cool AirPods.
A new study published in the journal, Scientific Reports by Zhou et. al (2024) says it’s found a significant impact-relationship between prolonged Bluetooth headset use and increased thyroid nodule risk. The study included users of all types of wireless headphones, from earbuds to over the ear models, and the researchers concluded by emphasizing, "the importance of considering health impacts in the use of modern technology, especially for devices like Bluetooth headsets that are frequently used daily."
This study ONLY looked at Blue Tooth headsets- and their correlation to Thyroid Nodules.
Why? Because last year a global impact study estimated the prevalence of thyroid nodules to upward of 67% !
That statistic surprised a lot of people, though many doctors believe it’s so high because new technology like ultrasound is making nodules easier to find. You should know that thyroid nodules are most common in people over 50 and they don’t always mean something terrible, in fact they don’t often mean cancer, but sometimes the nodules are a slow growing form of cancer. And sometimes a nodule can affect thyroid hormones and cause Hyper or Hypo- thyroidism.
Most General Practitioners and Hormone focused physicians, do a thyroid exam at every annual visit. It's when they feel your neck-particularly that bump in the front of your neck- bingo, that's your thyroid. What a doctor is feeling for is in fact, a thyroid nodule, which is a lump in the thyroid or and enlarged thyroid.
Even if nodules are or do become common, they’re not healthy and normal.
Not only is age a factor when it comes to the Nodules are linked to older, over 50 people and obesity, smoking and a lack of iodine.
The BlueTooth Headphone study stated that the researchers wanted to know more about the health impact of Bluetooth wireless headphones because the incredible prevalence of nodules and as they pointed out, earlier studies showed a link to wireless EMF and thyroid dysfunction, but there wasn’t enough published research on BlueTooth specifically.
The conclusion was that age and daily Bluetooth headset usage duration were found to be the most significant factors affecting thyroid nodule risk.
They found that 12.2 percent of the Blue Tooth users in this study reported nodules.
Age was the biggest risk factor- but we're not talking just the 50+ population here, in fact the median age of the participants in the study was just 30 years old.
The next most important risk factor was the duration of Bluetooth headphone use each day. The research shows that value ranges top out at 4 hours, with the most clustering seen at 2 and 3 hours. Leading the researchers to comment,
Notably, the thyroid is an organ highly sensitive to radiation, and prolonged NIR exposure may lead to damage in this organ. This hypothesis is supported by SHAP analysis in individuals who wear Bluetooth headphones for extended periods, suggesting that health guidance in the use of everyday electronic devices should particularly focus on their potential long-term impacts on the thyroid.
Many Research Studies Link Low Field Intensity Radiation To A Weakened or Leaky Blood Brain Barrier
The science is really solid here. RF radiation can cause the uber important blood brain barrier to leak.
As you might imagine, a leaky brain barrier is not a good thing. A study in Frontiers explains that this wonderful barrier is a dynamic interface responsible for maintaining the central nervous system homeostasis. Think of it both as a gatekeeper and an important filter. It lets good nutrients in while it keeps the bad molecules out. A leaky or compromised blood brain barrier can lead to stroke or many neurological diseases from Autism to Alzheimer's, MS, Huntington's Disease - even brain fog.
I've known about this blood brain barrier issue for a long time because Dr. Carlo talked about it the first time I asked about why EMF was making me feel so bad. I remember him saying that Information Carrying Radio Waves (RF that carries data) was crossing the all important blood brain barrier. He pointed out that there are other things that can cause this barrier breakdown. A few example are toxins, nutrient deficiencies, and even certain autoimmune conditions.
Another one of the original EMF scientist superstars Joel Moskowitz noted recently in an article about AirPods that there have been over a dozen studies linking low intensity EMF radiation (like Bluetooth) to messing with the blood brain barrier. I've listed his links to all those studies.
This video shows a Demo and Review of Waveblock, designed to decrease radiation exposure and offer EMF Protection:
Do Air Pods Communicate with Each Other and Does the Signal Go Through Your Head?
The NXH2261UK is an ultra-low-power wireless single-chip solution optimized for audio and data communication. It uses a magnetic induction radio to provide a robust, tightly contained body area network around each user. It uses near field magnetic induction (NFMI) for wireless audio and data streaming.
- Dual beamforming microphones
- Inward-facing microphone
- Skin-detect sensor
- Motion-detecting accelerometer
- Speech-detecting accelerometer
- Force sensor
We're well aware that EMF radiation is a toxin that crosses the blood brain barrier. How do sensors and beam-forming microphones and accelerometers effect our biology? What can be done to stop or lessen the EMF radiation?
Wave Block Is A Technology That You Apply to Your Devices
Wave Block claims that they are protecting the world from EMF one device at at time starting at just $19.99. We did a Wave Block demo and found that while they lessened the levels of EMF detected from our meters, the readings were still in the "High level" range on the meter. Now we're not a lab and I'm not a scientist and this isn't an experiment- it's just a demonstration of what the EMF Reader detects in the environment. That's important to me, because it indicates a decrease or increase in the situation I'm in. I always let you know the background level before I do a demonstration. And I repeat the demonstration several times so I can see if things change or stay roughly the same.
The Wave Block demonstration showed a decrease in the ambient EMF radio frequency levels on the EMF Reader/Meter as I detected the EMF power density in my environment with wave block technology applied. It was impressive. But the levels in the environment were still high and higher than they were without AirPods or any wireless in my environment. Please look at the lab tests from Wave Block and you'll see that the "tests" are very specific and only account for the the EMF detection directly at the Wave Block adhesive.
Take note that the Wave Block site recommends exactly what Tech Wellness points out in the video we made 4 years ago - take them out when you're not using them!
"We want you to be able to use these devices and use them safely. If you do own Apple AirPods, make sure to remove them from your ears when not in use or switch them off so that they aren’t transmitting or receiving signals"
I know it's confusing when it's called EMF Protection and I know it's confusing because there are so many different types of gadgets sold as "EMF Protection" I understand how many people can think they can pop on a case or sticker and be protected from the EMF coming from their devices. The problem is most partial shielding, as I call it, creates more problems. Check out our shielding blogs and videos:
- Is EMF Protection Real And Does It Work? The Truth About Shielded Clothing, Cases, Pouches and Chips
- The Truth About EMF Blocking Clothing & Blankets. What You Should Know Before Wearing EMF Shielding.
Bluetooth is a wireless protocol that allows nearby devices to communicate over radio waves. Bluetooth, often thought to be safe because its considered low power, sends signal to other Bluetooth-enabled devices using rapid pulses of energy.
Bluetooth is a proprietary open wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances.
Microwave ovens use that same frequency too. And just as there's electromagnetic fields coming from a microwave oven that's cooking, there's electromagnetic fields coming from the AirPods powered with Bluetooth energy. Yes - the energy levels are vastly different- 1,000's of times less in fact. But, the way I think about it, the EMF radiation, the polarized, man-made waves are inside my ear! No matter how much less it is- it's too much exposure for me.
Bluetooth headphones normally emit a maximum of only 100 mW—that’s 8,500 to 18,000 times less than the power output of microwaves and this study, concluding that we need to make sure we have good signal strength when we touch or use our phones, noted Bluetooth headset power density exposures were 10-400 times lower than the cell phones they were connected to.
SAR level for AirPods increase as newer models are introduced by Apple:
- SAR Levels for 2nd Generation Apple AirPods:
The Specific Absorption Rate (or SAR) for the right AirPod is 0.581 watts per kilogram (averaged over 1 gram). (1) The SAR for the left AirPod is 0.501 watts per kilogram. (2)
- SAR Levels or 3rd Generation Apple AirPods:
The Specific Absorption Rate (or SAR) for the right AirPod is 0.626 watts per kilogram (assessed via the flat phantom & averaged over 1 gram of tissue) (1). The SAR for the left AirPod is 0.614 watts per kilogram
The Power of the Bluetooth Radio Wave
Bluetooth was designed to work over short distances, but that doesn't mean Bluetooth is innocuous.
Bluetooth pecial interest group says, "More than just a radio, Bluetooth technology provides full stack, fit-for-purpose solutions aimed at addressing specific connectivity needs." In fact Bluetooth doesn't just stream audio, it's used for location tracking, data transfer and there's even Bluetooth mesh networking which enables 1,000's of Bluetooth-armed devices to communicate with each other.
In the "Internet of Things speak" the term is many-to-many (m:m)
Crush exposure with a wired headset - The absolute safest have shielded wires and Airtubes
If seeing the invisible energy is intriguing or you want to know more about how it works or the cancer connection, you'll want to take a look at our Wireless Energy Guide
The truth is: There’s no research yet that can point to an actual safe level of EMF exposure From BlueTooth or Any Wireless EMF.
Known Health Effects
If you're concerned about RF radiation, you'll probably be interested in this study of 400+ people and the symptoms they reported after Smart Meters (which emit RF radiation continually) were installed. People reported things like sleep disruption, headaches, ringing or buzzing in the ears, fatigue, loss of concentration, memory and learning ability and dizziness and disorientation at the top of the list.
And if you're interested, here is all of the science and research on the topic. Tech Wellness has curated and included hundreds of studies reporting biological effects from exposure to RF radiation. Here's one example: A European study from 2015 showed that heavy cellphone use for over ten years correlated to a double risk of brain cancer, and even more alarming - kids who began using cell phones as teenagers had a four to five times higher chance of being diagnosed with brain cancer.
At this point, you may be asking how the heck did this happen? How did we get to the point where smart devices, cellphones - wireless-everything is everywhere? Seriously - you may say, "If they really were causing health effects, why would they sell them? Why would we use them if they weren't safe?"
That's a great question!
Here's an article that addresses how this technology came to market and what it might be doing to you're precious body. Our public policy and science expert, author and Research Director of the largest study of cell phone radiation done for the cell phone industry the CTIA, Dr. George Carlo explains how the cell phone industry was able to get this technology to market before it was properly tested. Plus, Dr. Carlo updates us with the truth about radio frequency exposure. He's been studying it for decades now and what he shares is balanced and honest.
Love Your AirPods But Don't Love Radiation? Here's How to Avoid Some of It:
Use AirPods ONLY when ON a phone call - AirPods are searching for signal whenever they are out of the charging pod. Signal Search = RF Radiation exposure. Put those cool Pods away you're not on a call.
Use in ONE ear vs both ears - Both Pods are sending signal. Cut your exposure by using just one.
Think about using a wired headset instead. The absolute safest have shielded wires and Airtubes
Our Absolute Favorite Pink Shine AirTube Headphones
The Symptoms EMF Exposure Are Confirmed in the Research Below
Headaches (6)
Lack of Appetite (1)
Digestion problems (2)
Anxiety (1,5)
Sleep Difficulties (1,2,3)
Unstable moods and Bursts of anger Due to Poor Sleep (1)
Depression (1)
Fatigue (1)
Lack Of Concentration (1,6)
Irritability (1)
Memory problems (1,6)
Visual problems- blurry vision (1,2)
Vertigo or Dizziness (1, 2)
Tinnitus or Ringin In The Ears (2,3,6)
Abdominal Swelling (2)
Burning pain in hands, shoulders, legs and feet (2)
Itch (4)
Edema, swelling, bloating (2,4)
Chills (2)
Tachycardia (2,5)
Heart Palpitations (2,4,5)
Difficulty Breathing (2)
Cystitis (2)
Skin Rashes (1,4)
Heightened sensitivity to touch, smells, chemicals, light, and noise (6)
Weakness (6)
Research Studies
- Gómez-Perretta cell radiation exposure study
- Piras Fibromyalgia and EHS Study
- Bhat, Kumar Gupta Study of the Effects of Radiations Study of the Effects of Radiations
- Johannson Immune system and electromagnetic fields study
- Magda Havas Wireless Radiation and Autotomic system study
- Gunnar Heuser Functional MRI and EHS Study
At Tech Wellness, we offer solutions. Explore our Shop and our Guides for more ways to live healthy and balanced with technology.
Thanks for reading and please reach out on social or the contact page if you have any questions.
Be Well!
I am in the process of finding out about ear pods. Horrified to discover the pods connect with each other using a relatively new technology called near field magnetic induction.
This energy passes through a brain. Not a lot of research about long-term effects but highly likely it is not good for brain.
Professional musicians prefer to use wired because the sound quality is much better
If I wanted to switch over to AirPod max over the ear headphones (still Bluetooth) would this be safer than the AirPod pro that goes inside your ears? Any insight helps, thank you.