Top Tech Wellness Products

1. Best Air Tube Headphones for EMF Protection in 2025 • Earbuds with Incredible Sound 2. 2025's Best WiFi Kill Switch. Turn Off WiFi With One Click. Get EMF Protection For Better Sleep and Calmer Days 3. Hard Wire Shielded CAT 8 Ethernet Cables For Best EMF Protection Available--EMF FREE-NO RADIATION! 4. No EMF Alarm Clock. Keep The Bedroom EMF Radiation Free! Best Silent Analog Alarm Clock 5. Fast Grounded Lightning Ethernet Adapter. Use iPhone Online with NO Radio Frequency EMF 6. Sleep Prep Glasses. Wrap To Block More Blue Light! 2 Styles: Complete Block And Over Glasses Blockers 7. Faraday Bags. Quality• Affordable• Sleek Faraday Cellphone Case for Privacy + EMF Protection That Works! 8. Super Power EMF Detector! All NEW Safe Sound III EMF Reader. This Meter Ships Free 9. EMF Protection Starter Pack 10. 2025 Best•Cutest Blue Light Blockers. Daytime Glasses Reduce Glare On All Screens 11. EMF Reader. Find All EMF: Electric, Magnetic EMF, Dirty Electricity and RF Radiation. 12. Best Stylus For Kids! Gentler to Skin— Helpful EMF Protection for littles 13. Hard Wire Kit. Turn off Wifi, Install Wired Ethernet Connect All Devices To The Internet. Phones, Laptops, Tablets and Computers 14. A NEW and BETTER Blue Light Bundle: Three Glasses, Three Colors To Protect You From Blue Light Any Time! 15. Top EMF Reader. Professional EMF Radiation Meter Rated BEST By Experts• FREE SHIPPING! 16. Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon 17. Soothing Dough. Relax And Play. Digital Detox Therapy in A Jar For Mind, Body and Soul 18. Screen Cleansing Wipes. Our Fav New Screen Wipes! Clean Glasses, Laptops, Phones and Tablets- 19. Private Consultation with Tech Wellness Founder August Brice 20. Screen Free Activity Bundle for Kids! Off-Line Fun for All Ages! 21. Mom's Pretty Pink Gift Set Holidy Set Women LOVE! 22. EMF Protection Perfectly Designed Just For You: Introducing TECH HEROES--Our Exclusive Team Of Trained Experts Helping You Customize Perfect EMF Solutions 23. Disconnect Gift Set: De-Stress Dough, WiFi Switch, Coloring Set

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Where Are 5G Towers Near Me? Identify Danger And Protect Your Home

If you came here because of a notice mounted on a utility pole near your home, we think there's a good chance that you hadn't noticed the transmitter going in.  Even if you did, you most likely didn't give it a second thought. 



Literally hundreds of thousands of 5G, millimeter wave cellular antennas are being installed in cities first, then towns and now in residential neighborhoods around the country.  We're told that there may be a total of over 800,000 of these transmitters eventually deployed practically at street level, all over the country.  

One advocate is on record as estimating that soon, if you take a picture in any city in the United States, there will most likely be at least one of these transmitters in the picture!

in the video below I share what a prominent 5G scientist is telling us about his millimeter wave concerns- in this Children’s Health Defense presentation 5G Expose.  Please see Igor Belyaev’s section for details.


We designed this poster because we are tired of these EMF-generating towers being plopped down next to your family, without your knowledge or permission.  Shouldn't we have a say in something as important as whether or not a potentially DNA-damaging, cancer-causing transmitter is operating near you? 

If you agree, this will help you get the word out and get your neighbors interested in making change happen. 

  • All you have to do is download the PDF below by clicking on the image, then print them up and attach them to poles where you find the transmitters in your area.  (We took ours to a quick printer and printed them out at 11"x17"--you can also print them at home at 8.5x11)
  • Since high voltage is involved, please stay away from the wires and conduits that may run up the pole--I want you to be safe! 
  • Also, make sure you're putting the poster on a pole that has an actual 5G millimeter wave transmitter because there are lots of things you can find on street lights and utility poles these days. 
mm wave how to find the transmitter
That metal box on top could be a cable junction box or an electric transformer-This is an example of the kind of transmitters we've been seeing.  Normally there will be an electric meter installed on the street lamp--and if you look up at the boxes, you'll likely see vents on the side and heat dissipating fins on the back. That's to keep the transmitter cooler while they emit radiation.


NOTE:  People who scan the code on the poster will come to this post.  If that's you, Welcome!  Please read on.

We've been testing these transmitters with our 5G Meter on neighborhood streets, and here's what what we see the 5G Millimeter Wave transmitters doing:

  • Sending Millimeter Wave EMF in every direction at the same time
  • Sending levels that are registering at HIGH LEVEL
  • Sending High Levels of EMF Constantly- it never turns off
  • Sending High Level Of EMF for about a street block in each direction
  • Causing Front Yards, Parks, Side Yards and Sidewalks to filled with High Levels of EMF
  • If you can see one of these towers and you're within a block of them, you are very likely being exposed to High Levels of EMF Constantly.
  • If a newer car with 5G millimeter wave receiver passes by one of these towers, the level spikes to Extreme on the meter.

People Have Asking How To Measure 5G, Because It's Different Than 4G.  GREAT NEWS! Here's the only EMF Meter on the market that actually detects 5G millimeter waves.

We can finally measure the 5G around us with the new Millimeter Wave Meter! 

We think they're pretty easy to spot once you start looking, but if you want to be 100% sure, the  5G mmWave EMF Meter by Safe Living Technologies will tell you for sure. 



cell tower example
Odette Wilkens showed these two examples of towers in the webinar below.
cell phone towers

Want to Join With Others Nearby? Email us Your Location STOPEMF@TECHWELLNESS.COM

When you're city/state matches another interested organization or individual we will share your address with that organization, group or individual.Meanwhile, you may be asking: WHY SO MANY CELL TOWERS?  THE 5G Millimeter Transmitters Can Be On Almost Every Block!

They are called "Arrays" and  the antennas or transmitters go in a circle around a telephone pole or light pole, below lights- and even with telephone pole wires.

5G millimeter wave tower


Mobile companies have known for years that to even come close to being able to deliver the super fast promise they have been giving us about 5G, there would have to be this many towers.  But that doesn't mean they are necessary.

They have to put these things so close to your house, because the 5G Millimeter wave doesn't travel very far. It's a very short wave at a high frequency, which means the towers have to be in clear line of sight from the next one and they travel only hundreds of yards not dozens of miles like 4G can. 

So in order to get this technology to work, telecom has to put them every two or three blocks and much closer to the ground. Here's an example of what one looks like installed on a local utility pole:

mmwave antenna how do I get rid of it?


As 5G has begun to rollout in earnest over the last two years, the transmitters are coming now to residential areas. Why?  That's a good question. Most experts will tell you that 5G doesn't really improve the online experience of most users. When asked what the whole point is, you'll most often hear about driverless cars needing that kind of bandwidth.  But it's not going to improve the download speed of YouTube videos or the quality of your calls markedly.  Truthfully, 5G is really mostly 4G, which started rolling out in 2009, only two years after the first iPhone launched.

cell tower example
These are not mmWave antennas- but also examples of what we call 5G from Odette Wilkens webinar
cell phone towers

IS This 5G Millimeter Wave Radio Frequency EMF REALLY DANGEROUS?

Well, first of all, this NEW antenna has a new kind of EMF that LAYERS ON TOP of all lower spectrum EMF Radiation from all the other towers or boosters

• The official position of the FCC and the FDA is that EMF’s are not harmful. However, the FCC is designed to facilitate the industry's business, not to hold it back in any way.  FCC Commissioners often come from the industry and go back to it after they serve. And importantly, there is no one at the FCC (in fact, there has never been anyone) who specializes in the biological impact of EMFs.

• Amazingly, in the beginning, cell phones were not tested as a consumer device!! Can you believe that? They were positioned as specialty business tool with limited application! Today, there are an indispensible tool used by literally bilions of people.  There are actually more phone than people on our planet. While no one wants to give up their phone, there is nothing wrong with being SMART about how you use it.  1,000’s of studies from around the world have proven that these information carrying radio waves are bio-active and can cause symptoms like those above—and continued exposure may cause physical symptoms and can lead to DNA damage and even cancer.

• It's important to remember that each person reacts differently to EMF's. So even though you may not feel a symptom that you recognize, that doesn't mean it isn't having a biological impact.  The same goes for everyone in your home.

If you have any doubts, check out our comprehensive 5G Guide HERE.

If any of this bothers you, if no one asked you if it was OK to put a potentially carcinogenic radiation machine on your street, you may be wondering what you can do. 

If you're concerned about a cellphone tower by your home or kids' school, we have options:

FOR SCHOOLS: Tell Your School Board You're Concerned About Your Child's Risk and of course the Teacher's Risk as well,  From Cellphone Towers, WiFi and School Supplied Devices. 


It's important to know the science and the risks of cell tower exposure when you speak to your teachers principals or the School Board member.

So, here's an example of a great letter written to a School Board from the prestigious Physicians For Safe Technology about a Cellphone Tower on a school property. Start by watching my video above, then read this letter with its current up-to date information and research.

It covers the science associated with wireless EMF exposure and how it is particularly dangerous to kids.  It details potential health issues:

  • Nervous System Effects like DNA damage, mood and memory altering.
  • Neurologic and Cognition Effects like fatigue, headaches, concentration.
  • Hormone Effects like elevated stress hormones, decreased dopamine.
  • Cancer effects- explaining how a closer distance to the tower increases risks.

They even go over EMF Sensitivity and Infertility and Miscarriages. Here's a Tech Wellness article about infertility and one about miscarriages.

Next, here's more great information to back up your call or visit to the School Board:  The Environmental Health Trust has published this list of how other schools throughout the country are making their campuses safer for all:

    Examples of communities that have ordinances restricting cell towers on or near school property.

    • Encinitas, CA- No antennas within 500 feet from residential dwelling unit, No antennas within 500 feet of daycare facility or school
    • Calabasas CA- All Tier 2 wireless facilities must be setback at least 1,000 feet from schools, homes, and parks.
    • North Hempstead, NY- No installations within 350 feet of a school
    • Copake, NY -Fall zones: no facility may be within 1,500 feet from homes, schools, churches, or other buildings containing dwelling units
    • Scarsdale, NY – no antennas within 500 feet from homes, schools, parks, and houses of worship.

    Finally, if you need a flyer or print out, here' are two good ones produced by the EHT
    • The first shows the distance and exposure limits other countries and cities use when it comes to Towers.   Just Click To Download and print!
    • The Second Cell Towers and School Issues Specifically.
    Just Click to Open and then Print!



    Share The Success of Stamford.  Here's How They Stopped These 5g Towers

    After the Governor of Connecticut approved that Telecom could put up towers through the state on city property, Stamford said NO.

    Get familiar with their story of how they fought to keep cellphone towers going up.

    You can see the excellent presentations from Devra Davis And Theodora Scarato from the Environmental Health Trust, Medical Doctor presentations and lawyers who work in the Telecom industry explaining the DANGERS and then of course the letter from the Judge who said "You can't fight the Governor or Telecom"

    I've also included a copy of the Stamford October Meeting Of The Land Use Committee


    This is not the end of course.  Verizon, AT&T, Spectrum, T-Mobile and others and the Telecom association will fight this decision I'm sure.  But please, read for yourself.  If you heard these truths from so many skilled, smart, experienced people about how this radiation is and will hurt your neighbors and your family--

    Share These Letters and Presentations With Your City And Ask Them Why They're Not Fighting For Your Health and Wellbeing?

    Ask them if it would be okay if they had a cellphone tower on their street

    Tell Local Authorities Why California Fire Stations Were Exempt In A Bill That Allowed Cell Towers Anywhere

    Back in 2017 I interviewed the man called the EMFDoc, Gunnar Heuser.  Dr. Heuser is an uber respected Chemical Sensitivities expert who found that "symptoms of after chemical exposure are almost identical to the ones that people develop from electromagnetic field exposure." 

    In 2004 for a Pilot Study, formed by Susan Foster,  he followed six firefighters who spent 90 hours each week in fire stations located near cellphone towers. Five years after the towers had been activated, healthy men reported neurological symptoms:

    • Headaches, extreme fatigue, sleep disruption,
    • anesthesia-like sleep where the men woke up for 911 calls ‘as if they were drugged’,
    • inability to sleep, depression, anxiety, unexplained anger,
    • getting lost on 911 calls in the town they grew up in,
    • a twenty (20) year medic forgetting basic CPR in the midst of resuscitating a coronary victim,
    • immune-suppression manifest in frequent colds and flu-like symptoms.

    Researchers found that the firefighters had reduced levels of cognitive function, impulse control, and reaction time. These impairments couldn’t be taken lightly, especially for three of the firefighters who were captains, because they made life or death decisions every day. For more on firefighters and EMF Sensitivity-Please this Guide.  Meanwhile, this pilot study alerted fire fighters to the danger of cell towers:

    In 2017 California passed SB 649- a bill basically allowing Telecom to put cell towers anywhere. BUT, it had one exemption: Not on fire stations.

    Two fire fighting unions opposed the bill because they were concerned about the health effects of RF radiation, so Assembly man, Quirk and Hayward agreed to exempt all fire stations in the state from the law.

    Fortunately, the law was vetoed by Governor Brown.

    fire stations no cell towers

    Think about that- 4th graders are fine sitting under the radiation, but firefighters are not?  None of us are fine or safe trying to work, learn, play or sleep under the power of cell towers.

    Tell Your City That A Fire Station In Colorado Shut Down To Protect Fire Fighters From Radiation When T-Mobile Would Not Remove Their Toxic Tower

    In Breckenridge Colorado, Red, White & Blue Fire Protection District closed one of their fire stations in August, 2023.

    They had been going back and forth with T-Mobile for over a year since they installed a new  tower on their property  They told T-Mobile they have violated their lease, that the equipment power is too strong, that Fire Fighters are feeling symptoms, yet basically T- Mobile wouldn't stop the radiation or remove the towers.

    This incredible story from PBS  has all the details of how T-Mobile sent there own tester to assure the radiation was safe---

    But then put up Warning Signs that look like this one from a mmWave tower in my neighborhood--It's obviously a new move by Telecom and the FCC to reduce liability from people who claim cell towers have harmed them.

    Check it out:

     Cell Tower FCC Warning Sign


    The article writes,

    When the Fire Chief saw the Hi Radiation signs he wrote. “This has placed the District in a serious legal position.”

    The email states that the fire district’s legal counsel requested immediate approval from the board to file legal action against T-Mobile “to shut down their site immediately and if they are unable to deem the site safe to remove the equipment and permanently shut down the site.”

    Then-vice president of the board Richard Rafferty replied, “Yes, shut it down.”

    VERY IMPORTANT: Tell Your City They Need A SAFE And Effective Cell Tower ordinance. It's The Legal And Effective Way To KEEP TOWERS AWAY from citizens.

    000====00Call the city and find out who licenses 5G transmitters.  The city has to grant a permit and the FCC has made it clear that they pretty much HAVE TO grant those permits.  THE KEY IS A GOOD CITY ORDINANCE.  Ask the City about their ordinance and help them understand how to create one.

    Here's How:  Spend just one hour watching this great webinar to find out exactly what your town or city or local government can do to protect your community!

    Watch This Webinar For Ideas And Information Your Rights on Zoning, What Law Does Telecom Actually Have When It Comes to Cell Towers In Your Neighborhood? It's a Great FREE video from Americans for Responsible Technology and the BroadBand International Legal Action Network 

    Part 1 The Open from Doug Wood And Brenda Martinez gives a bit of background to inspire you to get out there and stand up for safety.

    Part 2  SHOW YOUR CITY HOW TO MAKE A SAFE WIRELESS ORDINANCE! Scott McCollough gives you the Legal Nuts and Bolts.  Plus his Slide Show

    Part 3 HELP YOUR CITY FOLLOW CODE AND DEVELOP A GREAT PLAN OF DEFENSE AGAINST TELECOM TAKING OVER YOUR TOWN!  What is the Telecommunications Act?  Andrew Campanelli shows how cities can make sure this Act supports residents. He includes:
    • YOUR CITY MUST HAVE AN ORDINANCE AND HAVE SOLID APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS. This presentation gives you everything you need to include in creating a bullet proof Ordinance
    •  Code and Application Process for Telecom to put a Tower in Your Neighborhood.
    • Procedural requirements, Height Limitations, Setback requirements, No reduction in property values.

    Part 4 Optional- interesting to watch: Odette Wilkins talks about City Bridge contract in NYC that has literally taken over NYC with dangerous cell towers and how she as an Attorney is approaching the problem of the City NOT ALERTING Residents first about these towers that are layered with dangerous transmitters that can decrease property values by 20%.

    You're also welcome to use her slides at your City's presentation.

    Part 5 Optional- Interesting to hear a intellectual approach. Julian Gresser, an expert in International negotiations and the founder of the Broadband International Legal Network

    And-- Here's a nice leave-behind to share with your City or Community Leaders from Environmental Health Trust:

    Are cell towers legal?

    Speaking Out Against Cell Towers In Your Community Is Easier and More Effective If People Join Together.

    Someone in the Tech Wellness community reached out to me and asked if I would speak at a City Council meeting in their town.  Neighbors were upset.  They really didn't know what to do. 

    I created this article for them to explain the process and provide tools- but a person in the community will need to take the lead in order to succeed!  It's a process.

    They also went around the neighborhood and organized a petition online. You may want to create one as well so you can collect addresses of other people in your neighborhood that want to see the same change.

    They got on the Irvine City Council Agenda and spoke before the council with their concerns as outlined in the petition.


    You can email STOPEMF@TECHWELLNESS.COM with your city and state name  in the Subject Line.  When you're city/state matches another interested organization or individual we will share your address with that organization, group or individual.


    Not up to calling or writing or attending a School Board or City Meeting?  Americans For Responsible Technology have a few petitions or declarations you may be interested in signing. 

    Write Congress

    Congress needs to hear from you now my friends.  Did you know there are 50 Bills that will increase EMF exposure even more- being considered right now?

    Well the Environmental Health Trust knows because this is what they do- they stay on the pulse of wireless and do what they can to help all of us do something about it.

    The Environmental Health Trust makes it super easy for you to write Congress right now.  And here's why you should- EHT tells us these bills would:

    These bills would:

    • Preempt local zoning authority on the placement of antennas
    • Exempt most wireless deployments from certain environmental and historic preservation laws
    • Encourage deployment on federal land, including National Forests and National Parks
    • Increase availability of spectrum for commercial use by reallocating from federal users
    • Make federal broadband funds available for wireless deployment
    • Fast-track approvals for satellite networks
    • Encourage wireless radiation in agriculture, which depends on pollinators.

    Visit EHT now.  Fill out this simple form to write Congress  and know that your voice counts!

    Add your name to the International Declaration on the Human Rights Of Children In The Digital Age

    You can add your name to the International Declaration on the Human Rights Of Children In The Digital Age  This is an open letter addressed to folks like UNESCO, the United Nations and The World Health Organization.  It covers all things digital, including rampant wireless EMF exposure. 

    Learn about bills and write your representative

    Learn about  good or bad House of Representative Bills that are being considered  and write your representative.  This link has summaries of all the Bills and recommendations and provides scripts and form letters for you call or send.

    Now you're armed you with wonderful resources from organizations I know and respect:

    1. The Environmental Health Trust was first on the scene, announcing decades ago that Wireless energy could be an issue.  Devra Davis and Theodora Scarato lead this mecca of information, resources and research. What you'll love about them is that Environmental Health Trust (EHT) is a think tank that promotes a healthier environment through research, education, and policy. AND they are the only nonprofit organization in the world that carries out cutting-edge research on environmental health hazards and also works directly with communities, health and education professionals, and policymakers to understand and mitigate these hazards.Your can always find the latest news and the latest studies on their site.  Plus they have so many great resources- to assist you in taking action- like the list above of Schools Taking Action.
    2. Physicians For Safe Technology is a group of medical doctors taking a stand  for all of us on all matters of harm that can result from technology.  The group is led by Cindy Russell MD, who I first met at the EMF Medical Conference that Tech Wellness sponsored.  As a doctor treating breast cancer patients and witnessing the epidemic of breast cancer over the last 30 years, she became interested in public health and the root causes of chronic illness along with prevention strategies. She's put together an impressive group of research doctors, writers and other health professionals who you can trust to get down to the true science behind the concern of health harms from EMF.
    3. Americans For Responsible Technology. Founded by Doug and Patti Wood who host Green Street Radio, ART is about activism for healthy change in the community. They really succeed in bringing us all together for a cause. They have many excellent and important initiatives s designed to provide schools, parents and concerned citizens with tools and information.  They also have resources to explore like How To posters and flyers as well as links to legal sources and pre-written forms to send to communities and representatives

    The next step to take? Make your home an EMF-free sanctuary. Here's how: 

    There are easy and effective things you can do to enjoy wireless technology, yet still be mindful of your health and create a safer and environment.

    1. Turn devices OFF or put them in Airplane Mode whenever you can.

    Cell phones, tablets, laptops, and smartphones are sending or receiving wireless energy even when you're not using them.  Control the unnecessary RF radiation by simply powering off. Make sure Bluetooth and WiFi are disabled too.


    2. Don't carry your cell phone in your hand or your pocket  (or your bra) when it's on. 

    There's plume of RF radiation all around your device and it dissipates the further it gets from the device. Consider a purse or man-bag or a cell phone case with straps or a simple phone leash so you can either dangle it from your wrist or keep it long so it stays away from your tummy and hips--we don't want RF energy there!!

     If "Anti Radiation Phone Cases" actually worked, we would offer them at Tech Wellness.

    EMF radiation protection that is guaranteed come only with a Faraday bag that completely blocks signal. Another good idea is to distance yourself from your device.  Like smoke from a cigarette, RF radiation dissipates as it gets further and further from the antenna.  Carry your phone away from you. 


    3. If you hold your phone to Facetime, Zoom, watch videos, or scroll social media - Try a phone stand instead.

    Your body is safer when the wireless energy from your smartphone is at least 8 inches from you.  Try this - it's great for preventing Tech Neck as well. We also have the Soft Touch Stand and Stylus in our Level II EMF Protection Pack



    4. Eliminate WiFi and use internet via a wired connection. 

    Instead of a wireless mouse, use a wired mouse. Instead of a wireless keyboard, use a wired keyboard. Hardwired connections eliminate RF energy from wireless energy. A bonus is that your internet is faster and more secure.  It's great because all this hard wiring allows you to turn blue-tooth and WiFi off.  Make sure you toggle off the Bluetooth setting and the WiFi settings on your laptop or device. The result: almost no RF radiation! Use this to assure no electro-smog which can occur with some cabling or check out our favorites all in one bundle in our Hard Wire Kit!


    5. If you're home just can't exist without WiFi, turn it off whenever you can.

    Especially at night! Any time the WiFi router is off, it's not sending a signal so there's no RF radiation. Turn it off using a low-tech remote switch so you don't have to come in close contact with the RF energy from the router. You can turn the router off anytime and turn it back on when you need it.

    Wifi Kill Shut Off Switch

    6. Keep your computer and cell phone out of all sleeping areas. 

    Being clear of all EMF radiation makes for a lovely nights rest for you and your family.  Instead of awaking to the sounds of your smartphone, we found a lovely EMF free alternative.


    7. Find the hidden sources of EMF and disable WiFi and Bluetooth

    Here are a few places to look: 

    • WiFi
    • Printers
    • Laptops
    • Tablets
    • Phones
    • Apple Watch or fitness trackers
    • Smart appliances
    • Smart Meter 
    • Bluetooth headphones
    • Home security system 
    • Baby monitor 
    • Smart TVs


    EMF Meter

    Measure EMF from WiFi, Bluetooth, 4G and below with this EMF Meter! 

    8. Remove your Smart Meter. 

    It's actually a very powerful WiFi router that's consistently pulsing EMF's all day and all night. It could be the strongest EMF source in your home. Call your power company and ask them to switch it out to a non-wireless analog or digital meter. We did this and we noticed a big difference! If you can't remove it, try to cover it with this Smart Meter cover to block up to 98% of the RF.

    9. Prioritize a safe baby monitor

     Turn off the baby monitor anytime you're not using it AND make sure it's at least 15 feet from you and your baby. Try this no-EMF radiation baby monitor set-up.

    10. Try a stylus

    To keep your hands and fingers from being exposed to wireless energy directly, use a stylus when texting or emailing from your device. Too much? Compose in airplane mode: then send when the device is on or enabled.


    11. Try to avoid using a phone or computer on a plane, in a car, or on a train.

    The wireless radiation increases as the device searches for the signal. It can become quite high. Not good for you or anyone around you. You can watch this video demonstrating the magnification of RF radiation when WiFi is accessed in a plane.

    12. Find out where they keep the WiFi router when you're choosing your flight seat.

    Choose a seat as far from it as you can to distance yourself from wireless EMF.

    13. A laptop is not for your lap! 

    Even with no WiFi or Bluetooth connection, there are magnetic EMF's oozing from it. At the very least use a thick 12" pillow. Best is on the desk a good 2' from your tummy with a wired mouse and keyboard attached to the laptop. Check out a great folding desk option here!

    where should your laptop be


    14. Ditch the AirPods or wireless headphones for a wired option (AirTube Technology is preferred!) 

    The tube of air acts as a buffer between the RF energy coming from the cell phone or smartphone and makes sure none of it gets to your head. Here's the one we use. It works beautifully, plus has a nice long wire for more distance from our device.

    15. Be WiFi, cell phone, and Bluetooth aware

    Not just in your home, but out and about as well. If you see the flashing lights of a WiFi router, know that you're being exposed to less as you move further away. Wifi router boxes or low power Wifi routers can help reduce some of the WiFi radiation in your home or office environment.

    Thanks again for taking the time to learn about cellphone towers, radiation and what you can do about it.  I hope I've made it a little bit easier to deal with.

    Be Well!

     If you have any questions or comments, reach out to

    Top Tech Wellness Products

    1. Best Air Tube Headphones for EMF Protection in 2025 • Earbuds with Incredible Sound 2. 2025's Best WiFi Kill Switch. Turn Off WiFi With One Click. Get EMF Protection For Better Sleep and Calmer Days 3. Hard Wire Shielded CAT 8 Ethernet Cables For Best EMF Protection Available--EMF FREE-NO RADIATION! 4. No EMF Alarm Clock. Keep The Bedroom EMF Radiation Free! Best Silent Analog Alarm Clock 5. Fast Grounded Lightning Ethernet Adapter. Use iPhone Online with NO Radio Frequency EMF 6. Sleep Prep Glasses. Wrap To Block More Blue Light! 2 Styles: Complete Block And Over Glasses Blockers 7. Faraday Bags. Quality• Affordable• Sleek Faraday Cellphone Case for Privacy + EMF Protection That Works! 8. Super Power EMF Detector! All NEW Safe Sound III EMF Reader. This Meter Ships Free 9. EMF Protection Starter Pack 10. 2025 Best•Cutest Blue Light Blockers. Daytime Glasses Reduce Glare On All Screens 11. EMF Reader. Find All EMF: Electric, Magnetic EMF, Dirty Electricity and RF Radiation. 12. Best Stylus For Kids! Gentler to Skin— Helpful EMF Protection for littles 13. Hard Wire Kit. Turn off Wifi, Install Wired Ethernet Connect All Devices To The Internet. Phones, Laptops, Tablets and Computers 14. A NEW and BETTER Blue Light Bundle: Three Glasses, Three Colors To Protect You From Blue Light Any Time! 15. Top EMF Reader. Professional EMF Radiation Meter Rated BEST By Experts• FREE SHIPPING! 16. Key Fob Faraday Protectors That Are Pretty and Practical In Colorful Nylon 17. Soothing Dough. Relax And Play. Digital Detox Therapy in A Jar For Mind, Body and Soul 18. Screen Cleansing Wipes. Our Fav New Screen Wipes! Clean Glasses, Laptops, Phones and Tablets- 19. Private Consultation with Tech Wellness Founder August Brice 20. Screen Free Activity Bundle for Kids! Off-Line Fun for All Ages! 21. Mom's Pretty Pink Gift Set Holidy Set Women LOVE! 22. EMF Protection Perfectly Designed Just For You: Introducing TECH HEROES--Our Exclusive Team Of Trained Experts Helping You Customize Perfect EMF Solutions 23. Disconnect Gift Set: De-Stress Dough, WiFi Switch, Coloring Set

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