Your Phone and AirDrop Name Are "Code" For Your Privacy. Change It NOW!
Originally written: nov.2016. Updated: August 2023
Thinking about Changing Your AirDrop name on iPhone or Android Super-smart!
Here's Why: There'...
The Best Age To Get A Kid A Phone. Here's How To Decide When.
As a parent it's one of the most important decisions you'll make, how old will your child be when they get a cellphone.
From Cyber issues to Social...
Is Your Employer Tracking Your Every Word? Google Vault Privacy, Data and Security- Saved for 100 years!
Your Digital Privacy at work may be compromised!
Google Vault: It's a wide open look at how everything we type onto the Gmail server or Facebook or...
How to Blur Out Your Home on Google Maps Street View to Protect Your Privacy
Did you know that anyone in the world can see the outside of your house using Google Maps Street View or Apple Maps Look Around feature?
It’s creep...
How To OPT Out Of Amazon's Sidewalk. ECHO And RING Are Automatically Invading Your Privacy! Here's How To Turn It Off
Do you think we need more access to Alexa the wireless virtual assistant? She's in millions of bedrooms and kitchens, now Amazon wants Alexa to...
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When talking WiFi names and passwords, chances are our password falls into one of two buckets 1) The same ridiculously long password that your pro...
4 Top Instagram Privacy Tips and 8 Ways to Protect from Being Hacked
Isn't it lovely to know--When it Comes to Some of What You Share On Instagram-You're in Charge.
Are You Sharing Everywhere you Go? Everything You ...
Where Art Thou, Laptop Mic? Find Microphone on Laptops and Desktop Computers
At Tech Wellness we Care About Your Privacy
If you've heard about cyber stalking/hacking/spying and you want to make sure foul play doesn't happen ...
Online Privacy: Surveillance, Facial Recognition And What Facebook and Google Do With Our Stuff
In The Online Privacy World, Privacy is Getting Harder and Harder to Come By.
If online privacy is something you care about—whether that be just fo...
Don't Google it! 3 Top Search Engines for Your PRIVACY! Duck Duck Go, Start Page, Yippy Yippy YEA
Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Bing want to make your business their business. Your privacy is at stake. They collect and sell your information- yo...
Cortana, Thanks. But No Thanks. I'll Keep My Privacy to Myself
How to Turn Off Cortana: Hey, Cortana, don't invade my privacy
So many people tell me that Cortana is driving them crazy. Bing, Cortana and Mic...
5 Ways To Hush Your iPhone's Privacy Invasion
Being A Bit Stealth, May Be A Good Idea
Our smartphones are super-smart when it comes to knowing where we are and what we're doing. It is getting ...