IoT & Toys Containing Private Voice Recordings (Can We Say, Creepy?)
Internet of Things is becoming more problematic
When it comes to the Internet of Things or IoT (especially with toys), it seems people will never l...
Your Digital Privacy Is Violated For Lots Of Dough, With Vizio: Here's How To Stop It
Sneaky Digital privacy policy fined by the FTC
Breaking digital privacy news: Your SmartTV has been spying on you without consent for two years and...
Google Vault Hangs On Your Every Word & Not In A Romantic Way. Gmail Privacy
Google Vault is a an email Privacy issue no one is talking about. Is your company email, Gmail? If email privacy matters to you, you're gonna wa...
Block Creepers From Creeping With Creepblockers
If you saw Snowden or listened to Obama or even Trump, you know this all too well! It's way-way crazy that this has to be a cybersecurity worry, b...
Why Opting Out of Family Tree is a Legitimate Reason
Here’s how to opt out of Family Tree Now using their privacy policy:
1. Enable cookies
2. Go to the bottom of home page. Click "P...
Hear The EMF's Speak For Themselves
See how a simple can make your home a bit more Radio Frequency (RF) free. This video shows the amount of RF with and without the WiFi router radiat...
No More Cookies For Us (But We Can Still Have The Yummy Kind, Phew!)
Lots of details below and a Step-by-Step guide!
Privacy and Cookies
Cyber Security, it's a hot topic here at Tech Wellness, and those cookies, they...
Hacker, No Hacking!
Your digital privacy and cybersecurity are at risk!
Since 2016, there has been an ongoing campaign to fraudulently obtain access (or "hack") to you...
Balance With Technology Top 10 tips
Tyler Perry said, Don't let that phone in your pocket seep into your heart. Preach!
Top 10 steps to Health and Wellness in this technology-filled ...
Your Internet Privacy Is At Risk: Fix It In A Snap!
Prepare to be SHOCKED
Right after you read this article, go to and enter your name. You’ll be shocked at what you see! You, y...
Super Easy Privacy Options For iPhone Users
There are so many new privacy options for iOS. The most important one is dependent upon from whom you are seeking privacy/security. If you are seek...
What is an EMF? RF Wireless Energy made EASY and the Precautionary Principle
So, What is it?
Electromagnetic Frequencies (also known as EMF) come in many forms:
Mainly 3 types:
Electric fields
Magnetic fields